Animal Rights: "The Worst Sin Towards Our Fellow Creatures Is Not To Hate Them, But To
Animal Rights: "The Worst Sin Towards Our Fellow Creatures Is Not To Hate Them, But To
Animal Rights: "The Worst Sin Towards Our Fellow Creatures Is Not To Hate Them, But To
"The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to
be indifferent to them. That's the essence of inhumanity"
George Bernard Shaw
It is not the animals who are demanding rights,
but the humans who are conferring rights upon
the animals. This argument is not about the
rights of animals but about the duties of human
Discussion point:
17th Century - Animals as automata
The first known legislation against animal cruelty in the
English-speaking world was passed in Ireland in 1635. It
prohibited pulling wool off sheep, and the attaching of ploughs
to horses' tails, referring to "the cruelty used to beasts.
In 1641 the first legal code to protect domestic animals in
North America was passed by the Massachusetts Bay Colony
- No man shall exercise any Tyranny or Cruelty toward any
Creature which are usually kept for man's use.
In 1824 the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals (SPCA) was
established in England. Its members committed themselves to the principles of
kindness to animals. Later in 1840, Queen Victoria gave the society her personal
endorsement by giving it the title Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of
Animals. Throughout the nineteenth century, the RSPCA successfully lobbied for
numerous changes to legislation.
The establishment of the SPCA/RSPCA
started the regulation of treatment of
animals in farming and domestication and
some might say, the development of
collective societal beliefs and values with
regard to the treatment of animals.
However, the medical and scientific community were also coming under scrutiny. No
longer were people free to experiment with animals, the Cruelty to Animals Act
(1876) required that any person wishing to perform experiments using live
vertebrates must first be licensed, and all experiments involving animals be certified
by the British Home Secretary.
20th Century - Increase in animal use and start of animal rights
Perhaps the most influential work to be published at that time, or
since, was Australian philosopher Peter Singer's Animal
Liberation (1975)
Bernard Rollin's AnimalRightsandHumanMorality(1981) were
crucial publications in the resurgence of popular interest in the
controversy that is animal welfare.
Animal welfare laws may be defined as those laws that seek to promote the
interests of animals, within a legal framework that characterises them as
Animal rights law may be defined as an area of law which seeks to question
animals' well-entrenched status as property, with a view to securing fundamental
rights for animals.
Animals, Welfare and Bills of Rights: At the present time, there are no
universally accepted animal welfare laws or Bills of Rights that set out the
legal interests and entitlements of animals.
Discussion point:
Are human and animal lives of equal value?
What obligation do we
have to them?
Home alone for over
12 hours a day?
Is this taking
animal rights too
Goldfinger Lyrics
Artist: Goldfinger
Song: Free Me
Album: Open Your Eyes
I didnt ask you to take me from here, I didnt ask to be broken
I didnt ask you to stroke my hair, or treat me like a worthless token
But my skin is thick and my mind is strong
I am built like my father was, Ive done nothing wrong
So free me, I just wanna feel what life should be
I just want enough space to turn around and face the truth, so free me
When are you gonna realize youre just wrong
You cant even think for yourself, cant even make up your minds
So my minds a jail, I hate the whole god damn human race
What the hell do you want from me? Kill me if you just dont know
Or free me, I just want to feel what life should be
I just want enough space to turn around cause youre all fucked and someday
maybe youll treat me like you
WARNING This is a very graphic video clip and could upset many viewers
Many groups of conservationists and activists have taken up the cause
of defending the animal rights. Some of the best known include:
Green Peace: Probably
the best known
organisation around the
globe for defending the
rights of animals
that started in 1971
Why is this such an emotionally charged issue with many activists being seen as trouble makers?
Why do we have so many of these types of organisations throughout the world?
Animal exploitation
Animal rights?
READING - Working for a Peaceful World for Humans, Animals and
the Environment
Animals Australia, the Voice for Animals
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Greenpeace -Asia Pacific