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Microsoft: Get Up To Speed

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2007 Training
Get up to speed
NYIT presents:
Get up to speed
Course contents

Overview: A ands!on introduction

"esson #: $at%s canged& and w'

"esson 2: Get to wor( in Excel

"esson ): A new file for*at

Te first two lessons include a list of suggested tas(s& and
all include a set of test +uestions,
Get up to speed
Overview: A ands!on introduction
Excel 2007 as a new loo(- .t%s got te
fa*iliar wor(seets 'ou%re accusto*ed
to& /ut wit so*e canges,
0ota/l'& te old loo( of *enus and
/uttons at te top of te window as
/een replaced wit the Ribbon,
Tis course sows 'ou ow to use te
1i//on and igligts te oter
canges in Excel tat will elp 'ou
*a(e /etter wor(seets& faster,
Get up to speed
Course goals

Get a andle on te new loo( of Excel,

2ind ever'da' co**ands on te 1i//on: Cut& Copy&

Paste& Insert Sheet Rows& Insert Sheet Columns& and

3ave wor(/oo(s in te new Excel file for*ats,

"esson #
$at%s canged& and w'
Get up to speed
$at%s canged& and w'
4es& tere%s a lot of
cange in Excel 2007,
.t%s *ost noticea/le at
te top of te window,
5ut it%s good cange,
Te co**ands 'ou need are now *ore clearl' visi/le and
*ore readil' availa/le in one control center called the
Get up to speed
$at%s on te 1i//on6
Te tree parts of te
1i//on are ta/s&
groups& and
Tabs: Ta/s represent core tas(s 'ou do in Excel, Tere
are seven ta/s across te top of te Excel window,
Groups: Groups are sets of related co**ands&
displa'ed on ta/s,
Commands: A co**and is a /utton& a *enu& or a /ox
were 'ou enter infor*ation,
Get up to speed
$at%s on te 1i//on6
7ow do 'ou get
started on te
Te principal co**ands in Excel are gatered on te
first ta/& te Home ta/,
5egin at te
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$at%s on te 1i//on6
Groups pull togeter
all te co**ands
'ou%re li(el' to need
for a particular t'pe of
Trougout 'our tas(& groups re*ain on displa' and
readil' availa/le8 co**ands are no longer idden in
.nstead& vital co**ands are visi/le a/ove 'our wor(
Get up to speed
More co**ands& /ut onl' wen 'ou need te*
Te co**ands on te
1i//on are te ones
'ou use te *ost,
.nstead of sowing ever' co**and all te ti*e& Excel
2007 sows so*e co**ands onl' wen 'ou *a' need
te*& in response to an action 'ou ta(e,
3o don%t worr' if 'ou don%t see all te co**ands 'ou
need at all ti*es, Ta(e te first steps& and te
co**ands 'ou need will /e at and,
Get up to speed
More options& if 'ou need te*
3o*eti*es an arrow&
called te Dialog Box
aun!her& appears in
te lower!rigt corner
of a group,
Tis *eans *ore
options are availa/le
for te group,
On te Home ta/& clic( te arrow in te "ont group,
Clic( te 9ialog 5ox "auncer & and 'ou%ll see a
dialog /ox or tas( pane, Te picture sows an exa*ple:
Te "ormat Cells dialog /ox opens& wit superscript
and oter options related to fonts,
Get up to speed
:ut co**ands on 'our own tool/ar
9o 'ou often use
co**ands tat aren%t
as +uic(l' availa/le as
'ou%d li(e6
4ou can easil' add
te* to te #ui!$
%!!ess Toolbar,
:la' te ani*ation to see te process of adding a
/utton to te tool/ar and ten re*oving a /utton fro*
te tool/ar,
Ani*ation: 1igt!clic(& and clic( Play,
Get up to speed
:ut co**ands on 'our own tool/ar
9o 'ou often use
co**ands tat aren%t
as +uic(l' availa/le as
'ou%d li(e6
4ou can easil' add
te* to te #ui!$
%!!ess Toolbar,
Te ;uic( Access Tool/ar is a/ove te 1i//on wen
'ou first start Excel 2007, Tere& co**ands are alwa's
visi/le and near at and,
Get up to speed
$at a/out favorite (e'/oard sortcuts6
.f 'ou rel' on te
(e'/oard *ore tan
te *ouse& 'ou%ll want
to (now tat te
1i//on design co*es
wit new sortcuts,

Tere are sortcuts for ever' single /utton on te


3ortcuts often re+uire fewer (e's,

Tis cange /rings two /ig advantages over previous
versions of Excel:
Get up to speed
$at a/out favorite (e'/oard sortcuts6
Te new sortcuts
also ave a new
na*e: &ey Tips,
2or exa*ple& ere%s ow to use <e' Tips to center text:
4ou press A"T to
*a(e <e' Tips
:ress A"T to *a(e te <e' Tips appear,
:ress 7 to select te Home ta/,
:ress A& ten C to center te selected text,
Get up to speed
<e'/oard sortcuts of old tat /egin wit CT1" are still intact& and 'ou can use te*
te sa*e wa' 'ou alwa's ave,
2or exa*ple& te sortcut CT1"=C still copies so*eting to te clip/oard& and te
sortcut CT1"=> still pastes so*eting fro* te clip/oard,
$at a/out favorite (e'/oard sortcuts6
'hat about the old $eyboard short!uts(
Get up to speed
A new view
0ot onl' te 1i//on is
new in Excel 2007,
Page ayout )iew is
new& too,
.f 'ou%ve wor(ed in :rint "a'out view in Microsoft Office
$ord& 'ou%ll /e glad to see Excel wit si*ilar
Get up to speed
A new view
To see te new view&
clic( Page ayout
*iew on te *iew
tool/ar ,
Colu*n eadings,
1ow eadings,
Margin rulers,
7ere%s wat 'ou%ll see in te wor(seet:
Get up to speed
A new view
.n :age "a'out view
tere are page *argins
at te top& sides& and
/otto* of te wor(seet&
and a /it of /lue space
/etween wor(seets,
Oter /enefits of te new view:

4ou don%t need to use :rint :review to find pro/le*s

/efore 'ou print,

.t%s easier tan ever to add eaders and footers,

4ou can see different wor(seets in different views,

1ulers at te top and
side elp 'ou ad?ust
Get up to speed
$or(ing wit different screen resolutions
Ever'ting descri/ed
so far applies if 'our
screen is set to ig
resolution and te
Excel window is
.f not& tings loo(

%t low resolution+ .f 'our screen is set to a low

resolution& for exa*ple to A00 /' B00 pixels& a few
groups on te 1i//on will displa' te group na*e onl'&
not te co**ands in te group,
$en and ow do tings loo( different6
Get up to speed
$or(ing wit different screen resolutions
Ever'ting descri/ed
so far applies if 'our
screen is set to ig
resolution and te
Excel window is
.f not& tings loo(

'hen the ,x!el window isn-t maximi.ed+ 3o*e

groups will displa' onl' te group na*e,
$en and ow do tings loo( different6

'ith Tablet PCs+ On tose wit s*aller screens& te

1i//on ad?usts to sow s*aller versions of ta/s and
Get up to speed
3uggestions for practice
#, Enter text,
2, Ad?ust colu*n widt,
), Cange docu*ent views,
C, 3ow or ide wite space,
D, Add a /utton to te ;uic( Access Tool/ar,
Online practice Ere+uires Excel 2007F
Get up to speed
Test #& +uestion #
/ou !an !ustomi.e ,x!el 0112 by adding !ommands to the #ui!$ %!!ess
Toolbar+ 3Pi!$ one answer+4
#, True,
2, 2alse,
Get up to speed
Test #& +uestion #: Answer
4ou can add te co**ands 'ou want to /e at 'our fingertips to te
;uic( Access Tool/ar,
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Test #& +uestion 2
Some !ommands appear only when you need them+ 3Pi!$ one answer+4
#, True,
2, 2alse,
Get up to speed
Test #& +uestion 2: Answer
Ta(e te first step or two& and a new ta/ will appear& wit all te
co**ands 'ou need, 2or exa*ple& insert a cart& or a eader and
footer& and 'ou%ll see *ore co**ands,
"esson 2
Get to wor( in Excel
Get up to speed
Get to wor( in Excel
Te first lesson elped
'ou get oriented to te
new loo( of Excel
0ow it%s ti*e to get to
3a' 'ou%ve got a alf our /efore 'our next *eeting to
*a(e so*e revisions to a wor(seet tat 'ou created in
a previous version of Excel,
Can 'ou do te /asic tings 'ou need to do in Excel
2007& in ?ust )0 *inutes6 Tis lesson will sow 'ou ow,
Get up to speed
Open 'our file
2irst tings first, 4ou
want to open an
existing wor(/oo(
created in an earlier
version of Excel,
Clic( te 5i!roso6t 766i!e Button ,
9o te following:
Clic( 7pen& and select te wor(/oo( 'ou want,
Also note tat 'ou can clic( ,x!el 7ptions& at te
/otto* of te *enu& to set progra* options,
Get up to speed
.nsert a colu*n
0ow 'ou want to add
a colu*n to 'our
wor(seet to identif'
product categories,
4ou want it to go
/etween two existing
colu*ns of data,
>iew te ani*ation to see te process of inserting a
colu*n into te wor(seet,
Ani*ation: 1igt!clic(& and clic( Play,
Get up to speed
.nsert a colu*n
0ow 'ou want to add
a colu*n to 'our
wor(seet to identif'
product categories,
.t sould go /etween
two existing colu*ns
of data& #uantity and
4our wor(seet contains rows of products ordered fro*
various suppliers& and 'ou want to add te new colu*n
to identif' te various products as dair'& grains&
produce& and so on,
Get up to speed
#, Clic( in te Supplier colu*n, Ten on te Home ta/& in te Cells group& clic( te
arrow on Insert,
2, On te *enu tat appears& clic( Insert Sheet Columns, A new /lan( colu*n is
inserted& and 'ou enter te new data in te colu*n,
), .f 'ou need to ad?ust te colu*n widt to fit te data& in te Cells group& clic( te
arrow on "ormat, .n te list tat appears& clic( %uto"it Column 'idth,
.nsert a colu*n
2ollow tis procedure to add te colu*n /etween te #uantity colu*n
and te Supplier colu*n:
Get up to speed
2or*at and edit data
4ou for*at and edit
data /' using
co**ands in groups
on te Home ta/,
2or exa*ple& te colu*n titles will stand out /etter if te'
are in /old t'pe,
To *a(e it so& select te row wit te titles and ten on
te Home ta/& in te "ont group& clic( Bold,
Get up to speed
2or*at and edit data
$ile te titles are still
selected& 'ou decide
to cange teir color
and teir si@e& to *a(e
te* stand out even
.n te "ont group& clic( te arrow on "ont Color, 4ou%ll
see *an' *ore colors to coose fro* tan /efore,
4ou can also see ow te title will loo( in different colors
/' pointing at an' color and waiting a *o*ent,
Get up to speed

To increase te font si@e& clic( In!rease "ont Si.e ,

2or*at and edit data
4ou can use te "ont group to ta(e care of oter for*atting and editing
options& too,

$ile te titles are still selected& 'ou decide to center te* in te

cells, .n te %lignment group& clic( Center ,

2inall'& 'ou find tat 'ou need to enter one *ore order for
"ouisiana 2ier' 7ot :epper 3auce, 3elect tat product na*e& and
in te Clipboard group& clic( Copy , Ten clic( in te /otto*
row& and in te Clipboard group again& clic( Paste ,
Get up to speed
Enter a for*ula
5efore anding off
'our report& 'ou want
to add up te nu*/ers
in te ;uantit'
:lace te cursor in te last cell in te ;uantit' colu*n&
and ten clic( te Sum /utton on te Home ta/, E.t%s in
te ,diting group,F
:ress E0TE1 to see te for*ula result,
.t%s eas': Gse te Sum
/utton ,
Get up to speed
Add eaders and footers
As a finising touc&
'ou decide to add
eaders and footers to
te wor(seet,
Tis will elp *a(e
clear to ever'one wat
te data is a/out,
#, 3witc to :age "a'out view, 4ou can clic( te *iew
ta/& and ten clic( Page ayout *iew in te
'or$boo$ *iews group, Or clic( te *iddle /utton
on te *iew tool/ar at te /otto* of te
7ere%s wat to do:
Get up to speed
Add eaders and footers
As a finising touc&
'ou decide to add
eaders and footers to
te wor(seet,
Tis will elp *a(e
clear to ever'one wat
te data is a/out,
2, Clic( in te area at te top of te page tat sa's
Cli!$ to add header,
7ere%s wat to do:
), As soon as 'ou do& te Header 8 "ooter Tools and
te Design ta/ appear at te top of te 1i//on,
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.t%s ti*e to print te
.n :age "a'out view&
'ou can *a(e
ad?ust*ents and see
te canges on te
screen /efore 'ou
#, Clic( te Page ayout ta/,
2, .n te Page Setup group& clic( 7rientation and ten
select Portrait or ands!ape, .n :age "a'out view&
'ou%ll see te orientation cange& and ow 'our data
will loo( eac wa',
7ere%s ow to use :age "a'out view:
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.t%s ti*e to print te
.n :age "a'out view&
'ou can *a(e
ad?ust*ents and see
te canges on te
screen /efore 'ou
), 3till in te Page Setup group& clic( Si.e to coose
paper si@e, 4ou%ll see te results of 'our coices as
'ou *a(e te*, E$at 'ou see is wat 'ou print,F
7ere%s ow to use :age "a'out view:
Get up to speed
Te 9ew 'or$boo$ window
Te 9ew 'or$boo$
window offers te
perfect place to start
in Excel,
$en 'ou clic( te 5i!roso6t 766i!e Button and
ten clic( 9ew& te 9ew 'or$boo$ window opens,
At te top of te window& 'ou can select eiter a new
/lan( wor(/oo( or a te*plate,
Get up to speed
3uggestions for practice
#, .nsert a colu*n,
2, Gse Auto3u*,
), Add a eader and a footer,
C, Add a few finising touces,
D, Explore print options,
Online practice Ere+uires Excel 2007F
Get up to speed
Test 2& +uestion #
To insert a new !olumn: you use the !ommands in the Cells group on the
Home tab+ 3Pi!$ one answer+4
#, True,
2, 2alse,
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Test 2& +uestion #: Answer
Ten clic( te arrow next to Insert& and ten clic( Insert Sheet
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Test 2& +uestion 2
'here is the button that you !li!$ to 6ind !ommands to open and !lose your
6iles( 3Pi!$ one answer+4
#, On te first ta/,
2, .n te upper!left corner of te window,
), Gnderneat te 1i//on,
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Test 2& +uestion 2: Answer
.n te upper!left corner of te window,
Clic( te /ig round 5i!roso6t 766i!e Button in te upper!left corner,
Get up to speed
Test 2& +uestion )
In Page ayout )iew: you want to add a header to your wor$sheet: but you
don-t see the !ommands you need+ To get the !ommands: you need to !li!$ in
the area that says ;Cli!$ to add header+< 3Pi!$ one answer+4
#, True,
2, 2alse,
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Test 2& +uestion ): Answer
As soon as 'ou do& te Header 8 "ooter Tools and te Design ta/
appear on te 1i//on, Tese ave all te co**ands to wor( wit
eaders and footers,
"esson )
A new file for*at
Get up to speed
A new file for*at
Excel as a new file
5ut 'ou can still open
and edit older
wor(/oo(s and sare
files wit people wo
don%t ave Excel
Te new file for*at /rings increased securit' for 'our
files& reduced ris( of file corruption& reduced file si@e&
and new features,
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$or(ing wit files fro* earlier versions
.n Excel 2007& 'ou
can open files created
in Excel HD troug
Excel 200),
5ut wat if 'ou%re te first person in 'our office to ave
Excel 20076 $at if 'ou need to need to sare files wit
depart*ents tat don%t ave Excel 2007 'et6
9on%t panic, 4ou can all sare wor(/oo(s wit eac
Get up to speed

Old files sta' old unless 'ou coose oterwise,

Excel will save an older file in its original for*at unless 'ou specif'
oterwise, 2or exa*ple& if it started in Excel 200)& Excel 2007 saves it
in 200) for*at /' default,

0ewer features warn 'ou if 'ou save a file as older,

$en 'ou save a file in a previous version%s for*at& and te 2007

features 'ou used are not co*pati/le wit te previous version& a
Co*pati/ilit' Cec(er tells 'ou so,
$or(ing wit files fro* earlier versions
7ere%s ow:
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4ou can alwa's cop' newer files in newer for*at first,

$or(ing wit files fro* earlier versions

4ou can sare docu*ents /etween versions /' using a converter,

Colleagues wit Excel 2000 troug 200) can open 2007 files /'
downloading and using a converter,

Iust tell Excel 'ou want an Excel $or(/oo( EJ,xlsxF, Tat cop' of te
file will contain all te Excel 2007 features,
7ere%s ow:
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5enefits of te new for*at
Te new file for*at
*eans i*prove*ents
to Excel,

0ew features

3afer files

"ess ris( of file corruption

7ere are its cief /enefits:
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5enefits of te new for*at
Te new file for*at
*eans i*prove*ents
to Excel,

1educed file si@e

7ere are its cief /enefits:

More useful data

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0ew file for*ats& new options wen 'ou save
$en 'ou save a file
in Excel 2007& 'ou can
coose fro* several
file t'pes,

,x!el 'or$boo$ 3=+xlsx4+ Gse wen tere are no *acros or >5A code,

,x!el 5a!ro>,nabled 'or$boo$ 3=+xlsm4+ Gse wen tere are *acros or >5A

,x!el Template 3=+xltx4+ Gse wen 'ou need a te*plate,

Get up to speed
0ew file for*ats& new options wen 'ou save
$en 'ou save a file
in Excel 2007& 'ou can
coose fro* several
file t'pes,

,x!el 5a!ro>,nabled Template 3=+xltm4+ Gse wen 'ou need a te*plate and
te wor(/oo( contains *acros or >5A,

,x!el Binary 'or$boo$ 3=+xlsb4+ Gse wit an especiall' large wor(/oo(,

Get up to speed
0ew file for*ats& new options wen 'ou save
$en 'ou save a file
in Excel 2007& 'ou can
coose fro* several
file t'pes,

,x!el ?2>,x!el 011@ 'or$boo$ 3=+xls4+ Gse wen 'ou need to sare wit
so*eone wor(ing in a previous version of Excel,

5i!roso6t ,x!el A+1B?A 'or$boo$ 3=+xls4+ Gse wen 'ou need to sare wit
so*eone using Microsoft Excel D,0,
Get up to speed
Test )& +uestion #
I6 you sa)e a 6ile that was !reated in a pre)ious )ersion o6 ,x!el as an ,x!el
0112 6ile: the 6ile !an use all the new ,x!el 6eatures+ 3Pi!$ one answer+4
#, True,
2, 2alse,
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Test )& +uestion #: Answer
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Test )& +uestion 2
'hy was the ,x!el 0112 6ile 6ormat !hanged to C5( 3Pi!$ one answer+4
#, 0ew features could /e added to Excel,
2, 2iles are safer,
), "ess ris( of file corruption,
C, 1educed file si@e,
D, All of te a/ove,
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Test )& +uestion 2: Answer
All of te a/ove,
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Test )& +uestion )
Someone sends you an ,x!el 011@ 6ile: whi!h you open in ,x!el 0112+ 'hen
you-re 6inished wor$ing with it in 0112: the 6ile will automati!ally be sa)ed as
,x!el 0112: unless you !hange the option+ 3Pi!$ one answer+4
#, True,
2, 2alse,
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Test )& +uestion ): Answer
.f it started in Excel 200)& Excel 2007 saves it in te 200) for*at unless
'ou sa' oterwise,
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;uic( 1eference Card
2or a su**ar' of te tas(s covered in tis course& view te
;uic( 1eference Card,

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