405 Econometrics: Domodar N. Gujarati

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Domodar N. Gujarati

Prof. M. El-Sakka
Dept of Economics: Kuwait University

the classical theory of statistical inference consists of two branches, namely,

estimation and hypothesis testing. We have thus far covered the topic of
Under the assumptions of the CLRM, we were able to show that the
estimators of these parameters, 1, 2, and 2, satisfy several desirable
statistical properties, such as unbiasedness, minimum variance, etc. Note
that, since these are estimators, their values will change from sample to
sample, they are random variables.
In regression analysis our objective is not only to estimate the SRF, but also
to use it to draw inferences about the PRF. Thus, we would like to find out
how close 1 is to the true 1 or how close 2 is to the true 2. since 1, 2,
and 2 are random variables, we need to find out their probability
distributions, otherwise, we will not be able to relate them to their true values.


consider 2. As showed in Appendix 3A.2,

2 = kiYi

Where ki = xi/ xi2. But since the Xs are assumed fixed, Eq. (4.1.1) shows
that 2 is a linear function of Yi, which is random by assumption. But since
Yi = 1 + 2Xi + ui , we can write (4.1.1) as
2 = ki(1 + 2Xi + ui)

Because ki, the betas, and Xi are all fixed, 2 is ultimately a linear function of
ui, which is random by assumption. Therefore, the probability distribution of
2 (and also of 1) will depend on the assumption made about the
probability distribution of ui .

OLS does not make any assumption about the probabilistic nature of ui.
This void can be filled if we are willing to assume that the us follow some
probability distribution.


The classical normal linear regression model assumes that each ui is

distributed normally with
E(ui) = 0
E[ui E(ui)]2 = Eu2i = 2

cov (ui, uj):

The assumptions given above can be more compactly stated as

ui N(0, 2)
The terms in the parentheses are the mean and the variance. ui and uj are
not only uncorrelated but are also independently distributed. Therefore, we
can write (4.2.4) as
ui NID(0, 2)
where NID stands for normally and independently distributed.

E{[(ui E(ui)][uj E(uj )]} = E(ui uj ) = 0 i j


Why the Normality Assumption? There are several reasons:

1. ui represent the influence omitted variables, we hope that the influence of
these omitted variables is small and at best random. By the central limit
theorem (CLT) of statistics, it can be shown that if there are a large number
of independent and identically distributed random variables, then, the
distribution of their sum tends to a normal distribution as the number of such
variables increase indefinitely.
2. A variant of the CLT states that, even if the number of variables is not
very large or if these variables are not strictly independent, their sum may
still be normally distributed.
3. With the normality assumption, the probability distributions of OLS
estimators can be easily derived because one property of the normal
distribution is that any linear function of normally distributed variables is
itself normally distributed. OLS estimators 1 and 2 are linear functions of
ui . Therefore, if ui are normally distributed, so are 1 and 2, which makes
our task of hypothesis testing very straightforward.

4. The normal distribution is a comparatively simple distribution involving

only two parameters (mean and variance).
5. Finally, if we are dealing with a small, or finite, sample size, say data of
less than 100 observations, the normality not only helps us to derive the
exact probability distributions of OLS estimators but also enables us to use
the t, F, and 2 statistical tests for regression models.



With ui follow the normal distribution, OLS estimators have the following
1. They are unbiased.
2. They have minimum variance. Combined with 1., this means that they are
minimum-variance unbiased, or efficient estimators.
3. They have consistency; that is, as the sample size increases indefinitely,
the estimators converge to their true population values.
4. 1 (being a linear function of ui) is normally distributed with
E(1) = 1
var (1):
21 = ( X2i/n x2i)2 = (3.3.3)
Or more compactly,
1 N (1, 2 11)
then by the properties of the normal distribution the variable Z, which is
defined as:
Z = (1 1 )/ 1

follows the standard normal distribution, that is, a normal distribution with
zero mean and unit ( = 1) variance, or
Z N(0, 1)
5. 2 (being a linear function of ui) is normally distributed with
E(2) = 2
var (2):
2 2 =2 / x2i = (3.3.1)
Or, more compactly,
2 N(2, 22)
Then, as in (4.3.3),
Z = (2 2 )/2
also follows the standard normal distribution.
Geometrically, the probability distributions of 1 and 2 are shown in
Figure 4.1.

6. (n 2)( 2/ 2) is distributed as the 2 (chi-square) distribution with (n

7. (1, 2) are distributed independently of 2.
8. 1 and 2 have minimum variance in the entire class of unbiased
estimators, whether linear or not. This result, due to Rao, is very powerful
because, unlike the GaussMarkov theorem, it is not restricted to the class
of linear estimators only. Therefore, we can say that the least-squares
estimators are best unbiased estimators (BUE); that is, they have minimum
variance in the entire class of unbiased estimators.

To sum up: The important point to note is that the normality assumption
enables us to derive the probability, or sampling, distributions of 1 and 2
(both normal) and 2 (related to the chi square). This simplifies the task of
establishing confidence intervals and testing (statistical) hypotheses.
In passing, note that, with the assumption that ui N(0, 2), Yi , being a
linear function of ui, is itself normally distributed with the mean and variance
given by
= 1 + 2Xi
var (Yi)
= 2
More neatly, we can write
Yi N(1 + 2Xi , 2)


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