Linux Administration: Unit 1 Booting & Shutting Down
Linux Administration: Unit 1 Booting & Shutting Down
Linux Administration: Unit 1 Booting & Shutting Down
Unit 1
Booting & Shutting Down
Booting Process
Boot Loaders
INIT process
RC scripts
Booting Process
POST BIOS Active Partition MBR BOOT
Loader Kernel initrd init insertion of kernel
modules to support the most essential hardware
needed for booting mounting of root file system from
the secondary storage /etc directory init in /etc
fstab initab rc.sysinit inittab init levels
rcN.d Naming convention (K/S),2 digit integer
chronological sequence (N in rcN.d stands for run
level bet 0 and 6)
GRUB (contd...)
GRUB (contd...)
The first stage loads LILO itself into memory & prompts you for
booting instructions with the lilo: prompt or a colorized boot menu
Once you select the OS to boot & press enter, LILO enters the
second stage, booting the Linux operating system
If you are familiar with the Microsoft Windows boot process, you can
think of LILO as comparable to the OS loader (NTLDR)
Similarly, the LILO configuration file, /etc/lilo.conf, is comparable to
BOOT.INI (which is typically hidden from view)
Compiled by Bhavesh Shah
Kernel Loading
Bootstrapping (contd...)
Kernel Execution
The init process is the first non-kernel process that is started, and,
therefore, it always gets the process ID number of 1
init reads its configuration file, /etc/inittab, and determines the
runlevel where it should start
A runlevel of initdefault is selected if it exists; otherwise, you are
prompted to supply a runlevel value
The runlevel values are as follows:
RC scripts
RC scripts (contd...)
The /etc/rc.d/rc3.d directory
At times, you may find that you simply dont need a particular
service to be started at boot time
This is especially important if you are configuring the system as a
server & need only specific services & nothing more
You can cause a service not to be started by simply renaming the
symbolic link in a particular runlevel directory
Once you are comfortable working with the command line, youll
quickly find that it is easy to enable or disable a service
The startup runlevels of the service/program can also be managed
using the chkconfig utility
To completely disable a service, you must, at a minimum, know the
name of the service
You can then use the chkconfig tool to permanently turn it off,
thereby preventing it from starting in all runlevels
Enabling Service
Disabling Service
Please don't keep it to yourself ?