Presentation Article 25 Income Tax in Indonesia
Presentation Article 25 Income Tax in Indonesia
Presentation Article 25 Income Tax in Indonesia
By :
Fachry Nanda Husaini
Ferry Andi Susanto
Tantri Widya S
Oktavika Alrina M
Article 25 income tax is installment in the year
running on income tax expected debt at year
Example 1
Example 2
If income on example from the above that
include tax year period of 6 months in the year
2009, the amount of which must be paid
monthly installment every month in the year
= Rp. 5.000.000 ( Rp. 30.000.000 : 6 months )
income tax if delivered spt taxpayers individual
in month february 2010, the amount of tax
which must be paid january 2010
= tax installment of december 2009, eg Rp.
1.000.000 , - ( spt calculation of annual 2008 )
SPT if income tax presented in 2009 which taxpayers in month
February 2010, the amount to be paid tax installment Rp.
2.500.000 then , in June 2010 has been published letter of tax
provisions which produces 2009 per month installment of Rp.
5.000.000. tax installment per month then starts July 2010 by Rp.
Example 5
The Income of ABC company in 2009
RP. 240.000.000
Rest of the previous year loss
still can be compensated
Rp. 300.000.000
Residual losses that are not
compensated year 2009
Rp. 60.000.000
Income installment in use calculation basis of article PPh 25 :
Rp. 240.000.000 - Rp. 60.000.000 = Rp. 180.000.000
Income Tax Payable : 28% x Rp. 180.000.000 = Rp. 50.400.000
if in the year 2009 didnt cutting PPh / collected, then the monthly tax
installment ABC Company in 2010:
Rp. 50.400.000 : 12 months = Rp. 4.200.000
adjustment of the amount of taxes that must be paid installment WP because
no compensation for losses.
In the year 2009, Regular income taxpayers of business
trade Mr. Ali Rp. 48,000,000 and income not regularly Rp.
72,000,000 use basic income article 25 of taxpayers Mr. Ali
in 2010 is only of income regularly eg Rp. 4.000.000 ( Rp.
48,000,000 shared 12 months ) monthly installment tax
adjustment amount paid to taxpayers for taxpayers to
obtain income not regularly .
X Company in the year 2009 taxes pay monthly installment of
Rp. 15.000.000 in June 2009 factory X Income burns, then under the
decision Tax Directorat, starting July 2009 monthly installment X
Company be less than Rp. 15.000.000 eg Rp.8,000,000 / month so
instead if any increase in business , installment also been increased ,
eg per month to be Rp. 20.000.000 monthly installment tax adjustment
amount paid to taxpayers for change of business / activity of taxpayers