Engine Measurement and Performance
Engine Measurement and Performance
Engine Measurement and Performance
Example: A heavy weight suspended on a
rope contains energy potential. When the
rope is cut, potential energy turns into
kinetic energy as the weight falls.
When the weight hits the ground, the kinetic
energy is dissipated in three ways: sound, heat
(absorbed by the soil, and compaction of the
Engines convert a fuels potential energy into
useable kinetic energy. The process generates
tremendous heat. Two thirds of this heat is lost
to exhaust and engine cooling and only 1/3 of
the heat generated is used to power machinery
action that attempts to move of an
object from a state of rest or causes
a change of speed or direction of an
object in motion
expressed in terms of weight, e.g. pounds,
tons, kilograms
results when force (pounds, tons,
kilograms) overcomes a resistance
and causes movement of an object
over a distance (feet, yards, meters).
The formula to calculate work is:
Work = Distance X Force
Work Calculation
If an object that weighs 330 pounds is
moved a distance of 100 feet then 33,000
foot pounds of work has been completed
100 ft X 330 lbs = 33,000 foot pounds of work
Note: if no movement results upon the
application of force, no work is accomplished.
Motion must occur for work to be calculated.
Types of Work
Linear motion is usually expressed as
foot pounds of work.
Rotary motion (torque) is usually
expressed at pound feet.
Mathematically, the units are the
Power is the rate (time interval) at
which work is accomplished.
Expressed as foot pounds per minute or second
pound feet per minute (torque)
POWER = work
Sample Calculation
object weighing 330 pounds was moved
100 feet, in one minute, then work at the
result of 33,000 foot pounds / minute was
This is equal to one horsepower.
Power =
Force X Distance or Work (ft lb)
Standard unit of engine power
associated with an amount of work
accomplished over specified time
intervals and can be expressed in
several ways.
Horsepower was originally defined by
James Watt in 1765 when trying to
compare steam engines with the
known power source of that era (the
draft horse).
100 Feet in
1 minute
330 Lbs
Horsepower Formulas
There are many formulas for
computing horsepower (Hp) but they
are derived from the following
expression that:
One Hp = 33,000 ft lbs of work per
several other mathematical formula
have been derived from this basic
formula to calculate horsepower
Hp = Force (lbs) X Distance (feet)
Time (minutes) X 33000 ft. lbs/min
Problem: A tractor pulls a wagon weighing
three tons and exerts a force of 3,000
pounds. If the load is moved 400 feet in
one minute, what is the horsepower
What if it took two minutes to pull the
same load this distance?
3,000 lb
400 ft = 1,200,000 =
36.36 Hp
33,000 ft lb/min. X 1 min 33,000
3,000 lb
18.18 Hp
400 ft =
1,200,000 =
33,000 ft lb = 33,000 ft lb =
1 min
60 sec
1 sec
50,000 = 45.45 Hp
Drawbar horsepower
the drawbar horsepower formula is
useful when distance is given in miles
per hour (mph).
Hp = draft( pounds of force) X mph
Example: A tractor pulling a mower
generates a draft (force) of 1800
pounds on the drawbar. If the tractor
is traveling at 5 miles per hour, what
is the horsepower exerted.
We can work this problem in with a
couple methods.
How do we do this?
Hint: convert MPH to ft./min. or
ft./sec. or use the drawbar Hp
To convert mph to feet per minute:
5 mile X 5280 ft X1 hr = 440 feet
1 hr x 1 mile x 60 min
= 792,000 = 24
force which
attempts to
produce rotation of
an object (shaft,
gear, pulley, etc.).
If motion occurs,
we can calculate
work which is
through rotational
energy, such as by
pulleys, crank
arms, gears, belts,
chains, etc.
Torque formula
Example: An engine delivers 400
pound feet of torque at 1000 RPM.
Calculate the horsepower using the
torque formula.
Torque Formula
HP = Torque (lb ft) X RPM
400 lb ft X 1000 RPM = 400,000 = 76.16
Engine Output
Horsepower expressions (how hp is
expressed) - several different ways of
expressing horsepower from various
engine manufacturers
Indicated horsepower
power derived by engineering
measurement based on fuel type, piston
stroke, piston area, energy in fuel, etc.
process subtracts the frictional engine
losses and deals with raw power of the
fuel and engine components. (This method
is not typically useful to us, the consumer.)
Brake Power
Brake Power (BP) : Power obtained at the
shaft. Obtained from the engine
Given by:
BP = 2NT/60 in Watts
where T is the brake torque, in Nm, given by
T = W.L
where W is the load applied on the shaft by
the dynamometer, in N and
L is the length of the arm where the
load is applied, in m
N is the engine speed, in rev/min
Friction Power
Friction Power (FP) : Power dissipated
as friction. Obtained by various
methods like Morse test for multicylinder engine, Willans line
method for a diesel engine, and
Retardation test and Motoring test
for all types of engines. Given in
terms of IP and BP by:
FP = IP BP in Watts
Indicated Thermal Efficiency (i) given by
i = IP/(mf . Qcv)
mf is the mass of fuel taken into the engine in kg/s
Qcv is the calorific value of the fuel in J/kg
Brake Thermal Efficiency (b) given by
b = BP/(mf . Qcv)
Indicated Relative Efficiency (i,r) given by
i,r = i/ASE
ASE is the efficiency of the corresponding air standard cycle
Brake Relative Efficiency (b,r) given by
b,r = b/ASE
Mechanical Efficiency (m) given by
m = BP/IP = Pb/Pi = b/i = b,r/I,r
Testing Horsepower
Horsepower is tested on a
machine called a
This machine applies a
braking load to the tractor
drawbar, PTO shaft, or engine
The braking force is applied
by prony brake
uses a brake drum (hydraulically
actuated) as a loading device.
The brake is attached to a lever
arm (1 foot long typical) which
transmits the turning effort
(force) to a scale or electronic
load cell.
Dynamometer Performance
Dynamometer accuracy, operator skill
Engine test conditions
Fuel temperature - 18F --> 3-4% change
in HP output. Hot fuel is less dense, and
has less energy and develops less
Air temperature - 18F --> 1% change in
HP output in a naturally aspirated engine,
no difference in a turbocharged engine
air is less dense at higher elevations, and the
same engine would develop less horsepower
Type of fuel
Diesel - Cetane rating
Gasoline - octane rating
Age of the fuel (gasoline deteriorates after about 30
Summer/winter fuel - formulations are different