Trust Is A Peculiar Resource It Is Built Rather Than Depleted by Use.

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"Trust is a peculiar
resource; it is built rather

Firm reliance on the
integrity, ability, or
character of a
person or thing.

Why are
so important in
the workplace?

85% of
problems in
the workplace
are due to
rather than
lack of

The connections we make are what
pull us through hard times and give
meaning to the good. Simply put, we
need one another. We need
connections that matter,
connections that are heartfelt. We
need to connect--or reconnect--to
our friends, our families, our
neighbors, our communities. We
also need to connect--or
our M.
our 1999
Edward M. Hallowell,
D., Connect,

Human Moments
aA human moment occurs
anytime two or more people
are together, paying
attention to one another.
These connections are the
key to what counts in life,
from a happy family to a
successful business to a
Edward M. Hallowell, M. D., Connect, 1999
sense of inner peace, even

What is Trust?
"Trust is a psychological state
comprising the intention to accept
vulnerability based upon positive
expectations of the intentions or
behavior of another."
"an individual's belief in, and
willingness to act on the basis of, the
words, actions, and decisions of
Trust is a positive expectation that
another will not-through
words,actions,or decisions-act

Nature of Trust

Dimensions of Trust

Trust & Leadership

As one author noted:
Part of the leaders task has been,
and continues to be, working with
people to find and solve problems,
but whether leaders gain access to
the knowledge and creative thinking,
they need to solve problems depends
on how much people trust them.
Trust & Trust-worthiness modulate
the leaders access to knowledge &

Types of Trust



Trust Equation
Trust = (A1+A2+A3)*(A4+A5)

A1= Aspirations(of the followers)
A2= Abilities(of the leader)
A3= Actions(of the leader)
A4= Alignment(b/w the aspirations of the
followers & actions of the leader)
A5= Articulation
R= Resistance

Basic Principles of Trust

Mistrust drives out trust.
Trust begets trust.
Growth often masks mistrust.
Decline or downsizing tests the
highest levels of trust.
Trust increases cohesion.
Mistrusting groups self-destruct.
Mistrust generally reduces

Probably the most fundamental

ingredient of effective teams is trust.
Trust is belief in the reliance, ability,
and integrity of the other. Unless
team members trust one another; the
team leader, management, and
managers may find that building an

Building trust
Trust is a major brick in the
of interpersonal relationships,
it is between parents and children,
friends, or lovers.
It is just as easy to build trust as it
is to break it down on a daily basis.
If your interpersonal relationships are
plagued by that deadly element

Here are 7 steps to build


STEP 1) Envision Trust

Clarify exactly what you want. Get
motivated with a clear picture of the value
of building trust. Affirm what it will take to
create trust. Start with the end in mind.
STEP 2) Listen Fully
Allow yourself to listen completely to
others. Listening leads to understanding
which causes trust. Use what you hear to
adjust your trust-building activities. Keep
opening yourself and listening.
STEP 3) Open Yourself
Discover what it takes for you to be open
with others in your workplace. Build inner
compassion for those you fear or dislike.

STEP 4) Appreciate Others

effectively such that you encourage desired
behaviours and strengthen mutual trust.
Notice the enormous impact of appreciation.
STEP 5) Be Reliable and Consistent
Upgrade your reliability and consistency to
sustain high trust levels. Raise your
awareness of your behaviours that threaten
trust. Learn valuable techniques for reducing
your own unintended breaking of trust.
STEP 6) Converse Frankly
Plan and carry out constructive conversations
with key people with whom you are building
trust. Build stronger foundations of trust.
Mend past misunderstandings. Engage in
building trust.
STEP 7) Notice the Difference
Become aware of the subtle and the obvious

Practical Implications for

What Individuals
Can Do
As we have noted earlier, effective trust
repair is often necessary to resolve conflicts.
Although this process is difficult, there are
steps the offender can take to enhance the
likelihood of stimulating the victim's
willingness to reconcile, and further the trust
rebuilding process. However, we stress that
rebuilding trust is a process, not an event.
Take immediate action after the violation.
Provide an apology & give a thorough
account of what happened.
Provide restitution/penance.
Restate and renegotiate expectations

What the media can do?

While themediacannot directly rebuild
trust between the parties, they can
facilitatedialogand provide
documentation of trust-rebuilding
efforts.Reparative effortsby offenders
may carry additional weight when
conducted voluntarily and in a public
What the Educational System Can Do
As with trust-building initiatives, the
educational system can help parties
rebuild trust
that bring the parties together. Safe and
structured programs can allow the victims
to articulate their interests and

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