Gondree Story
Gondree Story
Gondree Story
At 00:16 on the 6th June, the first glider of the Coup de Main force
landed next to Bnouville Bridge. The Gondre Family were asleep in
their beds at this time, but were soon rudely awakened by the sound
of explosions and a great deal of small-arms outside their home.
Georges crawled to the window to see what was happening, a
perfectly understandable reaction but a most unwise one in the midst
of a battle taking place in darkness. He discovered this fact very soon
after he dared to peer over the window ledge; his protruding head
was spotted by Lieutenant Smith who immediately fired several
rounds from his sten gun at the shape. Fortunately Smith's aim was
a little high and Georges was not hurt. Georges made no further
attempt to see what was going on outside, but instead gathered his
family together and headed for the shelter of the cellar.
Very soon the caf was taken by the 7th Battalion to serve as
their Headquarters and Regimental Aid Post. Georges
disappeared into the garden to dig up no fewer than ninetyeight bottles of champagne that he had buried in June 1940,
and very soon the scene was one of great celebration as free
drinks were handed out to all and sundry. Upon hearing of this,
Major Howard ordered all of his men to report sick at the Aid
Post so that they could get their share of the drink. Georges
continued to serve complimentary drinks to the 7th Battalion,
the Coup de Main force and the arriving Commandos
throughout the day. The kind hospitality offered to the British
soldiers by the Gondre Family continues to this day. Ever since,
when veterans have returned to Normandy to mark the
anniversary of the battle, no man of the 6th Airborne Division
has had to pay for a drink at the caf.
Georges Gondre died on the 5th April 1969, Thrse on the
2nd July 1984. A most distinguished couple, they were held in
the highest regard by French civilians and British veterans. The
ownership of the caf and its close links with the British
Airborne Forces have been maintained by their family.
British infantry crossing the Pegasus Bridge Horsa Bridge (Orne River Bridge)
Across the Caen Canal