Kolkata Port Trust - Group 7
Kolkata Port Trust - Group 7
Kolkata Port Trust - Group 7
By Group 7
Atul Sonkhla
Naveen Tandon
Rahul Gautam
KDS handles majorly containers and break bulk cargo and has
34 berth
HDC majorly handles bulk cargo material and has 15 berth
KoPT has vast hinterland and has connection with inland
through NH-6, NH-2 and NH-34
Drop in total
Un equal
distribution in
between KDS
and HDC
Drop in the
revenue and
However the revenue increased during the decade (9020), the net revenue dropped. The major causes being
increase in the operational cost mainly dredging and
High dredging expense and non timely reimbursement from the
Impacts of Transformation
Initiatives led to increase in traffic from 30 mt in 2001-02 to 55 mt in 200607.
In 2006-07, KoPT contributed 13% of total Indian major port cargo.
2nd rank after Viskhapatnam port in terms of total port cargo.
80% increase in container traffic.
3204 ships handled at KoPT in 2006-07
Net surplus increased from -7.53 cr in 2000-01 to 465 cr in 2006-07.
Average turnaround Time of Ships was reduced to 3.95 days in 2006-07
from 4.21 days in 2001-02
At KDS, Average output per ship increased from 2215 T in 2001-02 to 4490
T in 2006-07
At HDC, Average output per ship increased from 6207 T in 2001-02 to 8770
T in 2006-07
There was an increase in railway earnings from 36.9 cr in 2001-02 to 139.2
cr in 2006-07.
Dharma Port
Concession from Orissa Government to build on BOT for a peroid of
34 years.
Planned to be deepest ports of India with a draft of 18m.
Can accommodate vessels upto 180000 DWT.
13 berths capable of handling 83mt per annum.
Paradip Port
8th major port, opened in 1966.
Serve a large hinterland of Orissa, Jharkhand, West Bengal,
Chhattisgargh and Bihar
Port mainly deals with bulk Cargo.
Kulpi Port
Weather port facilities
Environment-friendly ship breaking yard
Industrial park
Issues in 2006-07
would be retiring
Constraints at HDC
Berthing congestions
Lock gate restrictions
Road connectivity
Inadequate equipments
Constraints at KDS
Tug shortage
Lack of adequate equipments like MHCs, RMGC, trailers
Absence of one window clearance for permissions
Acquire modern tugs to reduce berthing/un-berthing time
Acquire more MHCs, RMGCs as they are in shortage
Single window clearance
Dedicated road connectivity for KDS to second Hooghly
Container ships to have priority to avoid delays
Deployment of additional tugs at ports
Creation of second lock gate
Dedicated one river side jetty for container operation
Set up Diamond Harbour port with PPP model on
Set up of Pension fund on priority
Develop inland water transport through National
waterways with the help of IWTI (Inland Waterways
Authority of India)
Reducing draft limitation to enable larger draft vessels
to visit Haldia and Kolkata port