STM50 Mass Pack v1.2

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Welcome to

St Thomas More Parish

Belgrave, 19 July 2009
St. Joseph
Sacred Heart St. Clare

St. Paul St. Thomas More

We are Called
Come ! Live in the light!
Shine with the joy and the love of

the Lord!
We are called to be light for the

To live in the freedom of the city of

We are Called
We are called to act with justice,
We are called to love tenderly,

We are called to serve one

To walk humbly with God!
We are Called
Come ! Open your heart!
Show your mercy to all those in

We are called to be hope for the

So all hatred and blindness will be

no more!
We are Called
We are called to act with justice,
We are called to love tenderly,

We are called to serve one

To walk humbly with God!
We are Called
Sing! Sing a new song!
Sing of that great day when all will

be one!
God will reign, and we’ll walk with

each other
As sisters and brothers united

in love!
We are Called
We are called to act with justice,
We are called to love tenderly,

We are called to serve one

To walk humbly with God!
Glory to God in the highest and
peace to his people on earth
Lord God, heavenly King, Almighty

God and Father,

We worship you, we give you

thanks, we praise you for your

Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the
Father, Lord God, Lamb of God
You take away the sin of the

world: Have mercy on us;

You are seated at the right hand of

the Father: receive our prayer.

For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
You alone are the Most High, Jesus

Christ, with the Holy Spirit

In the glory of God the Father.

Responsorial Psalm:
The Lord is my shepherd
And I want to follow Wherever he

leads me,
Wherever he goes.

Over the mountains

The waters and by-ways,

Valleys and highways,

He’s waiting for me

Responsorial Psalm:
I want to go to meet him there
To lay myself down in his love.

The Lord is my shepherd

And I want to follow

Wherever he leads me,

Wherever he goes.
Responsorial Psalm:
And while on the journey to where
we are going,
He promised to be there to help

us along
And over the mountains,

we’ll walk on together

To know all the wonders

he’s given to me.

Responsorial Psalm:
I want to go to meet him there
To lay myself down in his love.

The Lord is my shepherd

And I want to follow

Wherever he leads me,

Wherever he goes.
The Nicene Creed
We believe in one God, the Father,
the Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth, of all

that is seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus

Christ, the only Son of God,

Eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God,
The Nicene Creed
Light from Light, true God from
true God, begotten, not made, of
one being with the Father.
Through him all things were

made. For us and for our

salvation he came down from
By the power of the Holy Spirit he

became incarnate from the

The Nicene Creed
For our sake he was crucified
under Pontius Pilate; He suffered
death, and was buried.
On the third day he rose again in

accordance with the Scriptures:

He ascended into heaven and is

seated on the right hand of the


The Nicene Creed
He will come again to judge the
living and the dead, and his
kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the

Lord the giver of life, who

proceeds from the Father and the

The Nicene Creed
With the Father and the Son he is
worshipped and glorified.
He has spoken through the

We believe in one holy catholic

and apostolic Church.

We acknowledge one baptism for

the forgiveness of sins.

The Nicene Creed
With the Father and the Son he is
worshipped and glorified.
He has spoken through the

We believe in one holy catholic

and apostolic Church.

We acknowledge one baptism for

the forgiveness of sins.

The Nicene Creed
He will come again to judge the
living and the dead, and his
kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the

Lord the giver of life, who

proceeds from the Father and the
The Nicene Creed
With the Father and the Son he is
worshipped and glorified.
He has spoken through the

We believe in one holy catholic

and apostolic Church.

We acknowledge one baptism for

the forgiveness of sins.

The Nicene Creed
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the
Lord the giver of life, who
proceeds from the Father and the
With the Father and the Son he is

worshipped and glorified.

He has spoken through the

We believe in one holy catholic
The Nicene Creed
We acknowledge one baptism for
the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the

dead, and the life of the world to

Prayers of the Faithful
 Response:
 Lord, Hear Us.

Gather Your People
Gather your people, O Lord
Gather your people , O Lord

One bread one body one

spirit of love
Gather your people, O Lord.

Draw us forth to the table of

Life, Brothers and Sisters
Each of us called to walk in
Gather Your People
Gather your people, O Lord
Gather your people , O Lord

One bread one body one

spirit of love
Gather your people, O Lord.

Wash us, Lord, in the waters

of life,
Waters of mercy, waters of
Gather Your People
Gather your people, O Lord
Gather your people , O Lord

One bread one body one

spirit of love
Gather your people, O Lord.
Our Father
Our Father who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
They kingdom come, They will be

done on earth, as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive those who trespass

against us.
Our Father
And lead us not into temptation:
But deliver us from evil.

Spirit Blowing through
Spirit blowing through
Spirit burning in the skies,

Let the hope of your salvation

fill our eyes.

God of splendour, God of

You who light the stars above,

All the heavens tell the story

Spirit Blowing through
As you moved upon the
As you ride upon the wind,

Move us all your sons and

daughters deep Within.

As you shaped the hills and

Formed the land and filled the

Spirit Blowing through
Spirit renewing the earth,
Renewing the hearts of all

Burn in the weary souls,

Blow through the silent lips.

Come now awake us, Spirit of


Spirit Blowing through
Love that sends the rivers
Love that waters all that lives,

Love that heals and holds and

rouses and forgives,

You are food for all your

You are hunger in the soul,

In your hands the broken

Spirit Blowing through
All the creatures you have
All that live and breathe in

Find their hope in your

strong and True.
You, O Spirit of salvation,

You alone, beneath, above,

Spirit Blowing through
Spirit renewing the earth,
Renewing the hearts of all

Burn in the weary souls,

Blow through the silent lips.

Come now awake us, Spirit of


Sharing Faith and Life
 We celebrate our Parish
 We share our Faith and our
 Pray for those who have
gone before us
 And cared for those of their
 They prepared a path of
Sharing Faith and Life
 Chorus 1:
We need love we need

forgiveness from you our

Help us to love, Help us to

like you our God
Sharing Faith and Life
Sharing Faith and Life
 We give thanks for the time
of prayer, you answered as
you gently held us in your
 We thank you for taking
pain in our hearts and help us
rise to live again.
Sharing Faith and Life
 Chorus 2:
We receive love. We’ve been

forgiven by you our God.

We need to show love,

We can be forgiving as you

our God
Sharing Faith and Life.
Sharing Faith and Life
 Lord we ask to create in us
the stillness
 As our weakness is
strengthened by your grace
 Hear our prayers O Holy
 As we spread your words of
Love in our hills
 Sharing Faith and Life
Sharing Faith and Life
 As time washes down the
river of our lives,
 Help us share, share the
cup of love
 As we live today in this
 Help our Faith, Help our
Faith be strong.
Sharing Faith and Life
 Chorus 3:
Through our Church Lord,

through our Schools

We teach your ways, we care

for all
We share our Faith.
The Great Southland
This is our nation, this is our land
This is our future, this is our hope

A land of reaping, a land of

This is our land, this is our home
The Great Southland
This is the Great Southland of the
Holy Spirit,
A land of red dust plains and

summer rains.
To this sunburnt land we will see a

And to this Great Southland his

Spirit comes.
The Great Southland
This is our nation, this is our land,
This land of plenty, this land of

The richest harvest is in her

We see revival, his Spirit comes.
The Great Southland
This is the Great Southland of the
Holy Spirit,
A land of red dust plains and

summer rains.
To this sunburnt land we will see a

And to this Great Southland his

Spirit comes.
The Great Southland
This is our nation, this is our land,
This lucky country, of dreams gone

And to this people, we see a

And to this land, revival comes.
The Great Southland
This is the Great Southland of the
Holy Spirit,
A land of red dust plains and

summer rains.
To this sunburnt land we will see a

And to this Great Southland his

Spirit comes.

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