Platyhelminthes (Flatworm)
Platyhelminthes (Flatworm)
Platyhelminthes (Flatworm)
Ana Melisa F. Doruelo
Common name Scientific Name Feature Characteristics
-Flatworm -Platyhelminthes -Free-living and parasitic
unsegmented worms that
are dorsoventrally
flattened (depressed)
-simple bilateral
-soft-bodied invertebrates
Mode of Locomotion Mode of Reproduction Mode of Nutrition
-1) Cilia = helps them glide
through water and on
stream floors
2) Muscle cells = twist and
-Sexual Reproduction =
Hermaphrodites = has both
male and female
reproductive organs
-Asexual Reproduction by
fission = organism spits in
(Feeding) Free-living =
carnivores or scavengers
-Have digestive cavity,
mouth, pharynx
Common Name Scientific Name Feature Characteristics
Tapeworm Cestoda parasitic
-have a head with many
hooks to attach to the
intestinal wall
-have many segments that
can break off to infect
other hosts
-there are tapeworms that
infect every type of
Mode of Locomotion Mode of Reproduction Mode of Nutrition
-segments, or "
proglottides," become
detached in groups, and if
kept moist retain their
powers of movement and
vitality for a considerable
-have both male and
female reproductive
systems in their bodies
-The reproductive
system includes one or
many testes, cirrus, vas
deferens and seminal
vesicle as male organs, and
a single lobed or
unlobed ovary with the
connecting oviduct and ute
rus as female organs
= Feed on blood, tissue
fluids, or pieces of cells
from within a host
Common Name Scientific Name Featured Characteristics
Turbellaria -Whirlpool from Latin
-Aquatic (both freshwater
and marine); some
terrestrial .
- Some with color
dorsoventrally compressed
with anterior / post ends
- Acoelomate; no
- No larvae stages.
-- Incomplete digestive
Mode of Locomotion Mode of Reproduction Mode of Nutrition
-there is a thick basement
membrane (circled in red
in diagram below) that
lends structural support
to the body. Within these
basement membranes
are smooth muscle cells
that facilitate movement.
-secretes mucus to
provide lubrication as it
moves along and serves
as a medium against
which cilia act
- glide along the slimy
trails and the ciliated
epidermis facilitate the
turbellarians clone themselv
es by transverse or
longitudinal division, and
others, especially acoels,
reproduce by budding
-both female and male
reproductive cells, and
eggs internally by copulation
-Some of the larger aquatic
species mate by penis
fencing, a duel in which each
tries to impregnate the
other, and the loser adopts
the female role of
developing the eggs.
-Most other turbellarians
are carnivorous
-either preying on small
or protozoans, or
scavenging on dead
Common Name Scientific Name Feature Characteristics
-Monogenea - Monogenea -very small parasitic
-mainly found on skin or
gills of fish
-rarely longer than about
2 cm
-lack respiratory, skeletal
and circulatory systems
and have no or weakly
developed oral suckers
-attach to hosts using
hooks, clamps and a
variety of other specialized
Mode of Locomotion Mode of Reproduction Mode of Nutrition
-cilia or muscular action
-able to lock the haptor
relative to the body so that
during locomotion the
correct orientation is
preserved whatever the
direction of movement of
the parasite relative to the
fish, and secondly, that the
newly-attached haptor is
attached by suction only,
the hooks being brought
into play later.
-Although they
arehermaphrodites, the
male reproductive system
becomes functional before
the female part
-The eggs hatch releasing a
heavily ciliated larval stage
known as
-Most monogeneans are
browsers that move about
freely on the fishs body
surface feeding on mucus
and epithelial cells of the
skin and gills; however, a
few adult monogeneans
will remain permanently
attached to a single site on
the host
Ecological/Economic Importance
= Flatworms fill a variety of niches in addition
to parasitic, including a variety of nutrient
sources. Flatworms have been an important
part of biological communities since well
before any animals emerged on land
Thank You!