Plate Heat Exchangers Slide
Plate Heat Exchangers Slide
Plate Heat Exchangers Slide
between two f luids composed of multiple, thin, slightly separated plates that have very large surface areas and f luid f low passages for heat transfer The f luids are exposed to a much larger surface area as the f luids spread out over the plates The plate heat exchanger has a major advantage over a conventional heat exchanger This stacked-plate arrangement can be more effective, in a given space, than the shell and tube heat exchanger
suited to transferring heat between medium and low pressure fluids In place of a pipe passing through a chamber, there are instead two alternating chambers, usually thin in depth, separated at their largest surface by a corrugated metal plate The plates used in a plate and frame heat exchanger are obtained by one piece pressing of metal plates. Stainless steel is a commonly used metal for the plates The plates are spaced by rubber sealing gaskets
angles to the direction of flow of the liquid which runs through the channels in the heat exchanger. These troughs are arranged so that they interlink with the other plates which forms the channel with gaps of 1.31.5 mm between the plates. The troughs create and maintain a turbulent flow in the liquid to maximize heat transfer in the exchanger A high degree of turbulence can be obtained at low flow rates and high heat transfer coefficient can then be achieved. The plates are compressed together in a rigid frame to form an arrangement of parallel flow channels with alternating hot and cold fluids.
allows for the fastest possible transfer. Making each chamber thin ensures that the majority of the volume of the liquid contacts the plate, again aiding exchange The troughs also create and maintain a turbulent flow in the liquid to maximize heat transfer in the exchanger A high degree of turbulence can be obtained at low flow rates and high heat transfer coefficient can then be achieved
Plate and frame heat exchangers The components consist of a fixed end plate, connections and a loose pressure plate, with carrier bars mounted between them These heat exchangers are normally of the gasket type to allow periodic disassembly, cleaning, and inspection.
compact It does not need gaskets. Instead, it is brazed together using copper to give a strong, compact construction This heat exchanger is especially suitable for pressures up to 50 bar and temperatures from -196C to +550C.