Database Management Systems: Chapter-1
Database Management Systems: Chapter-1
Database Management Systems: Chapter-1
Dinesha L
Lecturer, Dept. Of CSE
SSIT, Tumkur
An Overview of Database Management
Database Systems
Why Use Database
Database Architecture
An Example of the Three Levels
Data Independence
Types Of Database Models
Database Design Phases
Data: Known facts that can be recorded
and that have implicit meaning
Database: Collection of related data
Ex. the names, telephone numbers and
addresses of all the people you know
Database Management System: A
computerized record-keeping system
Goals of a Database Management System:
To provide an efficient as well as a convenient
environment for accessing data in a database
Enforce information security: database security,
concurrency control, crash recovery
It is a general purpose facility for:
Defining database
Constructing database
Manipulating database
History of DBMS
1960 First DBMS designed by Charles
Bachman at GE. IBMs Information Management
System (IMS)
1970 Codd introduced the RDBMS
1980 Relational model became popular and
accepted as the main database paradigm. SQL,
ANSI SQL, etc.
1980 to 1990 New data models, powerful
query languages, etc. Popular vendors are
Oracle, SQL Server, IBMs DB2, Informix, etc.
Various types of data: Images, Text,
complex queries, Data Mining, etc.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Management Resource Planning (MRP)
Database in Web technologies
Current Database trends:
Multimedia databases
Interactive video
Streaming data
Digital Libraries
DBMS Functions
Data Definition
Data Manipulation
Data Security and Integrity
Data Recovery and Concurrency
Data Dictionary
Early File Systems Vs DBMS
Catalog in DBMS. Data definition in file
systems is part of application programs.
Program-Data independence
Sharing and Transaction processing
data description-1
data description-2
data description-3
Application program-1
with data semantics
Application program-2
with data semantics
Application program-3
with data semantics
. .
File System approach
DBMS approach
Redundancy can be reduced
Inconsistency can be avoided
Data can be shared
Standards can be enforced
Security restrictions can be applied
Integrity can be maintained
Data independence can be provided
Backup and Recovery
Benefits of database approach
Describing and Storing Data
Data Model
A data model is a collection of high-level
data description constructs that hide many
low-level storage details.
Relational Data Model
Semantic Data Model ER Model
Relational Model
A Relation is a set of records and attributes.
Also known as tuples and columns.
A Schema is the description of data in terms
of a data model.
Eg. Student(RegNo : String, Name : String,
Sem : Integer, Branch : String)
Student Relation
RegNo Name Sem Branch
0016 N. Deepak 3 CSE
0674 K. Gopal 5 MECH
2901 Kanchana 2 CSE
Other Data Models
Relational Model DB2, Oracle, Informix,
Sybase, MS-Access, Foxbase, Paradox,
Hierarchical Model IMS DBMS
Network Model IDS & IDMS
Object-Oriented Model ObjectStore &
Object-Relational Model Products from
IBM, Oracle, ObjectStore, Versant.
Three-Layer Abstraction
Physical Schema
Conceptual Schema
External Schema - 2 External Schema - 1 External Schema - 3
Conceptual Schema
Describes the stored data in terms of the data model
of the DBMS. This leads to conceptual database
Student(RegNo:Integer, Name:String,
Sem:Integer, Branch:String)
Faculty(Fid:Integer, FName:String, Salary:Float)
Course(CourseNo:Integer, CName:String,
Credit:Integere, Dept:String)
Section(SecId:Integer, CourseNo:Integer,
Sem:Integer, Year:Integer, Instructor:String)
GradeReport(RegNo:Integer, SecId:Integer,
Physical Schema
Describes the actual storage details of the
relations described in conceptual schema.
Primary indexing, sequential, binary,
secondary indexing, etc.
This leads to the physical database design.
External Schema
Describes several views of the database
based on the database model.
Several external schemas are possible for a
single database.
Each view is based upon the user
StdGrade(RegNo:Integer, Name:String,
Sem:Integer, Grade:Char)
Program-Data Independence
The data independence is the ability to change
the schema at one level of a database system with
out changing the schema at a higher level.
Logical data Independence
It is the ability to change the schema at one level
of a database system without changing the
external schema or application programs, is called
as the logical data independence. With out
changing the application programs, one can
change the logical schema.
Suppose the Faculty relation is modified
Faculty_Public(Fid:Integer, FName:String,
Faculty_Private(Fid:Integer, Salary:Float)
Any view designed before this modification
can still retrieve the data with little
modification (relation name) and obtain the
same answer.
Physical data independence
There are occasions for changing the
internal structures for improved
performance of the retrieval of data.
Any change introduced to the internal
schema or physical schema will not affect
the other schemas.
Database Languages
DDL Data Manipulation Language
SDL Storage Definition Language
VDL View Definition Language
DML Data Manipulation Language
(For data manipulations like
insertion, deletion, update,
retrieval, etc.)
Transaction Management
Atomic operation Handling concurrent
execution of transactions from several
Example: Reservation systems, Banking
Transaction failures and recovery.
Locking protocols.
Log (WAL Write Ahead Log)
DBMS Architecture
Plan Executor
Optimizer Operator Evaluator
SQL Engine
Files & Access
Buffer Manager
Disk Space Manager DBMS
Catalog Data File
Web Forms Front-End SQL I/f
SQL Commands
People Who Work with
Database Implementers
End Users
Application Programmers
End Users
Casual users
These are people who use the database occasionally.
Naive users
These are users who constantly querying and updating
the database.
Eg. Reservation Clerks of Airline, Railway, Hotel, etc.
Clerks at receiving station of Courier service, Insurance
agencies, etc.
Sophisticated Users
People who use for their complex requirements.
Eg. Engineers, Scientists, Business analysts
Standalone Users
Who maintain database for personal use.
Managing resources
Creation of user accounts
Providing security and authorization
Managing poor system response time
System Recovery
Tuning the Database
End of Chapter - 1