Kinodynamic Path Planning: Aisha Walcott, Nathan Ickes, Stanislav Funiak

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October 31, 2001

Kinodynamic Path Planning

Aisha Walcott, Nathan Ickes,
Stanislav Funiak

Where PRMs Fall Short

Using PRM
1. Construct roadmap
2. A* finds path in
3. Must derive control
inputs from path
Path itself is not enough:
need control inputs
Cannot always execute
an arbitrary path

Path Planning in the Real World

Real World Robots

Have inertia
Have limited controlability
Have limited sensors
Face a dynamic environment
Face an unreliable environment

Static planners (ex. PRM) are not sufficient


Exploring the problem

Planning amidst moving obstacles
RRT-based planners


Exploring the problem

Planning amidst moving obstacles
RRT-based planners

Two Approaches to Path Planning

Kinematic: only concerns the motion, without regard
to the forces that cause it

Performs well for systems where position can be

controlled directly
Does not work well for systems with significant

Kinodynamic: incorporates dynamic constraints

Plans velocity as well as position

Representing Static State

Configuration space represents the position
and orientation of a robot
Sufficient for static planners like PRM

Example: Steerable car

Configuration space
(x, y, )

Representing Dynamic State

State space incorporates the dynamic state
of a robot

Example: Steerable car

State space . . .
X = (x, y, , x, y, )

Representing Dynamic State

Working in state space allows planner to
incorporate dynamic constraints on path
Examples: maximum velocity,
Examples: minimum turning radius

Working in state space doubles the

dimensionality of the planning problem
Math becomes exponentially harder

Incorporating Dynamic Constraints

Robot actuators can apply limited force
For some states, collision is unavoidable


Path planner should avoid these states

Regions in State Space

Collision regions: Xcoll
Clearly illegal

Region of Imminent Collision: Xric

Where robots actuators cannot prevent a collision

Free Space: Xfree = X (Xcoll + Xric)


Xric Xcoll

Collision-free planning involves finding paths

that lie entirely in Xfree

Constraints on Maneuvering
Not all degrees of freedom are controllable
Consider a steerable car
System has 3 dof (x, y, ),
but only one controllable
dof (steering angle)

Equation. of Motion: G( s, s ) = 0
Constraint is a function of state and time derivative
of state

Constraints on Maneuvering
Nonholonomic: fewer controllable DOFs
than total DOFs
Nonholonomic systems cannot execute an
arbitrary path in configuration space
This is a problem for PRM and other
configuration space planners


Exploring the problem

Planning amidst moving obstacles
RRT-based planners

Planning Amidst Moving Obstacles

Moving Obstacles Planner (MOP):
A PRM extension that accounts for both
kinematic and dynamic constraints of a
robot navigating amidst moving obstacles

Kinodynamic motion planning amidst
moving obstacles with known trajectories
Example: Asteroid avoidance problem

Asteroid Avoidance Problem

Autonomous Vehicle

Known trajectories

Moving Obstacles

Path-planning among moving

obstacles with known trajectories

Docking station

MOP Overview
Similar to PRM, except
Does not pre-compute the roadmap
Incrementally constructs the roadmap by
extending it from existing nodes
Roadmap is a directed tree rooted at initial
state time point and oriented along time

MOP Overview
For each query, the planner incrementally
builds new roadmap in state time space
Why? The environment includes moving

obstacles that change location (state)

continuously with time
Each node in the roadmap must be indexed by
both its state and the time it is attained
Ex: node n is valid at time t, however at time
t+ node n collides with a moving obstacle

Building the Roadmap


Randomly choose an
existing node


Randomly select control

input u


Select control
input u at random

(state, time)


Randomly select integration

time interval [0, max ]


Integrate equations of
Randomly choose
existing node

Collision- free?

Integrate equations of motion from an existing

node with respect to u for some time interval

Building the Roadmap (cont.)


If edge is collision-free then

Store control input with new edge
Add new node to roadmap
(state, time)

Collision-free trajectory

Store control input u
with new edge

Add new node

Result: Any trajectory along tree satisfies

motion constraints and is collision-free!

Solution Trajectory

If goal is reached then

Proceed backwards from
the goal to the start

Start state and time

(sstart, tstart)

Goal state and time

(sgoal, tgoal)

MOP details: Inputs and Outputs

Planning Query:
Let (sstart , tstart ) denote the robots start point in the state
time space, and (sgoal , tgoal ) denote the goal
tgoal Igoal , where Igoal is some time interval in which
the goal should be reached

Solution Trajectory:
Finite sequence of fixed control inputs applied over a
specified duration of time
Avoids moving obstacles by indexing each state with the
time when it is attained
Obeys the dynamic constraints

MOP details: Roadmap Construction

Objective: obtain new node (s, t)

s = the new state in the robots state space

t = t + , current time plus the integration time

Each iteration:
1. Select an existing node (s, t) in the roadmap at
2. Select control input u at random
3. Select integration time at random from [0, max ]

MOP details: Roadmap Construction

3. Integrate control inputs over time interval
4. Edge between (s, t) and (s, t) is checked
for collision with static obstacles and
moving obstacles
5. If collision-free, store control input u with
the new edge
6. (s, t) is accepted as new node

MOP details: Uniform Distribution

Ensure Uniform
Distribution of Space:
Why? If existing roadmap
nodes were selected
uniformly, the planner
would pick a node in an
already densely sampled
Avoid oversampling of any
region by dividing the
statetime space into bins

Achieving Uniform Node Distribution


Equally divide space

Denote each section
as a bin; number each

bin 1

bin 2 bin 3 bin 4

bin 8

bin 9 bin 10 bin 11 bin 12 bin 13 bin 14

*bins store roadmap nodes
that lie in their region


bin 5

bin 6


bin 7

Achieving Uniform Node Distribution



Create an array of

Equal-sized bins
Existing nodes

bin 1

bin 2

bin 3 .

Achieving Uniform Node Distribution

Planner randomly picks a
bin with at least one node

At that bin, the planner

picks a node at random

bin 1

bin 2

bin 3 .

Achieving Uniform Node Distribution

Insert new node into its

corresponding bin

Demonstration of MOP
Pointmass robot moving
in a plane

State s = (x, y, x, y )
(sgoal , tgoal)

Moving obstacles
Point-mass robot
(sstart , tstart)

Static obstacle

Demonstration of MOP

MOP algorithm incrementally builds a roadmap in
the statetime space
The roadmap is a directed tree oriented along the
time axis
By including time the planner is able to generate a
solution trajectory that
avoids moving and static obstacles
obeys the dynamic constraints

Bin technique to ensure that the space is explored

somewhat uniformly


Exploring the problem

Planning amidst moving obstacles
RRT-based planners

Planning with RRTs

RRTs: Rapidly-exploring Random Trees
Similar to MOP
Incrementally builds the roadmap tree
Integrates the control inputs to ensure that the
kinodynamic constraints are satisfied

Different exploration strategy from MOP

Extends to more advanced planning

How it Works
Build a rapidly-exploring random tree in
state space (X), starting at sstart
Stop when tree gets sufficiently close to sgoal

Building an RRT
To extend an RRT:
Pick a random point a
in X
Find b, the node of the
tree closest to a
Find control inputs u to
steer the robot from b
to a


Building an RRT
To extend an RRT (cont.)
Apply control inputs u
for time , so robot
reaches c
If no collisions occur
in getting from a to c,
add c to RRT and
record u with new edge



Executing the Path

Once the RRT reaches sgoal
Backtrack along tree to identify edges that lead
from sstart to sgoal
Drive robot using control inputs stored along
edges in the tree

Principle Advantage
RRT quickly
explores the state
Nodes most likely
to be expanded are
those with largest
Voronoi regions

Advanced RRT Algorithms

Single RRT biased towards the goal
Bidirectional planners
RRT planning in dynamic environments

Example: Simple RRT Planner

Problem: ordinary RRT explores X uniformly

slow convergence

Solution: bias distribution towards the goal

Goal-biased RRT

1 toss COIN_TOSS()
2 if toss = heads then
Return sgoal
4 else

Goal-biased RRT

The world is full of

local minima

If too much bias, the

planner may get trapped in
a local minimum
A different strategy:
Pick a point near sgoal
Based on distance from
goal to the nearest v in G
Gradual bias towards sgoal
Also, can apply sampling
methods for PRMS

Rather slow convergence

Bidirectional Planners
Build two RRTs, from start and goal state

Complication: need to connect two RRTs

local planner will not work (dynamic constraints)
bias the distribution, so that the trees meet

Bidirectional Planner Algorithm

Bidirectional Planner Example

Bidirectional Planner Example

Removing an object from a cage

Steerable car moving in forward direction
Car with limited controllability

Path planners for real-world robots must
account for dynamic constraints
Building the roadmap tree incrementally
ensures that the kinodynamic constraints are
avoids the need to reconstruct control inputs
from the path
allows extensions to moving obstacles problem

MOP and RRT planners are similar
Well-suited for single-query problems
RRTs benefit from the ability to steer a
robot toward a point
RRTs explore the state more uniformly
RRTs can be biased towards a goal or to grow
into another RRT

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