Pms in India Final
Pms in India Final
Pms in India Final
Anushree Gupta (108I08)
Khyati Khemka (108I04)
Mayank Raturi (108J53)
Sameer Chawla (108J31)
Akshita Saxena (108)
Introduction to Performance
Though the system is doing well but since everything is
standardized so it can lead to less consideration of human
factors. HR as a human science can lose its significance.
Rather than making the whole process completely
technical, monitoring of the process can be done by
skilled experts such that it becomes less time consuming
and takes special cases into consideration.
Appraisal systems in banks
Traditional approach: (assessment)
1. General Intelligence
2. Job knowledge
3. Initiative and resourcefulness
4. Supervision
5. Business capacity
6. Ability to access sound business propositions
7. Dependability
8. Employee relationship
9. Public relationship
10. Appearance, conduct and manners
11. Significant achievements etc
Modern approach
Performance related as well as trait based
Identification of strengths and weaknesses.
Laid stress on the use of self appraisal and 360
degree feedback.
Allahabad bank developed a system for
appraisal in the following areas of assessment:
1. Job performance
2. Job knowledge / skills and personal
3. Potential ability and development.
Punjab National Bank
HR Perspectives:
1. PNB Pariwar
2. Mission-Committed work force
3. Emphasis on ethical conduct
4. People Soft
Development Oriented Appraisal.
The company follows a Self Appraisal Method,
which is then assessed rated) by the senior
authority, and then goes to the higher authorities
for the sanction.
Appraisal is done on the Achievement Figure
Indicator, which includes business indicators like
deposits, advances.
In addition to this performance appraisal
breakup is also based on various other activities
like Sanction overdue for renewal, No. of
complaints outstanding, no. of offices visited, no.
of villages adopted (in case of rural schemes
which the bank launches)
Changes in performance appraisal
system at Eicher reflect maturing of
the HR function with emphasis on
quality, teamwork & process of
development. Current system has
moved away from trait-oriented
subjective system to an objective form.
Appraisal system at TELCO is MBO
based & process is mostly closed.
The SAIL system of appraisal includes self
appraisal, primary grading, performance
review committee & development plan.