Bimed 09

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Embryonic development

The embryonic development of any animal starts

from the fertilized egg (zygote) which usually
passes through three main stages which are:
1) Cleavage, 2) Gastrulation and
3) Organ formation (organogenesis).
1) Cleavage:
After fertilization, the zygote divides repeatedly
by a series of mitotic divisions.

Zygote vertical 2-blastomere stage

at right angle to the horizontal
1st division 4-blastomere stage
double vertical
8-blastomere stage 16-blastomere stage
double horizontal
32-blastomere stage (morula)

64-blastomere stage 128-blastomere stage

A blastula
The blastula
@ It is a hollow structure formed at the end of
cleavage process.
@ Its wall is consisted of a single layer of cells.
These cells are differentiated into micromeres at
the animal pole and macromeres at the vegetal
@ The fluid filled cavity in its center is termed
This blastocoel is not connected to the exterior.
2) Gastrulation

The gastrula
@ It is an elongated structure formed at the end of
gastrulation process by flattening and invagination of
macromeres of blastula.
Invagination continues until the macromeres come in direct
contact with micromeres.
So, the blastocoel is disappeared while a new cavity is
@ Its wall is formed from a double layers of cells.
The outer layer which is formed from micromeres (is known
as the ectoderm) while the inner layer is formed from the
macromeres (the endoderm forms).
@ It has a cavity that called archenteron which is connected
to the exterior through an opening called a blastopore.
3) Organ formation (organogenesis):



Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm

Epidermis Brain & Notochord

Embrygonic gut
and nervous
associated system Mesenchyme
structures Outer
(loose & covering Inner Inner lining
e.g. skin, migrating lining of of
hair, nails of the respiratory
… etc.
cells) internal digestive tract
organs tract
Dermis Circulating Bones & Glands
(inner system cartilage including
skin layer (heart & liver &
blood pancreas
Excretory Gonads
Types of tissues

Epithelial Connective Muscular Nervous

tissues tissue tissues tissues

Origin Ectoderm, mesoderm Mesoderm, Ectoderm,

endoderm or

Matrix Small Huge

(intercellu- amount amount

Basement Has a Has not

membrane basement basement
membrane membrane
Epithelial tissues
According to their function

Covering epithelium Glandular epithelium Neuro-epithelium

According to the number of layers of cells

Simple epithelium Pseudostratified epithelium Stratified epith.elium

(one layer) (all cells are not attached to the (more than one layer)
free surface
According to the shape of cells &
the presence or absence of cilia on
the free surface Lining blood vessels
1- Simple squamous
epithelium Thyroid glands

2- Simple cuboidal

3- Simple columnar Lining

digestive Lining
tract of ovisac &
Bufo oviduct
4- Simple columnar of Bufo
ciliated epithelium
Epithelial tissues
According to their function

Covering epithelium Glandular epithelium Neuro-epithelium

According to the number of layers of cells

Simple epithelium Pseudostratified Stratified

epithelium epith.elium

According to the presence or absence of

cilia on the free surface

1- Pseudostratified
columnar epithelium
e.g. male urethra

2- Pseudostratified
ciliated columnar

e.g. lining trachea

Covering epithelium Glandular epithelium Neuro-epithelium

Simple epithelium Pseudostratified Stratified

epithelium epith.elium
According to the shape of the cells & the
presence or absence of cilia on the free surface

1- Stratified squamous
e.g. Epidermis of the
2- Stratified cuboidal
e.g. Cloaca of the toad
3- Stratified columnar
e.g. Conjunctiva of the
4- Stratified ciliated
columnar epithelium
e.g. lining vas
5 Transional
e.g. lining urinary
Covering epithelium Glandular epithelium Neuro-epithelium
According to the presence or
absence of ducts Exocrine glands
Endocrine glands -With ducts-
-without ducts)-
(duct glands)
(ductluss glands) According to the number of cells

e.g. pituitary, thyroid, Unicellular

Multicellular glands
parathyroid, adrenal, glands
- Moretothan
According the one cell
gonads (testes & -One cell-
ovaries), islets of e.g. goblet cells system
Langerhans, glands
According to the shape Simple glands
of secretory portion (have one (have duct
duct) system)
1- S. tubular
e.g. crypts of Lieberkühn
2- S. coiled tubular
e.g. sweat glands
3- S. branched tubular
e.g. gastric glands
4- S. alveolar glands
e.g. mucous & poisonous
gland in skin of Bufo
5- S. branched alveolar
e.g. sebaccous glands
Covering epithelium Glandular epithelium Neuro-epithelium

Endocrine glands Exocrine glands

(ductluss glands) (duct glands)
According to the number of cells

e.g. pituitary, thyroid, Multicellular glands
parathyroid, adrenal, e.g. goblet cells
gonads (testes &
ovaries), islets of Simple glands Compound
Langerhans, …. Etc. According to theglands
shape of
secretory portion
1- C. tubular
e.g. lacrimal
2- C. alveolar
e.g. salivary gland
3- C. tubulo-
alveolar glands
e.g. mammary
gland & exocrine
portion of pancreas
4- Reticular glands
e.g. liver of
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