Chapter 4 HRM

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Motivating Employees
Job Enrichment
Job Empowerment
Job Satisfaction

Job enrichment is improvisation of both tasks efficiency and
human satisfaction by building into peoples jobs, quite
specifically, greater scope for personal achievement and
recognition, more challenging and responsible work and more
opportunity for individual advancement and growth.

An enriched job will have more responsibility, more autonomy
(vertical enrichment), more variety of tasks (horizontal
enrichment) and more growth opportunities.

The employee does more planning and controlling with less
supervision but more self-evaluation.
In other words, transferring some of the supervisors tasks to
the employee and making his job enriched.
It benefits employee and organization in terms of increased
motivation, performance, satisfaction, job involvement and
reduced absenteeism.
Additional features in job meet certain psychological needs
of jobholders due to skill variety, identity, significance of job
It also adds to employee self-esteem and self-control.
Job enrichment gives status to jobholder and acts as a strong
satisfier in ones life.
Job enrichment stimulates improvements in other areas of
Empowerment is a by-product of job enrichment. It means
passing on more authority and responsibility
Lazy employees may not be able to take additional responsibilities and
power. It wont fetch the desired results for an employee who is not
attentive towards his job.
Unions resistance, increased cost of design and implementation and
limited research on long term effect of job enrichment are some of the
other demerits.
Job enrichment itself might not be a great motivator since it is job-
intrinsic factor. As per the two-factor motivation theory, job enrichment
is not enough. It should be preceded by hygienic factors etc.
Job enrichment assumes that workers want more responsibilities and
those workers who are motivated by less responsibility, job enrichment
surely de-motivates them
Workers participation may affect the enrichment process itself.
Change is difficult to implement and is always resisted as job enrichment
brings in a changes the responsibility.
Empowerment is what young aspirants are looking for in
More than monetary rewards, it is the feeling that employees
owns the job that motivates him of her nowadays.
Empowerment may be understood as a process of enhancing
feelings of self-efficacy among organizational members
through the identification of conditions that foster
powerlessness and through their removal by both formal
organizational practices and informal techniques of providing
efficacy information.
Empowerment is facilitated by a combination of
factors including values, leadership, job structure and
reward systems.
Empowerment occurs when power of decision-
making and authority to share resources go to
employees who then experience a sense of ownership
and control over jobs.
Empowered employees know that their jobs belong to
them and feel more responsible.
When they feel responsible, they show more imitative
in their work, get more done and enjoy the work
Job satisfaction is the result of various attitudes
possessed by an employee towards his job, related
factors and life in general.
The attitudes related to job may be wages,
supervision, steadiness, working conditions,
advancement opportunities, recognitions, fair
evaluation of work, social relations on job, prompt
settlement of grievances etc.
In short job satisfaction is a general attitude, which
is the result of many specific attitudes in three
areas namely, job factors, individual characteristics
and group relationships outside the job.
1. Personal factors: Dependents, Age, Timings, Intelligence,
Education and Personality.
2. Job inherent factors: Type of work, Skills, Occupational
status, Geography, Size of plant
3. Management controlled factors: Security, Payment, Fringe
benefits, Advancement opportunities and Working
conditions, Co-workers, Responsibilities, Supervision
4. Job Satisfaction & Behavior relationship is described through
following examples.
Satisfaction & Turnover
Satisfaction & Absenteeism
Satisfaction & Accidents
Satisfaction & Job Performance

Definition 1: Mental condition, attitude, willingness

Morale is a mental condition or attitude of individual and
groups, which determines their willingness to co-operate.

Definition 2: Attitudes, voluntary cooperation

Morale is attitudes of individuals and groups towards their
work environment and towards voluntary cooperation to the
full extent of their ability in the best possible interest of the
Organization Climate: Morale is an important part of organization climate.
Attitudes & Sentiments: Morale reflects attitudes and sentiments towards
organization goals and objectives.
Productivity: Morale highly affects productivity and satisfaction of individuals.
Total Satisfaction: Morale is total satisfaction derived from employees job, boss
and his organization.
Labor Problems Solved: High morale assists managers to overcome several labor
problems like labor turnover, absenteeism, indiscipline, grievances, disharmony
Cooperation: Morale helps to seek cooperation from the workers in
getting higher production at minimum possible cost by reducing
wastages of time, man, machines and materials.
Production & Productivity: Production and productivity are
directly affected by high morale in a positive manner.

1. Composite of feelings,
attitudes and sentiments
that contribute towards
general satisfaction at
2. A Function of freedom
or restraint towards
some goal.
3. It mobilizes sentiments.
4. Morale reflects

1. Motivation moves
person to action. A
Process of stimulating
individuals into action
to accomplish desired
2. A Function of drives and
3. It mobilizes energy.
4. Motivation is a potential
to develop morale.

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