Performanceparameters 130314093018 Phpapp01

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The document discusses different types of engine efficiencies including indicated, brake, mechanical, combustion, thermal and volumetric efficiency. It also discusses concepts like indicated power, brake power, torque, fuel consumption and air-fuel ratio.

The document discusses combustion efficiency, thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency and volumetric efficiency. Combustion efficiency is defined as the actual heat input divided by the theoretical heat input. Thermal efficiency is defined as the work or power output divided by the heat input. Mechanical efficiency is defined as the brake power divided by the indicated power.

An engine's mechanical efficiency depends on factors like throttle position, engine design, and engine speed. Typical mechanical efficiencies for car engines at wide open throttle are around 90% at 2000 RPM decreasing to around 75% at maximum engine speed due to increased friction losses.

Engine Geometry



s a cos l a sin


1/ 2

Cylinder volume when piston at TC (s=l+a)

defined as the clearance volume Vc
The cylinder volume at any crank angle is:

B 2
V Vc
(l a s )
Maximum displacement, or swept, volume:

B 2
Compression ratio:

For most engines B ~ L (square engine)



Mean and Instantaneous Piston Speeds



s a cos l a sin

1/ 2

Average and instantaneous piston speeds are:


U p 2 LN

Where N is the rotational speed of the crank shaft
in units revolutions per second

sin 1
Up 2

l / a 2 sin 2

1/ 2

Average piston speed for standard auto engine is

about 15 m/s. Ultimately limited by material
strength. Therefore engines with large strokes run
at lower speeds those with small strokes can run
at higher speeds.

Piston Speeds vs Crank Angle

R = l/a

Engine Torque and Power

Torque is measured using a dynamometer.

Force F

Load cell

The torque exerted by the engine is: T = F b with units: J

The power Wdot delivered by the engine turning at a speed N and
absorbed by the dynamometer is:

Wdot = T = (2 N) T

w/units: (rad/rev)(rev/s)(J) = Watt

Note: is the shaft angular velocity with units: rad/s

Indicated Work
Given the cylinder pressure data over the operating
cycle of the engine one can calculate the work done
by the gas on the piston.
The indicated work per cycle is

Wi PdV

WA > 0

WB < 0





Indicated Power
Indicated power:

Wdoti = Wi N / nR w/units: (kJ/cycle) (rev/s) / (rev/cycle)

where N crankshaft speed in rev/s
nR number of crank revolutions per cycle
= 2 for 4-stroke
= 1 for 2-stroke
Power can be increased by increasing:
the engine size, Vd
compression ratio, rc
engine speed, N

Mechanical Efficiency
Some of the power generated in the cylinder is used
to overcome engine friction. The friction power is
used to describe these losses:
Wdotf = Wdoti - Wdotb
Friction power can be measured by motoring the engine.
The mechanical efficiency is defined as:
m = Wdotb / Wdoti = 1- (Wdotf / Wdoti )
Mechanical efficiency depends on throttle position, engine
design, and engine speed. Typical values for car engines
at WOT are 90% @2000 RPM and 75% @ max speed.

Power and Torque versus Engine Speed

Rated brake power

There is a maximum in the brake power

versus engine speed called the rated
brake power.

1 kW = 1.341 hp

At higher speeds brake power decreases as

friction power becomes significant compared
to the indicated power
Max brake torque

There is a maximum in the torque versus

speed called maximum brake torque (MBT).
Brake torque drops off:
at lower speeds do to heat losses
at higher speeds it becomes more difficult
to ingest a full charge of air.

Indicated Mean Effective Pressure (IMEP)

imep is a fictitious constant pressure that would produce the same
work per cycle if it acted on the piston during the power stroke.

imep = Wi / Vd = (Wdoti nR) / (Vd N)

so Wdoti

= imep Vd N / nR = imep Ap Up / (2 nR)

imep does not depend on engine speed, just like torque.

imep is a better parameter than torque to compare engines for design and
output because it is independent of engine speed, N, and engine size, Vd.
Brake mean effective pressure (bmep) is defined as:


Wb 2 T nR


bmep Vd
2 nR

Maximum BMEP

Wb 2 T nR


The maximum bmep is obtained at WOT at a particular engine speed

Closing the throttle decreases the bmep
For a given displacement, a higher maximum bmep means more torque
For a given torque, a higher maximum bmep means smaller engine
Higher maximum bmep means higher stresses and temperatures in the
engine hence shorter engine life, or bulkier engine.
For the same bmep 2-strokes have almost twice the power of 4-stroke

Specific Fuel Consumption

For transportation vehicles fuel economy is generally given as
mpg, or liters/100 km.
In engine testing the fuel consumption is measured in terms of
the fuel mass flow rate mdotf.
The specific fuel consumption, sfc, is a measure of how efficiently
the fuel supplied to the engine is used to produce power,

bsfc = mdotf / Wdotb isfc = mdotf / Wdoti w/units: g/(kW hr)

Clearly a low value for sfc is desirable since at a given power
level less fuel will be consumed

Brake Specific Fuel Consumption vs Size

BSFC decreases with engine size due to reduced heat losses
from gas to cylinder wall.

Note: cylinder surface to volume ratio increases with bore diameter.

cylinder surface area 2rL 1
cylinder volume
r L r

Brake Specific Fuel Consumption vs Speed

There is a minimum in the bsfc versus engine speed curve

At high speeds the bsfc increases due to increased friction

At lower speeds the bsfc increases due to increased time for heat
losses from the gas to the cylinder and piston wall
Bsfc increases with compression ratio due to higher thermal efficiency

Performance Maps
Performance map is used to display the bsfc over the engines full load
and speed range. Using a dynamometer to measure the torque and fuel
mass flow rate you can calculate:

bmep = 2 T nR / Vd

Wdotb = 2 N T

bsfc = mdotf / Wdotb


Constant bsfc contours from a

two-liter four cylinder SI engine

Combustion Efficiency
The time for combustion in the cylinder is very
short so not all the fuel may be consumed or
local temperatures may not support combustion
A small fraction of the fuel may not react and
exits with the exhaust gas
The combustion efficiency is defined as actual heat input
divided by theoretical heat input:

c = Qin/ (mf QHV) = Qdotin / (mdotf QHV)

Where Qin = heat added by combustion per cycle
mf = mass of fuel added to cylinder per cycle
QHV = heating value of the fuel (chemical energy per unit mass)

Thermal Efficiency
th = work per cycle / heat input per cycle
th = W / Qin = W / (c mf QHV)
or in terms of rates

th = power out/rate of heat input

th = Wdot/Qdotin = Wdot/(c mdotf QHV)
Thermal efficiencies can be given in terms of brake or indicated values
Indicated thermal efficiencies are typically 50% to 60% and brake
thermal efficiencies are usually about 30%

Arbitrary Efficiency
o = Wb / (mf QHV) = Wdotb / (mfdot QHV)
Note: o is very similar to th, the difference is that th takes into
account only the actual fuel combusted.
Recall that sfc = mdotf / Wdotb
Thus o

= 1 / (sfc QHV)

Volumetric Efficiency
Due to the short cycle time and flow restrictions less than ideal
amount of air enters the cylinder.
The effectiveness of an engine to induct air into the cylinders is
measured by the volumetric efficiency which is the ratio of actual
air inducted divided by the theoretical air inducted:

v = ma / (a Vd) = nR mdota / (a Vd N)
where a is the density of air at atmospheric conditions Po, To for an
ideal gas a =Po / RaTo and Ra = 0.287 kJ/kg-K (at standard conditions
a= 1.181 kg/m3)
Typical values for WOT are in the range 75%-90%, and lower when
the throttle is closed

Air-Fuel Ratio
For combustion to take place, the proper ratio
of air and fuel must be present in the cylinder.
The air-fuel ratio is defined as

AF = ma / mf = mdota / mdotf
The ideal AF is about 15:1, with homogenous
combustion possible in the range of 6 to 19.
For a SI engine the AF is in the range of 12 to 18
depending on the operating conditions.
For a CI engine, where the mixture is highly nonhomogeneous and the AF is in the range of 18 to 70.

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