ECO 104 Faculty: Asif Chowdhury: Production & Growth (Part 2) (Ch:12 P.O.M.E)
ECO 104 Faculty: Asif Chowdhury: Production & Growth (Part 2) (Ch:12 P.O.M.E)
ECO 104 Faculty: Asif Chowdhury: Production & Growth (Part 2) (Ch:12 P.O.M.E)
ECO 104
Faculty: Asif Chowdhury
Free Trade: some developing countries practiced inwardoriented policies-not participating in international trade
with other countries & restricting such trades. The
objective behind this was to protect domestic sectors/firms
in the country from foreign competitions, so that the
domestic sectors can grow & promote economic growth.
However there are benefits associated with international
trading such as the introduction of new technologies. When
a new product embodying new technology is imported,
that technology in turn can be learned by the domestic
firms. The same advantage can apply if the country
imports any raw materials representing new technology. In
both cases the importing country can benefit from the new