Dr. Myo Min Oo: Ph.D. (New Orleans), D.Min. (Indiana), M.S.B. (Notre Dame)
Dr. Myo Min Oo: Ph.D. (New Orleans), D.Min. (Indiana), M.S.B. (Notre Dame)
Dr. Myo Min Oo: Ph.D. (New Orleans), D.Min. (Indiana), M.S.B. (Notre Dame)
Myo Min Oo
Ph.D. (New Orleans), D.Min. (Indiana), M.S.B. (Notre Dame)
Principal, Wisdom Management Centre
Professor, Christian Theological Seminary
Advisor, Gracious Life Ministry International
Mental Health Counselor, Centre for Human Development Studies 1
Is the process of using what you have
{ RESOURCES }, to do what you want to do
Human Resources
Financial Resources
Physical Resources
Information Resource
Technical Resources
Collections of people who work together
and coordinate their actions to achieve a
wide variety of goals
The people responsible for supervising
the use of an organizations resources to
meet its goals
Organizational Performance
A measure of how efficiently and
effectively managers use organizational
resources to satisfy customers and achieve
A measure of how
well or
resources are
used to achieve a
A measure of the
of the goals an
organization is
pursuing and the
degree to which
they are achieved.
The more effective and efficient use an
organization can make of resources, the
greater the relative well-being of people
Almost all of us encounter managers
because most people have jobs and bosses
Understanding management is one
important path toward obtaining a
satisfying career
Marketing Management
Human Resource Management
Financial Management
Production/Operations Management
Functions of Management
Process of identifying and
goals and
courses of
Process of establishing a structure of
working relationships in a way that
allows organizational members to
interact and cooperate to achieve
organizational goals
Articulating a clear vision to follow, and
energizing and enabling organizational
members so they understand the part
they play in attaining organizational
Evaluating how well an organization is
achieving its goals and taking action
to maintain or improve performance
The outcome of the control process is the
ability to measure performance accurately
and regulate efficiency and effectiveness
Top Managers:
make the strategic (long-term) plan
Middle Managers:
Organize the employees and other
resources to produce
Explain each employees tasks & how
to perform the tasks
Middle Management: Determine
whether the production is efficient
(based on monitoring the plants
output and expenses each month)
Top Management: Assess the
expenses and sales from producing
products every month. Determine
whether the new strategic plan is
Communicate the plan to
middle management and
ask middle management
to implement the plan.
Communicate the
organization to supervisors
and ask them to implement
the production process.
Supervisors: Monitor employees to
ensure their new assignments
Mintzberg identified three categories
of roles Decisional, Informational,
Roles associated with methods managers use in
planning strategy and utilizing resources.
Entrepreneurdeciding which new
projects or programs to initiate and to
invest resources in.
Disturbance handlermanaging an
unexpected event or crisis.
Resource allocatorassigning resources
between functions and divisions, setting
the budgets of lower managers.
Negotiatorreaching agreements
between other managers, unions,
customers, or shareholders.
Roles associated with the tasks needed to
obtain and transmit information in the
process of managing the organization.
Monitoranalyzing information from
both the internal and external
Disseminatortransmitting information
to influence the attitudes and behavior of
Spokespersonusing information to
positively influence the way people in and
out of the organization respond to it.
Roles that managers assume to provide
direction and supervision to both
employees and the organization as a whole.
Figureheadsymbolizing the
organizations mission and what it is
seeking to achieve.
Leadertraining, counseling, and
mentoring high employee performance.
Liaisonlinking and coordinating the
activities of people and groups both
inside and outside the organization.
Relative Amount of Time That
Managers Spend on the Four
Managerial Functions
Conceptual Skills
The ability to analyze and diagnose a
situation and distinguish between cause
and effect.
Human Skills
The ability to understand, alter, lead, and
control the behavior of other individuals
and groups.
Technical Skills
The specific knowledge and techniques
required to perform an organizational role.
Managers have to perform many roles in an
organization and how they handle various
situations will depend on their styles of
A management style is an overall method of
leadership used by a manager.
Three main styles:
an autocratic or authoritarian manager
makes all the decisions, keeping the
information and decision making among the
senior management.
the direction of the business will remain
constant, and the decisions will be quick and
similar, this in turn can project an image of a
confident, well managed business.
subordinates may become dependent
upon the leaders and supervision may be
this style can decrease motivation and
increase staff turnover
Democratic (participative)
the manager allows the employees to take
part in decision-making: therefore everything
is agreed by the majority. (empowerment)
this style can be particularly useful when
complex decisions need to be made that
require a range of specialist skills;
from the overall business' point of view,
job satisfaction and quality of work will
the decision-making process is severely
slowed down, and the need of a consensus may
avoid taking the 'best' decision for the
Laissez-faire (free-rein)
the leader delegates much authority to
employees; the leader's role is peripheral and
staff manage their own areas of the business.
the style brings out the best in highly
professional and creative groups of employees.
the leader therefore evades the duties of
management and uncoordinated delegation
this leads to a lack of staff focus and
sense of direction, which in turn leads to much
dissatisfaction, and a poor company image