Presentation of Tourist Attractions
Presentation of Tourist Attractions
Presentation of Tourist Attractions
a) Man-Made Tourist
These are all features that have been made
by human being, they also include features of
the natural environment which have been
manipulated for the use by human being.
Man-made tourist attractions include the
Performing Art:
Arts activities build bridges between different sectors of
societies by creating a gathering space for local residents
of different socio-economic status, and help establish
common ground between generations and cultures.
Art-making activities are one of the most effective means
bringing people of all ages and backgrounds together,
and can have a transformative role in addressing
community issues. It is a perfect forum to share ideas.
Performing arts is where tourists participating in various
cultural activities organized by societies such as dance,
Drama, Painting etc.
Tour Commentaries are the narratives tour
guides use to describe a sight and provide
information about various aspects of a
country to passengers while on a tour.
This is generally referred to as
guidespeak. Tour commentaries can
include general information and local
stories about attractions, events and
personalities in the country, and in
particular the attraction or sight.
Paraphrasing is the act in which a statement
or remark is explained in other words or
another way as to clarify the meaning, or
when a direct quotation is unavailable.
Paraphrasing is a tool used by the tour guide
to express to tourists, information that was
previously researched. It is a means of not
boring your clients, but providing some
shortened and reworded version of the facts
the tourists need.
Delivery of tour
Here are some steps in delivering
a tour commentary.
expectations of the tourists at the
outset/start of the tour. This is
preparatory work done before the tour.
Start by introducing yourself and
clearly state the purpose of the tour.