Occlusal Splints

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Rehabilitation of TMD

patients with Occlusal

Rehabilitation of TMD
patients with Occlusal
successful is it?
How successful is it?

Over the years numerous studies have been

done in the field of TMD .A significant no. of

these have been directed towards testing the
efficacy of various treatment modalities.

Occlusal splints is a well recognized & widely

accepted treatment modality. It is the most
effective, reversible, non-invasive tech.

Definition : AAOP
Orthopaedic appliance is a splint

used to support or improve function

of moveable parts of the body.
An intraoral splint is a removable
orthopaedic appliance that fits over
the dentition over either arch.

Treatment Protocol
Patient education & Self care
Cognitive behavioural intervention
Physical therapy


Type of material - Hard / Soft

Principle- Stabilization type
- Repositioning type

Coverage - Full / Partial

Occlusal disengagement
Maxillomandibular realignment
Restored occlusal vertical dimension
TMJ Repositioning

Stabilization type
Also called Flat plane, Gnathologic, Muscle
Relaxation Splint.

It realigns Maxillomandibular relation.

Fabricated with autopolymerizing resin on maxilla

or mandible.
Designed to preclude all tooth contacts & to
ensure simultaneous, bilateral & even contact of
all centric bearing cusps with the splint & canine
rise in lateral excursions.

Initially worn full time, later it may be used

only at night.

Regular monitoring & occlusal adjustment

is required till the relation stabilizes.

Indicated in Temporomandibular

Disorders(TMD), Masticatory muscle

Disorders(MMD), TMJ Clicking, Myalgia.

Repositioning splint
Also called Anterior Repositioning

Appliance or Mandibular Orthopaedic

Repositioning Appliance [MORA].
It positions the condyle more favourably in
relation to a displaced articular disk
[Recapturing the disk].
Design is similar to stabilization type, but
guiding ramps are provided to guide
mandible in a forward position.

Most effective when worn full time for a short term

of 6- 12 weeks.
Later condyle brought back by
-gradually reducing
the time for which its worn.
-Periodic adjustment of
occlusal table i.e walking back.
-converting it
to a stabilization type by replacing guiding ramps
with a flat occlusal table.

Indicated in acute joint pain associated

with clicking intermittent locking or

bony changes.Best manages pain from
disk displacement with reduction in TMJ.

It cannot resolve permanently the disk

condyle relation.Recurrence likely.

Soft acrylic splint

Made of soft acrylic, their use was first
proposed as early as 1940.

They are comfortable & easy to use.

They are best suited for short term
treatment & can also be used as
athletic mouthguard.

They are not as effective as hard

acrylic in treating TMD.

It can cause inadvertent tooth

movement & occlusal changes. Also

they are difficult to adjust.

Anterior bite plane splint

Made of hard acrylic, these can be worn

only on maxillary teeth with mandibular

anterior teeth as their only occlusal contact.

It allows disclusion of posterior teeth, all the

time that its worn.

It reduces temporal muscle activity during

deglutition in TMD patients.

Specific instructions should be given to the

patient, regarding its use.

Supraeruption of posterior teeth is likely

with continuous use, thats why they are to

be worn only while sleeping when
parafunctional activities are most likely.

Close monitoring of occlusion is required.

Despite the controversy regarding the

exact mechanism of action, it has been

proven that when appropriately used it
can contribute to relief of TMD

Thorough evaluation of each patient with

a definitive diagnosis is a must before
commencing with splint therapy.

40% of patents suffering from TMD

respond to therapy from placebo effect

When used along with occlusal therapy
70% - 80% show improvement in TMJ pain,
clicking, myalgia .
Constant monitoring, reassurance,
counseling sessions along with splint
therapy often yields good results.

Thank you

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