Collective Bargaining
Collective Bargaining
Collective Bargaining
Collective Bargaining is negotiation
between an employer or group of
employers and a group of work
people to reach an agreement on
working conditions.
Representatives of employers and
employees negotiate, administer and
enforce an agreement.
Critical Success Factors
Interaction in good faith
While safeguarding the interests of
employees, Union cannot ignore the
survival and success of organization.
Management must protect the rights of
trade unions
Bargaining agent must truly represent
majority of workers.
Management must not exploit worker’s
Both Management and Union must be
vigilant about politicians who normally
Negotiation about working conditions and
terms of employment between an
employer, a group of employers, or one or
more employers organizations on the one
hand and one or more representative
workers organizations on the other with a
view to reaching agreement –
National level
Common problems cutting across industries,
regions are discussed
Eg. Agreement between INTUC and
management to “Rationalize Work Practices”
Process of Collective
Phase I : Charter of demands by
Bargaining Agent
Phase II : Preparation for Negotiation
Phase III : Bargaining
Phase IV : Collective Agreement
Phase V : Contract Administration
Phase I
Registration of Union
Recognition of Union
Phase IV
Writing down Collective Agreement
Also known as “Labor Contract”,
“Union Contract” or “Labor-
Management Contract”
Written statement of terms and
provisions of the agreement
Phase V
Contract Administration
Management has right to manage &
involves fairness, equity, transparency of
administration and free flow of information.
Procedure for handling contractual
Spell out detailed procedure in
implementation of provisions of contract
Follow the spirit of agreement
Criteria for making
Collective Bargaining
Proper selection of negotiating team
Consider Union as a Partner
Understand views and interests of other
party with open mind
Adequate homework
Sense of belongingness (on part of union)
Strikes and Lockouts are to be the last
Collective Bargaining be considered
as an educational process
Collective Bargaining must be
treated as a form of finding out an
optimum solution to a given problem
Both parties have equal power
Have trust and confidence
Leadership qualities
Follow State laws