This document contains notes from an adult Christian education class on the book of Revelation. It discusses various passages from Revelation 1-3 and their historical and biblical context. The notes analyze symbols and references to help interpret the meaning and timing of events. They also draw connections between the messages to early churches and periods of church history spanning from the 1st century AD to the Protestant Reformation.
This document contains notes from an adult Christian education class on the book of Revelation. It discusses various passages from Revelation 1-3 and their historical and biblical context. The notes analyze symbols and references to help interpret the meaning and timing of events. They also draw connections between the messages to early churches and periods of church history spanning from the 1st century AD to the Protestant Reformation.
This document contains notes from an adult Christian education class on the book of Revelation. It discusses various passages from Revelation 1-3 and their historical and biblical context. The notes analyze symbols and references to help interpret the meaning and timing of events. They also draw connections between the messages to early churches and periods of church history spanning from the 1st century AD to the Protestant Reformation.
This document contains notes from an adult Christian education class on the book of Revelation. It discusses various passages from Revelation 1-3 and their historical and biblical context. The notes analyze symbols and references to help interpret the meaning and timing of events. They also draw connections between the messages to early churches and periods of church history spanning from the 1st century AD to the Protestant Reformation.
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The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Adult Christian Education Class
Sunday Morning 2014 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (April 13, 2014) Revelation 1: 1-8
Note* The Revelation is directly from Jesus Christ, NOT from John....hence the blessing referred to in verse 3.
- shortly come to pass This is a figure of speech with reference to the brevity of mans life and the fulfillment of prophetic events within the typical span of 70 years.
See Psalm 90:10 12 Job 7:6-10 Job 14:1-6 James 4:4
- for the time is at handhear and keep meaning listen to and obey John 14:15 If ye love Me, keep My commandments
- Him which is(Heb. 11:6) which was(1 John 1:1-4).and which is to come... (Isaiah 9:6-8, Isaiah 25 & 26, Isaiah 32: 1-2) Find (5) additional scripture that reference the Lords 2 nd
coming. 1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (April 20, 2014) Revelation 1: 5-8
- Him which is(Heb. 11:6) which was(1 John 1:1-4).and which is to come... (Isaiah 9:6-8, Isaiah 25 & 26, Isaiah 32: 1-2) Find (5) additional scripture that reference the Lords 2 nd
- The first begotten from the dead and the Prince of the kings of the earth. Unto Him that loved us.(John 3: 16-18) 1 John 3:1 (Behold what manner of love) 1 John 4:10 Herein is love..Romans 8:39.
- 6 Washed us from our sins in His own precious blood
Lev. 17:14 Mark 14:24 John 6:53-56 Eph. 1:7 Eph. 2:13, Colossians 1: 14, 20, Hebrews 9: 12-16, 1 Peter 1:2, 19, 1 John 1:7
And has made us Kings & Priests. (Exodus 19:6, Hebrews 7: 1-4) 2 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (April 27, 2014) Revelation 1: 5-8
And has made us Kings & Priests. (Exodus 19:6, Hebrews 7: 1-4)
- vs. #7 Behold He Cometh..with clouds (Clouds Gr. #3507 Nef-el- lay) See: Matt 24:30, 26;64, Mk. 13:26, 14:62, 1 Thess. 4:17, Jude 12
- All Kindreds .Gr. # 5443 (foo-lay) offshoot, ie. Race, clan or tribe = kindred
- Wail or wailing .See: Jer. 9:10, 18-19, Ezekiel 7:11, Amos 5: 16-17, Mic 1:8, Matt 13:42, Rev. 18: 15, 19
- vs. #8 note which is, which was, which is to come same as vs. 4
- vs. # 9 13
- vs. # 14 20 3 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (May 4, 2014) Revelation 1: 9-19
Vs. 9 Tribulation and Patience of the Kingdom (Matthew 11: 11-15, Daniel 2: 31-44, Revelation, Revelation 11: 11-15)
Vs. 10 Where else in scripture are trumpets mentioned? (Numbers 10: 1-10, Joel 2:1, 15, Zep. 1:16, Zach. 9:14, 1 Thess. 4:16)
Vs. 12, 13, 16 & 20 Note: The scripture discerns itselfIt tells us what the stars and the candlesticks are, and to whom the message is addressed and sent.
Vs. 18 Liveth and wasdead No One like Him, No one who has ever died has been resurrected with a life that is immortal..cannot die.
Vs. 19 Write the things thou HAST SEEN, THAT ARE, AND SHALL BE HEREAFTER 4 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (May 18, 2014) Revelation 2: 7-10
Vs. 7 He that hath ears to hear let him hear
Isaiah 6:9-10, Matt. 13:15, Luke 8;12, Acts 28:27, Zech. 7:8-12
Vs. 9 I know thy works, thy tribulation, thy poverty, but thou are rich (2 Corinthians 6:10 having nothing, but possessing ALL things) Matt. 6: 19-21 Lay up treasure in heaven Luke 12:33-34, Luke 18:22
Say they are Jews and are not..
Vs. 10 Not ten literal days, but 10 years In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer.. Be faithful 2 Tim. 2:13 5 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (May 25, 2014) Revelation 2: 7-10
Vs. 7 He that hath ears to hear let him hear
Isaiah 6:9-10, Matt. 13:15, Luke 8;12, Acts 28:27, Zech. 7:8-12
Vs. 9 I know thy works, thy tribulation, thy poverty, but thou are rich (2 Corinthians 6:10 having nothing, but possessing ALL things) Matt. 6: 19-21 Lay up treasure in heaven Luke 12:33-34, Luke 18:22
Say they are Jews and are not..
Vs. 10 Not ten literal days, but 10 years In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer.. Be faithful 2 Tim. 2:13 5 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (June 1, 2014) Revelation 2: 9 -13
Vs. 9 I know thy works, thy tribulation, thy poverty, but thou are rich (2 Corinthians 6:10 having nothing, but possessing ALL things) Matt. 6: 19-21 Lay up treasure in heaven Luke 12:33-34, Luke 18:22
Say they are Jews and are not..The church in Smyrna consisted largely of Lo-Ammi or gentilised Israelites; and it endured much opposition, particularly from Jews who were Jews by nature but who were rigidly opposed to their brethren of the divorced ten-tribed kingdom, whom they looked upon as sinners of the gentiles. These Jews had not accepted the message of the new covenant, not become Jews inwardly by the circumcision of the heart. Polycarp was the outstanding victim in Smyrna who was martyred in A.D. 168 by Jews who rejected Israels redeemer, calling Him, the hanged one. (John S. Fox A Flood of Light upon the Book of Revelation)
Vs. 10 Not ten literal days, but 10 years During the close of this Smyrna church period, in the ten years between 303A.D. and 313 A.D. the Christian church met the height of opposition at the hands of pagan Rome. The Emperor, Diocletian issued an edit decreeing the destruction of all Christian churches. By means of the day-year principle of Bible prophecy, God foretold this ten year period of martyrdom. The reward of faithfulness would be the crown of life.
(John S. Fox A Flood of Light upon the Book of Revelation)
In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer.. Be faithful 2 Tim. 2:13
Vs. 11 Shall not be hurt of the second death Revelation 20:6 Hebrews 11: 32-39 Philippians 3: 8 -15 5 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (June 8, 2014) Revelation 2: 13 -16
Vs. 11 Shall not be hurt of the second death Revelation 20:6 Hebrews 11: 32-39 Philippians 3: 8 -15
Vs. 13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest even where Satans seat is. (Throne, base of Operations)
1 John 2:18 Anti Christ Any Spirit that is against Christ 1 John 4: 1-4
Vs. 14 The Doctrine of Balaam (See Numbers 22)
6 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (June 22, 2014) Revelation 2: 13 -17
Vs. 13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest even where Satans seat is. (Throne, base of Operations)
The city of Pergamos was in violent opposition to God. The city practiced a Babylonia form of serpent worship, which it handed down to Pagan Rome. In the midst was a faithful church witnessing, facing hot persecution (John S. Fox) A Flood of Light on the Book of Revelation.
Vs. 14 The Doctrine of Balaam (See Numbers 22: 15 -17) This was the expansion of prophecy for hire, or for the perks associated with the ministry. More concerned was being placed on what one could get vs. what one could give.
See John 10: 8-13
Vs. 15 As with the church of Epshesus, the lust for power and authority among the leadership was evident in this church, rather than a loving (law loving) cooperative spirit. (See Deuteronomy 18: 6-8) 3 John 1: 1-11
Vs. 16 17 White Stone signifying a new authority, privilege and responsibility. Manna meaning what is it? Hidden manna as it speaks to the PHOS life in resurrection and reigning with Christ.
10 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (July 13, 2014) Revelation 3:1-5 (A.D. 1365 A.D. 1600)
Vs. 1 Sardis meaning a precious stone. This church reflects the prophetical period of the reformation, when light once again began to shine. The light of the early reformation began to shine in Britain first through John Wycliff and became more brilliant with William Tyndale issued the first English edition of the new testament in 1526 A.D.
Vs. 2 is depicted as the Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth. A probable reference to the fact that the church at Thyatira had lost the light and had begun to die. The few that remained true were exhorted to fan the embers that were still smoldering that a blaze of light might once again shine forth.
Vs. 3. The church had received and heard, but lacked the power of the Holy Spirit, having given itself over to ritual and religion. It was thus being condemned, but also encouraged to repent and restore its spiritual life.
Vs. 4 Some would however keep their sincerity, love and zeal, thus being faithful witnesses and eventually partakers of the first resurrection, walking with Him in white and living and reigning for 1000 years for they are worthy.
Vs. 5 Notice here, to the overcomers of this church there is promised the great reward as overcomers. These are they that follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth. Many however, will not have therr names recorded in this book of life having practiced lawlessness (Matt 7: 21-23) and having disobeyed too many of Gods commands to be counted worthy of immortality.
11 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (July 6, 2014) Revelation 2: 21-
Vs. 18 Thyatira meaning: Ruled by a woman In ancient Babylon woman were worshipped because of their miraculous power to bring forth the living child. This is the origin of the Roman Catholic church.
Vs. 20 Suffer that woman Jezebel who calleth herself a Prophetess to teach Jezebel was one of the most wicked women in scripture. She led her husband Ahab in gross immorality and she slew the prophets of the Lord. (1 Kings 18:13) In Revelation 17 and 18, the Roman Catholic church is depicted as the Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth.
Vs. 21 The reformation under Martin Luther gave this church an opportuninty to repent, but no repentance was to be had.
Vs. 23 Eventually, Papal Rome would begin to lose her power, as the Kingdom of God began tp expand her influence in the 1700s. See Revelation 16:7 and 18:6. It is estimated that over 50,000,000 lost their lives in opposition to the Papal Rome and her doctrine of demons
Vs. 28 (The Bright and Morning Star) See Psalm 72 The body of PHOS, the image of life and light
11 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (July 20, 2014) Revelation 3: 7-10
Vs. 7 He that hath the key of David, He that openeth and no man shutteth and no man openeth
Vs. 8 I know thy works: behold I have set before thee an open door Liberation a new order of the ages America is formed, the gospel begins to go forth with power as the shackles of the papacy are cast off in the light of truth. Missionary work begins to increase and the promises given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob begin their fulfillment as the birthright and the blessing gien to Ephraim and Manassah begins to fulfill it self in America.
Vs. 9 The synagogue of Satan Judaism, Zionism, the Jews and their diabolical plot to destroy all nations begins to unfold. That which began in Europe quickly spread to America and the Jews began to sow seeds of discourse among the brethren.
12 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (July 27, 2014) Revelation 3: 10 - 14
Vs. 10 Thou hast kept the Word of My patience.. This is speaking to the steadfastness required to stand far against the Roman Catholic Church, which was still attempting to cause turmoil in Europe. It was necessary for this church to continue to persevere.
Vs. 11. Dual warning here.Hold fast that no man take thy crown. Issued to the individual as well as the Throne of David. Stand Fast and hold your ground so that the Papacy is unable to gain a foothold in the political and religious reformation.
Vs. 14 Laodicean's Approx. 1800 to present Meaning Power of the Laity Organized religion Denominations, organizational structure. The adherence in many cases to anti Christian principles and standards. Mere existentialism void of the true power of Gods spirit. Church for the sake of church religion, but lacking the vitality and power of the Spirit. 12 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (August 3, 2014) Revelation 3:17-22
Vs. 17 Because thou sayestI AM rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing Our actions speak louder than our words, so the saying here is evidenced by the materialistic, modernist religion of today. The Laodicea church lacks the power of the Holy Spirit. It has become entangled with the affairs of this life and has failed to provide believers with a true hope of their calling that it that they should be striving to be part of the first resurrection the overcomers.
Perhaps there are some that will all on the altar of sacrifice lay that they might enter into that city (society) whose building and maker is God, having washed their garments in the blood of the lamb.
Vs. 20 Behold I stand at the door and knock. tragic picture of the Lord Jesus Christ trying to gain entrance into His church. The simplicity of the gospel, coupled with the message of Gods soon coming kingdom, and the necessity to walk in the light (law) of Gods Word. The admonition to be strong and of a good courage and to be not dismayed..for The LORD thy God is with thee.and greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Vs. 21 To him that overcomes.. 13 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (August 10, 2014) Revelation 4: 1-8
Vs. 1 Things that should be here after Things that are to be.
Vs. 3 This signifies the covenant with Noah and His descendants.Gods Word which cannot fail..
Vs. 4 These are the overcomers (the 12 Disciples and possibly 12 others from the Old Covenant (Moses, Abraham, The Prophets?)
Vs. 5 The seven Spirits of God.
Vs. 7 This is the encampment of IsraelThe Lion is Judah, The Calf is Ephraim, The Man is Rueben, and the Eagle is Dan
14 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (August 24, 2014) Revelation 6: 1-8 The First Seal Vs. #2 This depicts the Roman military conquest as Imperial Rome expands her dominion and influence. The time period under consideration is A.D. 96 through 180 A.D. This scene is similar to Rev. 19 where we also have a rider on a white horse, but the Roman General has a bow and crown of laurels, as Rome goes forth in the height of her glory The Second Seal Vs. #4 This depicts the corruption and carnage that took place as Rome began to disintegrate through civil war, internal strife and rivalry for position. The time period is roughly 185 A.D. 284 A.D. During this period there were no less than 32 emperors who were opposed by 27 different Generals who sought to control Rome. The red horse symbolizes the shedding of much blood as the various conquests took place throughout the empire. The Third Seal Vs. # 6 The black horse is symbolic of the darkness and oppression in the aftermath of war. The balances symbolize heavy taxation. Roman citizenship was extended to all men for the purpose of raising tax money to pay for the reconstruction of Rome. Caracalla was the emperor who laid an oppressively heavy yoke upon his subjects by taxing corn, wine.
The Fourth Seal Vs. #8 The pale horse dipiciting disease and famine. the Chrisitan historian Eusebius demonstrates the literal fulfillment of this prophecy saying Death waged a desolating war with two weapons, disease and famine and pestilence. Men wasted away to mere skeletons, stumbled hither and thither like mere shadows, trembling and tottering. A furious plague raged from 285 A.D. without interruption, in every province, every city and almost every family of the Roman empire. So great was the mortality that we might expect that disease, famine and pestilence consumed over half of the human spieces.
15 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (August 31, 2014) Revelation 6: 9 - 17 The Fifth Seal The Lamb opening the 5 th seal foretells the greatest period of martyrdom in the church, which occurred during the (10) year period from 303 A.D. until 313 A.D. During this period the Emperor Diocletian attempted to exterminate all Christians, until Constantine became Emperor in A.D. 313. This period of persecution coincides with Revelation chapter 2. (See Rev. 2:8-11)
Vs. # 10 & 11 How long O LORD? Based on the answer given (they should rest for a little season) it became obvious that the end of the age would not occur immediately, but would be prolonged for a period (season) of time. (Recall that Israel punishment was to last for a period of (7) times or 2,520 years
Vs. # 12-17 - ? These verses are quoted in Isaiah 2:19 and Hosea 10:8, where they refer to the end of the age. It is unclear whether this represents the turmoil in Rome, and the state of the seed of Israel at that time. (See Genesis 37:9-10) The same language The sun the moon and the stars is used here to represent Israel.
16 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (September 7, 2014) Revelation 7: 1 - 17 7: 1 As the Roman empire was being broken, Gods care for His people is evident. Having become scattered because of disobedience, God was nevertheless mindful of His promises, to build, plant and restore Israel to her former glory.
See: 2 Samuel 7:10, Isaiah 44: 1-2, Isaiah 49:1-8
4-8 The sealing of the tribes notice the tribe of Dan is missing.The number 144,000 signifies completion meaning Israels sealing was completed, not one would be lost. See Amos 9:9
Dan missing? The tribe of Dan had already begun their migration north and west of Palestine, into the Isles of what would become great Britian. Part of the House of David, specifically the line of Zarah went up with Dan. Later the seed of Zarah, would be joined to the line of Pharez, through the daughter of Zedekiah whose name was Tea Tephi. Echoidia the son of the King of Ireland, would later marry Tea Tephi and the House of David, which was never to be destroyed would develop in the British isles. 9-17 These verses depict the leadership of the Kingdom, cleansed, arrayed in white, those who will assist our LORD in the ordering of His kingdom.
it perfectly clear that although the royal house of Britain is NOT directly descended from King David of Israel through the MALE LINE, it is, in all likelihood, descended from King David through a wife or female descendant of this king who married into the line of Brutus. If this was the case, Queen Elizabeth is
17 The Revelation of Jesus Christ (September 14, 2014) Revelation 8: 1-2
Vs. 1-2 The silence in heaven indicates a period of time in which Israel was being sealed, BEFORE, the destruction of the Roman Empire, (Political and Papal) would meet its doom.
Vs. 3-4 Another angel came having a golden censer and there was given unto Him much incense. This is most likely, the LORD Jesus Christ, as only the High Priest was allowed to enter into the Holy of Holies with the incense, prayers, and annual offering for the atonement of sins.
Vs. 5-6 The earth is hereby represented by the Roman Empire, which is about to be destroyed. The first four trumpets are represented by the Gothic invasion
it perfectly clear that although the royal house of Britain is NOT directly descended from King David of Israel through the MALE LINE, it is, in all likelihood, descended from King David through a wife or female descendant of this king who married into the line of Brutus. If this was the case, Queen Elizabeth is