This document discusses compulsory vaccinations and informed consent regarding medical procedures under Belgian law. It makes several key points:
1) Vaccinations are considered medical procedures under Belgian law and require prior informed consent according to the 2002 Belgian Law on Patients' Rights. Compulsory vaccinations without consent violate this law.
2) Vaccines carry health risks and side effects, so compulsory administration without examining individual risk factors violates principles of proportionality and physical integrity.
3) Respect for therapeutic freedom means individuals should have a choice in medical treatments and not be hindered in maintaining their own health. Mandatory vaccines can violate this freedom.
This document discusses compulsory vaccinations and informed consent regarding medical procedures under Belgian law. It makes several key points:
1) Vaccinations are considered medical procedures under Belgian law and require prior informed consent according to the 2002 Belgian Law on Patients' Rights. Compulsory vaccinations without consent violate this law.
2) Vaccines carry health risks and side effects, so compulsory administration without examining individual risk factors violates principles of proportionality and physical integrity.
3) Respect for therapeutic freedom means individuals should have a choice in medical treatments and not be hindered in maintaining their own health. Mandatory vaccines can violate this freedom.
This document discusses compulsory vaccinations and informed consent regarding medical procedures under Belgian law. It makes several key points:
1) Vaccinations are considered medical procedures under Belgian law and require prior informed consent according to the 2002 Belgian Law on Patients' Rights. Compulsory vaccinations without consent violate this law.
2) Vaccines carry health risks and side effects, so compulsory administration without examining individual risk factors violates principles of proportionality and physical integrity.
3) Respect for therapeutic freedom means individuals should have a choice in medical treatments and not be hindered in maintaining their own health. Mandatory vaccines can violate this freedom.
This document discusses compulsory vaccinations and informed consent regarding medical procedures under Belgian law. It makes several key points:
1) Vaccinations are considered medical procedures under Belgian law and require prior informed consent according to the 2002 Belgian Law on Patients' Rights. Compulsory vaccinations without consent violate this law.
2) Vaccines carry health risks and side effects, so compulsory administration without examining individual risk factors violates principles of proportionality and physical integrity.
3) Respect for therapeutic freedom means individuals should have a choice in medical treatments and not be hindered in maintaining their own health. Mandatory vaccines can violate this freedom.
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19th World Congress on Medical
Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012
1 THE PROTECTION OF THE PHYSICAL INTEGRITY AND THE PRINCIPLE OF INVIOLABILITY OF THE HUMAN BODY REGARDING COMPULSORY VACCINATIONS Philippe A. P. M , VanLangendonck, Lawyer, Brussels, Belgium [email protected] 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 2 The Belgian law of 22 August 2002 on patients rights introduced the requirement of prior informed consent to all medical procedures including vaccination, specifically Art. 8. 1 states that: "The patient has the right to freely consent to any intervention by the professional practitioner, provided to the patient with prior information. This consent is to be explicitly expressed, except in cases where the professional practitioner, after having sufficiently informed the patient, can reasonably infer from the latters behaviour his or her consent to the intervention," 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 3 The Belgian law of 22 August 2002 on patients rights Art. 8. 2 of the same Act, which provides that "the information provided to the patient for his consent ... concerning the purpose, nature, the degree of urgency, duration, frequency, contraindications, side effects and risks involved in the intervention and relevant to the patient, follow-up care, possible alternatives and the financial impact thereof". 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 4 1.- Each Vaccination is a medical procedure: In its opinion of 20 January 1996 on the administration of vaccines, the National Council of the Belgian Medical Board states that Vaccination remains a medical procedure (Art. 2 of the Royal Decree of 10 November 1967). Only the physician is able to prescribe it and to track as well as treat its side effects. 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 5 Definition of the Medical act In Belgium, the practice of the healing arts includes the establishment of diagnosis and the administration of treatment(s), or any act designed to or purporting to be, in respect of a human being, or a review of health status or screening for disease and disability, or the diagnosis, the establishment or implementation of treatment of a medical condition, physical or mental, real or perceived or vaccination . Loi 10.08.2001 portant modification de lA.R. n 78 du 10.11.1967 (M.B. 14.11.1967) Arr. roy. n 78 du 10 novembre 1967, art. 1er, 2, alina 1er, et 7, alina 1er et 2.) (C. Cass. 20 juin 1990, ) 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 6 Implications as a Medical act In principle, any vaccine must be preceded by an examination to verify that the product to be administered to the child or patient is not dangerous for him or her, with at least the following group of tests: - Full Ionogram, urea assays, - Lipoproteinogram, - Endocrine balance - Titration of all antibodies specific to any vaccinations already administered, - Testing for HIV and the various forms of hepatitis, - Electrophoresis of serum proteins and immunophoresis, so as to obtain a global overview of the capacity or incapacity of the patients body to produce antibodies, - and , depending on the age of the patient, a comprehensive review of radiology results. 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 7 2. - Each vaccination is a medical procedure and can never be imposed. If a doctor prescribes an immunization or vaccine without following the 2002 law on patient rights, he carries individual responsibility for unlawful activity, with the additional liability of constituting a break in the chain of information which is spelled out in such detail in the manufacturer's instructions.
The criminal court of Tournai (Belgium) in its decision of 16 March 2011 upheld that the mandatory polio vaccination as established by the Royal Decree of 26 October 1966 did not conform to the requirements of the Law of 22 August 2002, and that by the application of Article 159 of the Constitution, the application of Royal Decree must consequently be rejected (Appeal trial on 1 st October 2012)
19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 8 3.- The interdiction of any attack on physical integrity: With regard to vaccination, those vaccines which do not offer the guarantee of absolute efficiency and which contain components harmful to human health, the minimum proportionality is absent in comparison to an act of preventive medicine as such or that of a medical act which is carried out because essential to the survival of the patient. Violations of physical integrity are condemned by the European Convention on Human Rights which prohibits torture (Article 3) and the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (Article 12). The notion of harm to physical integrity must be understood in a broad sense. It covers any mutilation, any injury or illness caused with or without violence, but its definition extends to a persons mental integrity. 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 9 Article 2 of the Oviedo Convention, states: Article 2 Primacy of the human being The interests and welfare of the human being shall prevail over the sole interest of society or science. The administration of obligatory vaccines constitutes a violation of physical integrity and the administration of toxic substances is furthermore a violation of the Hippocratic Oath, which requires compliance with the principle of "Primum non nocere".
The problem of the presence of heavy metals, like other toxic adjuvants in vaccines is one of the most serious issues of our time in medical law. The denial of this issue by and the manner in which some public health authorities continue to blindly vaccinate their populations, doing all that is possible to maintain a taboo around the issue of medical contraindications and risks of side effects caused by vaccines, is scientifically, medically and legally unacceptable and constitutes a grave violation of the principle of precaution. 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 10 4.- Respect for therapeutic freedom: The Belgian Royal Decree No. 78 of 10 November 1967 establishes the respect of therapeutic freedom in accordance with Article 11 of said Decree, which makes it illegal to hinder the freedom of choice of therapeutic means for all practitioners of the healing arts.
It is also forbidden to hinder freedom of choice and use of therapeutic means available over the counter (food supplements, nutrients, vitamins, etc.), this in order to allow individuals to maintain or improve their health. 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 11 The KIGGS study A recent German study on infectious diseases, called KIGGS , was conducted for three years, from May 2003 to May 2006, by the Robert Koch Institute, the renowned institute at the service of the German Federal Ministry of Health. A summary of this long study was published in the Journal Bundesgesundheitsblatt (Vol. 49, No. 10, 2006). The Institute is currently pursuing the study during a second stage (2009-2012). "The work of the Koch Institute brought infectious diseases to the fore. Pneumonia affected 11.07% of vaccinated children whereas only 7.75% of [non-vaccinated children] were affected; as for ear infections the incidence was 11% as compared to 2%. The incidence of infectious disease for children aged 7-17 years, were studied during the 12 months preceding the survey. It was concluded that the immune system of unvaccinated operated normally, whereas after vaccination, it goes mad or crashes." KIGGS-study.pdf 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 12 5.- The example of vaccination against cancer of the cervix and that of the vaccinations imposed for environments (pre) school or for certain occupational categories:
Every time a doctor vaccinates a girl (or a child) and that she and her parents do not receive information on the composition, hazards, side effects and medical contraindications against vaccines, this doctor is potentially liable for crimes and offenses in punishable under criminal law in cases of serious or even lethal side effects due to the vaccine that has given so "blind", according to their severity, including: - Inadequate therapeutic acts and the administration of harmful substances likely to cause death or serious deterioration of health (sections 421 and 398 to 400 of the Belgian Criminal Code); - Assault and unintentional injuries resulting in death (sections 418 to 420 of the Belgian Criminal Code); - Failure to assist a person in danger (Articles 422bis and 422ter of the Belgian Penal Code). The responsability of the physician concide with the respect of his duty: "The King can do no wrong" The same situation applies to the vaccination requirements for certain occupational categories such as health professionals, fire-fighters, members of law enforcement, military, etc.
On 20 June, 2012, the U.S. media reported the veto by the Republican Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, who "loudly" opposed a bill organizing the promotion of and the free administration of HPV vaccinations in school settings. vaccination-bill-calls-it-taxpayer-funded-healthcare-mandate/
19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 13 6. - Compulsory vaccinations and abuse of the state of vulnerability of their "targets": Protection of physical integrity is an absolute right guaranteed by Articles 3 and 4 of the European Convention of Human Rights, articles which are not subject to any form of exception. They aim in particular to prevent attacks emanating from public authorities towards people in vulnerable situations.
Working parents who are obliged to place their young children in day care are vulnerable, as are girls attending schools that would be offered the vaccine against cancer of the cervix, or workers in certain professions under the requirement of compulsory vaccinations. 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 14
A new Belgian law effective February 3, 2012 represses the abuse of weakness with respect to persons in a vulnerable position.
This law establishes a new Article 442quater in the Belgian Penal Code to punish mental destabilization of people and abuse of the weak position of the persons as well as ensuring the legal protection of vulnerable people against abuse. This new section provides that those abusers will be punished who take advantage with the intent to harm the weakness of people to lead them to an act or omission which adversely affects their integrity or their financial assets. The authors of such abusive acts, however, must be aware of the state of weakness of the person(s) they are abusing. Patients fulfil the conditions of applicability of the Act as long as they are obliged to commit offenses against physical integrity imposed by vaccinations containing hazardous products such as heavy metals (aluminium, mercury, etc.) in order for them to keep their jobs. This is an utterly unacceptable form of abuse, both for themselves and their children.
19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 15 The importance of the respect for autonomy and will of the patient Patients at risk of losing their job if they were no longer able to benefit from day care services for their young children, or if they refuse to undergo vaccination imposed for reasons related to their occupation, are indeed in a vulnerable position. Mandatory vaccination creates the risk of individuals losing their jobs. The legitimate fear of this loss of income is therefore already an objective ground for vulnerability.
The compulsory vaccination is contrary to respect for autonomy and the will of the patient or his/her relatives. 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 16
No doctor should be forced to commit an act which compromises respect for the will of the patient.
In Germany, following a recent conviction on 27June 2012, of the circumcision of children for religious reasons, by the District Court of Cologne, several German associations of doctors ordered the indefinite postponement of circumcision of children for religious reasons after the practice was declared illegal.
In this example, the German Society of Surgery has recommended that parents of Jews and Muslims wait until their child is old enough to decide for himself. This demonstrates that respect for the will of the patient and the prohibition of acts contrary to respect for physical integrity should logically be extended to definitively rule out all mandatory vaccination.
Any mandatory vaccination should be prohibited because it is contrary to respect for the will and constitutes an abuse of weakness. 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 17 7. - The prohibition of the use of aluminum and mercury in vaccines: from the insufficient implementation of the precautionary principle in civil procedure to the necessary penal punishment of crime against humanity in criminal procedure.
19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 18 The precautionary principle in medical law The precautionary principle in medical law "expresses the realization that our powers exceed our knowledge [...]. While prevention is intended to avoid known risks, precaution tends not to create unknown risks, the precautionary principle is the wisdom of the scientific and technician which measures knowledge in the light of his ignorance. "
According to a judgment of the Court of Appeal of Lige May 24, 2004, there exist for a medical intervention (in this case concerning a surgeon), a contractual obligation "to use all means to obtain absolute safety, so that surgery is safe for the patient," being qualified obligation of means and not results," the knowledge of the physician must [...] be devoted to ensure no damage can be incurred by the patient (primum non nocere, or first do no harm).
"The principle primum non nocere extends to damages that have nothing to do with the early evolution or predictable - without intervention - the health of the patient." 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 19 The context of mandatory vaccines with aluminum compounds and / or mercury, We are dealing with medical treatment imposed but unsafe for the patient, including:
1) Efficiency as a medical treatment has not been proven 100%;
2) Heavy metals component vaccines are indisputably toxic;
3) There are alternative medical treatments (vaccines without heavy metals or other effective without side effects and enhancing immunity) less toxic since no heavy metals;
19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 20
Creating unknown risk in disregard of the precautionary principle may be likened to a medical experiment.
In any case, a doctor who would administer a vaccine containing toxic substances (for example heavy metals such as aluminum and mercury) in violation of the precautionary principle, that is to say, the prohibition to create unknown risks, to make himself guilty of an act and inadequate therapeutic administration of harmful substances such as to seriously affect health. When a medical experiment is imposed against the free consent of the individual or his parents in the case of a child, it is a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 21 Belgian Act of June 16, 1993 on the suppression of serious violations of international humanitarian law "The willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body, to health,
" constitute crimes under international law and are punishable under the provisions of the Belgian Act of June 16, 1993 on the suppression of serious violations of international humanitarian law (amended by the Act of February 10, 1999), in Article 3, 3, 3 and "without prejudice to the penal provisions applicable to offenses committed through negligence."
Similarly are crimes under international law: art. 3, 3, "9 acts and omissions, not legally justified, which may jeopardize the health and physical or mental integrity of persons protected by the Conventions on the protection of wounded, sick and shipwrecked including any medical procedure that would not be justified by the health status of the disabled or does not conform to the rules of the medical profession generally recognized; " 19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 22 8. Conclusion:
The freedom of vaccination is the expression of the therapeutic freedom for both the physician and the patient.
No medical procedure can be provided without the prior, free and informed consent of patients or young person capable of making an informed decision (whether or not they have reached the legal majority of 18 years of age), as per the law of 22 August 2002 on patient rights.
19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 23 No patient can thus, against his will, be blindly placed in a situation of threat to his or her health or exposed to compulsory vaccination, in defiance of therapeutic freedom, of free, prior and informed consent and the absolute right to respect for physical integrity. In fact, any reaction to the vaccine should be understood as an attack on physical integrity. Alleged protection of the community is strictly irrelevant in legal terms in this regard.
19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 24 General principles of human rights in the protection of human health They are already sanctioned at universal level and they are expected to have a impact in the law applicable to immunizations: The principle of the inviolability of human dignity ; The principles of protecting the physical integrity of the human body, and health freedom;
19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 25 Ultimately, in order to fully exercise their right to health, patients who protect themselves through voluntarily choosing vaccines or other therapeutic means, within their right to exercise their therapeutic freedom, accompanied by the professional expertise of their physicians, respect the principle which forms the basis itself of medicine: "primum non nocere" (first do no harm), whereby they take the least iatrogenic possible measures toward good health for themselves and/or their child(ren), to the benefit of the community and humanity as a whole.
19th World Congress on Medical Law, Macei, 9 August, 2012 26 Thanks for your attention