Put-Call Parity: By: Shruti Agrawal-201 Suhas Anjaria-202 Kankana Dutta-205 Aabhas Garg-207
Put-Call Parity: By: Shruti Agrawal-201 Suhas Anjaria-202 Kankana Dutta-205 Aabhas Garg-207
Put-Call Parity: By: Shruti Agrawal-201 Suhas Anjaria-202 Kankana Dutta-205 Aabhas Garg-207
Put-call parity is an important principle in options
pricing first identified by Hans Stoll in his paper, The Relation Between Put and Call Prices, in 1969. It states that the premium of a call option implies a certain fair price for the corresponding put option having the same strike price and expiration date, and vice versa. Support for this pricing relationship is based upon the argument that arbitrage opportunities would materialize if there is a divergence between the value of calls and puts. Arbitrageurs would come in to make profitable, riskless trades until the put-call parity is restored.
Strike Price Portfolio B = European Put + Underlying Asset European Call + Cash = European Put + Underlying Asset
then they must have the same present value. Otherwise, an arbitrage trader can go long on the undervalued portfolio and short the overvalued portfolio to make a risk-free profit on expiration day.
Long 1 Share Long 1 put Long 1 Call Exercise Price P+S C+X
the future valuation of the stock as money is being taken out of the company and paid to its' shareholders. Because options have an expiration date, we need to value the option not against the current price of the stock but against what the expected value will be at the expiration date. This is known as the forward price. Let's take the basic put call parity formula
Call - Put = Stock - Strike.
the future we need to discount that value by the interest rates to a present value by dividing the strike by e ^ rt.
Call - Put = (Stock -Dividends) - PV(Strike)
Or, simplified;
the same strike price to be the same. However, in reality, the extrinsic value of put and call options are rarely in exact parity in option trading even though market makers have been charged with the responsibility of maintaining Put Call Parity. When the outlook of a stock is bullish, the extrinsic value of call options tend to be higher than put options due to higher implied volatility and When the outlook of a stock is bearish, the extrinsic value of put options tends to be higher than call options. Deviations from Put Call Parity or Put Call Disparity has also been used in the analysis of future stock prices as stocks with relatively expensive calls have been found empirically to outperform stocks with relatively expensive puts by a measurable significance and margin.
Let's look at some real world examples of put call
parity to understand how prices fit together. Take a look at the option series below for Infosys Ltd. Taking the following strategy
Long (buy) call Short (write) put Sell (short) 1 share
of return, 8 %
Clearly there exists a put call disparity Call will be exercised so in this case arbitrage profit will be:
Call premium Exercise call 3200 Put Premium Put expires worthless Sell one share Receive Invest amount = -165.65 =-
= 94
= 0 = 3278.15 = 3218.95
Clearly there exists a put call disparity Put will be exercised in this case arbitrage profit will be:
Call premium Call expires worthless Put Premium Put exercised against you 3350 Receive Invest amount 3369.84 = -96.45 =0 = 162.50 = =
= 85.89
If we rearrange the put call parity equation to solve for the call option we have; Call = Stock PV(Strike) + Put , entering in the values from the market
Stock price 891 891 891 891 891 891 891 891 Strike price 940 920 900 880 860 840 820 800 Put Actual call premium Call = stock + put - PV(strike) 45 28.5 10.5 1.65 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.55 4.5 14 30.5 52.45 72 91 -3.80469317 -0.308848635 1.686995901 12.83284044 31.27868497 51.37452951 71.27037404 91.36621858 Difference In call price -4.05 -0.86 -2.81 -1.17 0.78 -1.08 -0.73 0.37
If we rearrange the put call parity equation to solve for the call option we have; Call = Stock PV(Strike) + Put , entering in the values from the market
Stock price 891 Strike price 820 Put 4.95 Actual call premium 85 Call = stock + put Difference In call price - PV(strike) 81.19008621 -3.81
891 891 891 891
860 880 900 920
11 16.95 27.2 38.75
52 37 27.35 19
47.49570017 33.57350716 23.95131414 15.62912112
-4.50 -3.43 -3.40 -3.37
be used
Naked shorting is illegal. Opportunity window
becomes smaller
Locking up of capital : in far-month calls
Difficult to estimate gains/losses while using
American Options
Arbitrage exists in an upper & lower band for
American options
less liquid options and for near the month option contracts where as OTM put options generate more arbitrage profits for not so near the month contracts
Longer time to maturity
longer the time to maturity of the option, higher the arbitrage
profit. That is, arbitrage profits are more in case not so near month contracts than near the month contracts
Number of Options traded: In case of number of options traded are 100 or more, arbitrage profits are more in case of ITM put option than OTM put option. Number of Contracts traded: It shows that in case of less liquid options higher the number options traded with in less liquid options, lower the arbitrage profits and vice versa. In case of high liquid options, higher the number of contracts traded, higher the arbitrage profits and vice versa. Regarding the moderate liquid options, the coefficient of number contracts traded came out to be insignificant which shows that number of contracts traded with in moderate liquid options does not influence the arbitrage profits.
Thank You