Banker Customer Relationship
Banker Customer Relationship
Banker Customer Relationship
What is Bank
BANK shall be considered those institutions
where a substantial part of their business
consists of the receipts of money on Current
Account to be drawn upon by Cheques.
In Bangladesh a Bank company which run a
Bank Business complying the formalities of
Bank Company Act 1991. ( Sec-5-Na & Ta).
Main function of the bank is Bank Business that
is Banking.
Who is Banker?....
Dr. H.L Hart defines a Banker as a person or company
carrying on the business of receiving moneys and
collecting drafts, for customers subject to the obligation
of honoring cheques drawn upon them from time to time
by the customers to the extent of the amounts available
on their current accounts .
Sir John Paget says no person or body corporate or
otherwise, can be a Banker who dont
Who is Banker?
Section-3(b) of the NI Act, 1881,
"Banker" means a person transacting the
business of accepting, for the purpose of
lending or investment, of deposits of money
from the public, repayable on demand or
otherwise and withdraw able by cheque, draft,
order or otherwise and includes any post
office Savings Bank.
Who is a Customer?
According to Sir. John Paget
"To constitute a customer there must have dealing in the nature of
regular Banking Business.
" that is customer of a bank should have a Bank Account and
transaction were to be in nature of regular bank business.
Who is a Customer?
A customer is a person who has entered into a
contract with a bank for the opening an account in his
or her name.
The term 'customer' has not yet been statutorily defined.
Beneficiary Trutsree
Rights of a Customers
i) Right to deposit money in his Account on time.
ii) Right to demand repayment by issuing cheque or written order properly
in proper time and place.
iii) Right to get pass book/ Statement of account.
iv) Right to stop payment of his cheque. v) Right to give Standing
vi) Right to claim interest of his deposit balance in the interest bearing
vii) Right to have secrecy of his account.
viii) Right to claim damages for any loss and defamation due to
wrongful/willful dishonour of cheque by bank.
ix) Right to demand the proceeds of the instrument deposited for collection
and collected accordingly.
x) Right to claim money paid by bank from his account wrongly or payment
is not made in due course.
Banker's Right
i) Right to return deposit if not proper manner and time.
ii) Right to return the cheque if not drawn properly or in
time or for some other reason.
iii) Right to debit customer's account for any charges,
interest, and commission if recoverable.
iv) Right
Particular Lien:
General Lien:
Banker's Lien:
Negative Lien:
How does the relationship subsist:- The relationship
continues so long as it is carried out according to the
terms of contract embodied in the rules of the bank
When Relationship Terminate:
Under following circumstances banker - customer relationship may
be terminated.
Termination by the customer- Application for closing the account
and bankers do accordingly.
Termination by the Banker Misconduct by Customer FraudCheque issued without maintaining sufficient Balance
Termination on the Death of Customer
Termination due to insolvency of
Suspension due to Lunacy of Customer
Suspension due to attachment of Account by the Court
Garnishee Order.
Garnishee Order
As per Civil Procedures Code Rule 21/46
is the attachment of Credit balance in a
bank account by the count.
When Credit Balance Attachment Order
issued by the Court to a banker on
judgment debtor account than this order
is known as Garnishee Order
Garnishee Order Nishee & Order Absolute
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