Jelkd Jeo QWN
Jelkd Jeo QWN
Jelkd Jeo QWN
1860 - "Stem cells" inferred from analysis of embryo development and microscopy of bone marrow
1920 (Germany)
1948 58
Stem cell mechanisms deduced for sperm development and intestinal epithelium
replacement (Canada)
First bone marrow transplants performed in human patients (USA)
Nuclei from adult frog cells reprogrammed to full embryonic potential after transfer into
frog eggs (UK)
Experiments in mice prove the existence of resident blood stem cells in marrow (England)
The existence and properties of transplantable stem cells in mouse bone marrow are
established and the first colony methodology for counting them is introduced. This discovery
set the stage for all current research on adult and embryonic stem cells (Canada)
First allogeneic human marrow transplants achieved avoiding lethal rejection reactions
First application of cell separation technology to dissect marrow stem cell hierarchy
Mouse embryonic cancer cells are shown to participate in the development of normal tissues
as well as teratomas (UK, USA)
Transplantable stem cells are discovered in human cord blood (USA)
Embryonic stem cells are first derived from the inner cell mass of mouse blastocysts (UK,
Marrow stem cells measured by regenerative capacity in vivo are shown to be distinct
from progenitors measured by colony methods (Australia, USA)
1984 Blood stem cells measured by colony formation in vivo are first extensively purified
1982 - First methodology developed for targeted genetic modification in embryonic stem cells
1986 (UK, USA)
1990 Mouse marrow regenerating stem cells are first completely separated from in vivo colonyforming cells (USA)
1992 Neural stem cells identified in the adult human brain (Canada)
1993 Pluripotency of embryonic stem cells is proven through the generation of entirely
embryonic stem cell-derived mice (Canada)
1994 First separation of cancer stem cells from the majority of cells in a cancer (Canada)
Patients with damaged corneas are successfully treated with corneal stem cells (Taiwan)
First complete purification from mice of multipotent marrow stem cells capable as single
injected cells of extended marrow regeneration in vivo (Canada)
The International Society for Stem Cell Research is formed.
Creation of the International Stem Cell Forum (ISCF) to encourage international
collaboration, and with the overall aim of promoting global good practices and
accelerating progress in biomedical science
Cancer stem cells isolated in human brain tumours (Canada)
Rare human breast cancer stem cells identified (USA)
First derivation of dopaminergic cells from human embryonic stem cells, a hope for
Parkinson's disease treatment (USA)
International Consortium of Stem Cell Networks (ICSCN) is initiated, which aims to
unify international efforts to make stem cell therapy a reality for a broad range of
debilitating diseases
First evidence for human bone cancer stem cells (USA)
James Till and Ernest McCulloch win the Lasker Prize for experiments that first identified
stem cells and set the stage for all current research on adult and embryonic stem cells
Normal mammary stem cells demonstrated in adult mice (Australia, Canada, US)
First induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) generated by reprogramming adult mouse skin
cells. The altered iPS cells have characteristics similar to embryonic stem cells (Japan)
Mario Capecchi, Martin Evans and Oliver Smithies win the Nobel Prize for
Physiology for Medicine for discoveries enabling germline gene modification in mice
First physical identification and localization of mammalian intestinal stem cells
First evidence for human colon cancer stem cells (Canada)
Sam Weiss is awarded the Gairdner Prize for the discovery of neural stem cells
John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka win the Lasker Prize for discoveries in nuclear
reprogramming. Yamanaka is also awarded the Gairdner Prize
iPS cells created with minimal residual genomic alteration (Canada)
Adult cells reprogrammed directly to neurons, cardiac muscle and blood cells
(Canada, USA)
iPS cells created by transfection of mRNA (USA)
First clinical trial of human embryonic-derived stem cells for treatment of spinal cord
injury (USA)
Isolation of multipotent human blood stem cells capable of forming all cells in the
blood system (Canada)
John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent
Clulas no diferenciadas.
Pueden dividirse y multiplicarse en su estado no
diferenciado por largos perodos de tiempo.
Bajo condiciones fisiolgicas o experimentales
adecuadas pueden dar lugar a clulas ms
especializadas, como clulas nerviosas, clulas
productoras de insulina, etc.
Dos criterios: por su potencialidad y por su origen.
totipotenciales. Aquellas clulas troncales que aparecen en las primeras etapas del
desarrollo del embrin, en etapas anteriores a la formacin del blastocisto. Estas
clulas pueden diferenciarse en todos los tipos de clulas de tejidos y rganos as
como en estructuras embrionarias como la placenta o el cordn umbilical.
pluripotenciales son aquellas clulas troncales, en concreto las clulas troncales
embrionarias, que son capaces de diferenciarse en cualquier tipo de clula que
pueda existir en rganos y tejidos, pero no en las clulas que forman estructuras
embrionarias como la placenta y el cordn umbilical.
adultas multipotenciales son aquellas que se encuentran parcialmente
especializadas pero que son capaces de formar un nmero determinado de tipos
celulares. Un ejemplo de clulas troncales adultas multipotenciales son las clulas
troncales hematopoyticas que pueden diferenciarse en plaquetas, glbulos rojos
o glbulos blancos.
unipotenciales son las clulas progenitoras que solo son capaces de diferenciarse en
un nico linaje celular. Este es el caso de las clulas troncales adultas que se
encuentran en los diferentes tejidos del organismo y cuya funcin es actuar como
reservorios de clulas en los tejidos para la vida del organismo.
Embrionarias: clulas troncales presentes en las
primeras etapas de desarrollo del embrin
(blastocisto) antes de que se produzca su implantacin
en el tero.
De origen germinal: clulas troncales que pueden
aislarse a partir de la lnea embrionaria de produccin
de espermatozoides y vulos.
fetales: clulas troncales que aparecen en tejidos y
rganos fetales con caractersticas similares a sus
homlogas en tejidos adultos.
adultas: clulas troncales que se encuentran en tejidos u
rganos adultos.
Clulas hematopoyticas
Clulas mesenquimales