Instrumental Variables & 2SLS: y + X + X + - . - X + U X + Z+ X + - . - X + V
Instrumental Variables & 2SLS: y + X + X + - . - X + U X + Z+ X + - . - X + V
Instrumental Variables & 2SLS: y + X + X + - . - X + U X + Z+ X + - . - X + V
Economics 20 - Prof.
z z y y
z z x x
Economics 20 - Prof.
Var 1
2 2
n x x , z
se 1
SSTx Rx2, z
Economics 20 - Prof.
IV : plim1 1
Corr ( z , x) x
OLS : plim 1 1 Corr ( x, u )
Economics 20 - Prof.
Best Instrument
Could use either z2 or z3 as an instrument
The best instrument is a linear combination
of all of the exogenous variables, y2* = 0 +
1z1 + 2z2 + 3z3
We can estimate y2* by regressing y2 on z1,
z2 and z3 can call this the first stage
If then substitute 2 for y2 in the structural
model, get same coefficient as IV
Economics 20 - Prof.
More on 2SLS
While the coefficients are the same, the
standard errors from doing 2SLS by hand
are incorrect, so let Stata do it for you
Method extends to multiple endogenous
variables need to be sure that we have at
least as many excluded exogenous variables
(instruments) as there are endogenous
variables in the structural equation
Economics 20 - Prof.
Addressing Errors-in-Variables
with IV Estimation
Remember the classical errors-in-variables
problem where we observe x1 instead of x1*
Where x1 = x1* + e1, and e1 is uncorrelated
with x1* and x2
If there is a z, such that Corr(z,u) = 0 and
Corr(z,x1) 0, then
IV will remove the attenuation bias
Economics 20 - Prof.
Testing Overidentifying
If there is just one instrument for our
endogenous variable, we cant test whether
the instrument is uncorrelated with the error
We say the model is just identified
If we have multiple instruments, it is
possible to test the overidentifying
restrictions to see if some of the
instruments are correlated with the error
Economics 20 - Prof.