Presentation of Tourist Attractions

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Topic three

Meaning of a tourist attraction

Types of tourist attractions & heritage
Presentation of tourist attractions
Importance of presentation to tour

Meaning of a tourist attraction

Tourist Attraction or Tourism Patrimony It
refers to those certain features that pulls or
attracts tourists to a destination. these are the
attractions that pull any tourist to a destination
such as historical monument, natural beauty of a
place, and so on.
The term attraction means an interesting or
enjoyable place where people can go. It can be
things which attract/draws peoples attention and
made them to travel with desires to see and
experience them
Tourist attraction means places or things which
attract tourist to visit and see or experience them

A tourist attraction is a place of

interest where tourists visit, typically
for its inherent or exhibited cultural
value, historical significance, natural or
opportunities. Some examples include
historical places, monuments, zoos,
aquaria, museums and art galleries,
botanical gardens,
buildings and structures

Types of a tourist attraction

a) Natural Tourist Attractions
They are features of the natural environment which have been
naturally created or occurred naturally without the influence of a
human being.
Natural tourist attractions include the following:
(i) Plants and Animals

These are natural attractions which are associated with

areas like high mountains, forests, plains, landscape, hills,
water bodies and islands.
Interesting flora and fauna are important attractions many
areas with such characteristics have been gazetted as
national parks, wildlife game reserves, etc.
In Tanzania flora (plants) and fauna (animals) are the main
attractions and base for tourism industry. Parks and
conservation areas are designated specifically to preserve
nature and biodiversity of an area.

Types of a tourist attraction

(ii) Beaches and Marine Areas

These are natural attractions which

attract tourist especially for sun bathing,
swimming, boating, sport fishing, scuba
diving, etc. These activities attract many
people especially those seeking

Types of a tourist attraction

(iii) Climate

The climate is an attraction because of the global

differences in climatic regions and conditions.
When it is extremely cold or warm in one place it is
normal in other place of the world. This makes people
from extreme weather condition (in Europe for example
during winter) to visit other places (in Africa or South
America with warmth) with comfortable weather
Worm, sunny and dry climate is preferred by most of the
tourists particularly if it is associated with other
attractions like beach, marine areas and mountain areas
that can provide opportunities or recreation activities.
Cold climate is also preferred by tourists where popular
tourist activities like snow-skiing can be undertaken

Types of a tourist attraction

(iv) Landscape and land forms

These are natural attractions which

include beautiful hills, gorge, highlands,
plateaus and plains, volcanic features,
mountains. For example, in the great East
African Rift Valley and other volcanic
features, block mountains.

Types of a tourist attraction

(v) Scenic Beauty

The general natural scenic beauty of an area

can be a major motivation to visit the area.
Scenic beauty of an area is made up of many
elements such as vegetation, landscape,
mountains, hills, forests, building etc.
Tourists can take pleasure driving especially
during evening and make a stop over at a
certain view point. In other areas of scenic
beauty tourists can be involved in picnicking
and camping, hiking, wildlife viewing etc.

Types of a tourist attraction

(vi) Water bodies

Water bodies are natural attractions

which include lakes, rivers, oceans, seas,
swamps, water falls, etc.
Tourism activities which can take place in
water bodies includes sport fishing, water
rafting, bathing, swimming, boating,
parasailing and scuba diving.

Types of a tourist attraction

a) Man-Made Tourist
These are all features that have been made
by human being, they also include features of
the natural environment which have been
manipulated for the use by human being.
Man-made tourist attractions include the

Types of a tourist attraction

(i) Cultural Attractions
Culture is ways of peoples life including their manifestations through
tangible and intangible features.
Cultural attractions include:

Performing Art:
Arts activities build bridges between different sectors of
societies by creating a gathering space for local residents
of different socio-economic status, and help establish
common ground between generations and cultures.
Art-making activities are one of the most effective means
bringing people of all ages and backgrounds together,
and can have a transformative role in addressing
community issues. It is a perfect forum to share ideas.
Performing arts is where tourists participating in various
cultural activities organized by societies such as dance,
Drama, Painting etc.

Types of a tourist attraction

Traditions and Life Style
Traditions and life styles of the ethnic
communities are one of the major motivators
of tourists. Many tourists are interested in
learning other cultures in the place visited.
Tourists can participate in various activities
such as music, dance and drama, traditional
ceremonies like circumcision, religious
rituals, eating traditions foods etc. Native
foods predominantly made up of local
ingredients are most important in cultural
expression of a country, region or tribe.

Types of a tourist attraction

Historical/ Archeological Sites
These are the areas where by some remnants
of the historical interesting objects or
information can be obtained. The area stresses
the glories of the past. Tourists may visit areas
like cathedral, churches, mosques, monuments,
ancient town, prison, war sites, historical
building, Temples etc. Major historical sites in
Tanzania which attracts tourists includes
Zanzibar Stone town, Kunduchi ruins,
Bagamoyo historical town, Kondoa,
Ismila,Kaole, kilwa, Mafia, Kigoma, Olduvai
gorge etc.

Types of a tourist attraction

Art and Hand craft
Arts and craft is also another type of cultural
attractions which are key motivators of tourists.
Tourist can buy craft and art articles made up from
local materials as a gift and souvenirs. These types
of articles bring back memories of travel experience
for life long treasures.
Articles such as cups, pots, sticks, caps, are
commonly sold to many tourists. In various
destinations there are gift shops specialized in
selling souveniors. These shops are located in large
hotels, major shopping malls, airports, areas
adjacent to major attractions as well as visitor
information centers.

Types of a tourist attraction

Cultural festivals
Festival is a series of performance of music, plays,
films, movies, usually organized in the place or
country once in a year.
Festivals are organized by people of a certain culture,
or cities or ethnic communities for the purpose of
recreation. It attracts many people at once from
various localities of life. It is common in Brazil where
Samba is organized once in a year and Spain where
Bull racing is organized once in a year also.
These may include local traditions and art such as
music festivals, harvesting festivals, circumcision
period etc.

Types of a tourist attraction

Special Events
Many countries around the world compete
vigorously in organizing special events such
as World football Cup, African cup of nations,
Euro cup, Olympics games trade fairs etc.
Special events like burial ceremonies for
national leaders and coronation of leaders
can attract also a large number people.
Festivals and special events are powerful tool
to attract tourists. It also helps in creating
awareness and understanding among people.

Types of a tourist attraction

Special types of entertainments are the
motivators of a vacation tourist. The
tourist want to have fan, to be
entertained and others want to escape
from the realities of everyday life.
Facilities like night clubs, casinos and
pubs are popular in stipulation of
entertainments to tourists.

Types of a tourist attraction

Interesting Urban Areas
Urban areas as a centre for business is
therefore attract a good number of
business travelers as well as leisure
travelers. Important attractions in urban
area includes public offices, nightclubs,
churches, mosques, temples, conference
and business centers, museums, art
galleries, buildings, night clubs etc.

Types of a tourist attraction

Shopping facilities
These includes large departmental stores
specialty shops these are the shops
handling specific items like fashions
clothing, jewels ,gift shops, duty free
shops etc.

Types of a tourist attraction

Economic activities
Important economic activities like
manufacturing, trade, agriculture, attract
many tourists to visit a specific town.

Heritage as tourist attractions:

Meaning of heritage
Types of heritage [natural and cultural
Natural heritage [protected areas, conserved
areas, game reserves, reserved forests, etc]
Cultural heritage - tangible [movable
artefacts and biofacts, literature and
immovable historical sites/buildings/towns,
tombs, caves, rock paintings, paleontological
and archaeological sites] and intangible
cultural heritage traditional skills and
knowledge, performing and fine arts,
customs, traditional/local languages, etc

Presentation of Tourist Attractions

A Presentation The process of presenting
attraction to tourists means interpreting its
speechless features and make them to be
understood, experienced and appreciated by
In tour guiding, a presentation refers to the act
of introducing the place or the country in terms
of its importance and history, politics, culture and
fauna and flora to the participants of the tour.
For an on-site tour guide, the vocal delivery is
important. Presentation in this aspect is also
called a tour commentary, which is referred to as

The characteristics of a good presenter

Presents herself or himself first, at the start of the
Looks and smells good
Is motivated
Speaks for all to hear and understand
Uses good language
Uses his hands to show and guide
Is well synchronized with the layout of his material
Keeps eye contact with his audience
Rehearses his speech, but the speech is not memorized
Is well informed
Is able to answer questions and gives apologies for
questions he cannot immediately answer
Looks for answers he was unable to answer
Knows when to talk and when to stop

The characteristics of a poor presenter

Does not present himself at the start of the presentation
Speaks in a low voice, so all cannot hear and understand
Gives wrong information, because he is misinformed through poor
Does not cater for all the listeners; regarding the material presented
Uses poor language
Is not synchronized with the layout of his material
Does not look and smell good
Is not seen to be motivated in the verbal or non-verbal language
Uses his hands overly to show and guide. The gestures are at the
wrong time and ambiguous
Does not maintain contact with his audience
Does not prepare his speech beforehand
Is not able to answer questions and apologies for questions he
cannot answer
Manufactures answers to questions he was unable to answer
Does not know when to talk and when to stop

Presentation of Tourist Attractions

What do tourists expect from your
Relevant information
Accuracy and reliability
Quality & professional guiding service
Value for money

Presentation of Tourist Attractions

heritage/historical sites, show a direct link
from the past to the present
In attractions relating to wild animals explain
their classification, behaviours, ecosystem, etc
Forests, plants explain their classification,
behaviours, uses [medicinal, cultural, economical,
Built heritage [old buildings, etc explain their
history, uses, architectural features and style,
dcor, technology, location, age, etc
Live culture talk on people lifestyle, economic
activities, history, traditions and customs, etc

Tour Commentaries are the narratives tour
guides use to describe a sight and provide
information about various aspects of a
country to passengers while on a tour.
This is generally referred to as
guidespeak. Tour commentaries can
include general information and local
stories about attractions, events and
personalities in the country, and in
particular the attraction or sight.

Paraphrasing is the act in which a statement
or remark is explained in other words or
another way as to clarify the meaning, or
when a direct quotation is unavailable.
Paraphrasing is a tool used by the tour guide
to express to tourists, information that was
previously researched. It is a means of not
boring your clients, but providing some
shortened and reworded version of the facts
the tourists need.

Delivery of tour
Here are some steps in delivering
a tour commentary.

expectations of the tourists at the
outset/start of the tour. This is
preparatory work done before the tour.
Start by introducing yourself and
clearly state the purpose of the tour.

En route to attractions as well as at the

sights, present the commentary you have
prepared beforehand. Conversational, not by
memorization or rote.
Make your commentary interesting,
relevant, simple, and delivered in a logical
Be sensitive to the interests of the group
and deliver the guide-speak tailored to the
Seek feedback throughout the tour to
ensure that you are holding the tour visitors

Respond to visitor enquiries as accurately and

positively as you can. When you do not immediately
have an answer, refer to field guides and other
sources of information.
Focus on what you know; be specific and express
the information in terms of what the tourists can see.
If you do not find the answer to a question the
visitor needs, apologize and refer the enquiry to an
alternative source of information.
Be accommodating and flexible towards members
of the group, allowing for different points of view and
ways of doing things.
Allow enough time at each stop, to permit each
tourist to fully enjoy and gain information with
private time at the stop.


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