GSIS - DepEd-NEU Dialogue Update

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Updates on the DepEd-NEU Issues

Issue # 1
The illegal adoption and implementation of the PremiumBased Policy. Grant of unequal and noncommensurate retirement benefits.

GSIS Reply
Currently, the new set of Board and the Management is reviewing the Premium-Based Policy alongside the existing GSIS Law (RA 8291), in relation to the position paper that the GSIS finalizing for the Recto Bill (SB 2854). The objective is to modify the Premium-Based Policy and establish, in its place, a mechanism that is acceptable to both retiring members and the GSIS.

Issue # 2
Immoral adoption and implementation of the Enhanced Life Policy (ELP), in lieu of the Life Endowment Plan (LEP).

GSIS Reply
GSIS Management and its Board of Trustees has undertaken initial review of the ELP, and is presently awaiting the results of the actuarial study that the GSIS Actuary has conducted, to be able to come up with the policy directions regarding ELP.

Issue # 3
Unjustifiable adoption and implementation of the Auto CLIP. Cross default Clipping of premium in arrears against maturity claims considering that premiums are regularly deducted and remitted Illegal deduction of arrears, or remitted but unposted premium contributions.

GSIS Reply
The new GSIS Board approved last April 2011 the revised CLIP Policy called the Choice of Loan Amortization Schedule for Pensioners (CLASP) which makes it less burdensome for prospective retirees to settle their outstanding obligations. Also, the GSIS has stopped deducting housing loan obligations from the retirement benefits of its members. The management is presently reviewing the policies and procedures on the administration of GSIS housing loan accounts and provide a settlement option beneficial to both the memberborrower and the GSIS.

Issue # 4
Non-implementation of the Maceda Law.

GSIS Reply
Maceda Law (RA 6552) was intended to provide protection to buyers of real estate on installment basis. The reason why Maceda Law cannot be made to apply to GSIS housing loan accounts is that the GSIS is not the "seller" contemplated under the Maceda Law, but the real estate developers and sellers. This is the evident intendment of the law given its avowed policy to protect buyers of real estate from onerous contracts drawn exclusively by private housing developers. It cannot be made to apply to GSIS which is neither a real estate developer nor seller. On the other hand, the GSIS no longer charges rental receivables on all cancelled Deed-of-Conditional Sale (DCS) accounts.

Issue # 5
Immoral imposition of interest penalties and other charges for: (a) delayed remittances of premium payments; and (b) loan amortizations

GSIS Reply
The GSIS Law clearly stipulates that the agency, not the member, must be charged with interest and other surcharges for the delayed remittances of deducted premiums and loan amortizations. To date, there are 44 active cases filed by GSIS against LGUs, while 32 cases have been decided or terminated due to a mutual agreement/resolution between the GSIS and the concerned LGUs.

Issue # 6
Unlawful suspension of all loans from May 2003 to sometime in 2009

GSIS Reply
GSIS has not suspended the provision of any benefit to the employees of agencies that are remitting premium contributions. Loan suspension is only resorted to when there is continued nonremittance of premiums for 3 months (e.g. Caloocan LGU, Municipal Government of Kawit, PNR and PhilPost). Suspended agencies have the option to enter into a MOA with the GSIS, for the suspension to be lifted and for the premium records of the affected members shall be updated.

Issue # 7
Stoppage of survivorship benefit starting in October 2009.

GSIS Reply
The GSIS has revised the survivorship policy (approved last Feb. 10, 2011) under which surviving spouses of members and pensioners can now receive their monthly pension benefits even if they are gainfully employed and receiving income. Relatedly, GSIS will begin treating an application for funeral benefit as a constructive notice of an application for survivorship pension. The four-year prescription period will no longer apply for as long as the surviving heir or beneficiary of a member has filed for a funeral benefit.

Issue # 8
Amendment of prescriptive period.

GSIS Reply
The imposition of prescription period on all types of claims, except life and retirement, is pursuant to Sec 28 of RA 8291 and any amendment on this provision shall require an Act of Congress. GSIS has taken note of DepEd-NEUs proposal to Congress to remove the prescription period and is supportive of the same. In fact, we have included the proposal in the position paper we are finalizing for the proposed amendments under RA 8291 (Recto Bill).

Issue # 9
Immoral imposition of high interest rate on loans.

GSIS Reply
The GSIS Consolidated Loan (Consoloan) has an interest rate of 12% , based on diminishing balance and compounded annually instead of monthly. Below is a comparison of the interest rates charged by GSIS, SSS and other financing institutions:



over 20%

Meanwhile, the new Board recently approved the lowering of interest rate for emergency loans from 8% to 6%, last September 2011.

Issue # 10
Purchase of defective, costly and disruptive computerization program. The computerization program was reportedly done to cover-up the rapid depletion of GSIS funds after it had invested P8 billion in its subsidiary, the GSIS Properties, Inc. (GPI)

GSIS Reply
Investments in increasing our technology platform was necessary because of the growing number of transactions of our members and pensioners such that manual updating and record keeping could not keep up. To realize the thrust of become a serviceoriented organization, the management put priority on projects that aims to improve the reconciliation of member accounts to ensure that benefits are paid timely and accurately. For this, our IT Group has prioritized the systems that will enable faster reconciliation of payments data and the generation of a Statement of Account (SOA) on a regular basis.

Issue # 11
Gross failure to keep a faithful and updated manual and hard copy of records of members.

GSIS Reply
All pending deliverables of the DepEd concerning their Service Records (SRs) were contained in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the GSIS and DepEd signed last 4 October 2010. The MOU requires the DepEd to submit updated SRs to the GSIS and to finalize an agreed amount on their obligations with the pension fund. The cut-off for the DepEds submission of updated SRs was last May 2011, and the established amount of unpaid remittance by DepEd shall be resolved through the Tripartite Agreement that will be signed between the GSIS, DepEd and DBM, once the details of the agreement are finalized.

Issue # 12
Immoral use of members funds to sustain an annual multi-million public relations campaign.

GSIS Reply
The public relations campaign is necessary in order to keep the members informed of GSIS policies and programs, and to capture feedback from its members to be able to improve its services. The thrust of the new management is to reduce media advertising expenses and to re-channel public relations funds to direct consultative assemblies. For CY 2011, GSIS continued to hold regional and sectoral dialogues with its stakeholders - members of government employee associations, liaison officers, and public information officers - as well as monthly members' fora at the GSIS Central Office and regional Offices nationwide, where we invite representatives from various agencies.

Issue # 13
Winston Garcias abuse and misuse of his office as GSIS President.

GSIS Reply
The GSIS has requested the assistance of the Commission on Audit to conduct a special mid-year audit of all GSIS transactions to establish an effective baseline of what the present GSIS administration has assumed from the previous administration.

Further, at the request of the GSIS, the Court of Appeals has already lifted the writ of preliminary injunction filed against COA by the previous administration for the audit of GSIS transactions.
The GSIS management and Board vow to act on any irregularities that COA may find with sufficient reason, as well as address all issues the COA may have, in a spirit of mutual cooperation and partnership.

Issue # 14
Questionable and hasty transfer of billions of pesos in GSIS funds from the official government depository bank.

GSIS Reply
Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) is now one of the depository banks of the GSIS. The GSIS Management, in its desire to extend its services, has tapped the LBP to provide additional servicing bank to the GSIS members and pensioners. GSIS has given them additional choice of bank preference, at their convenience. Also, beginning next year, LBP will provide on-line collection services for GSIS Field Offices, beginning with those in Luzon Areas. LBP will also service the out-of-town checks received at the GSIS Central Office.

Issue # 15
Illegal stoppage Employees Compensation (EC) benefits.

GSIS Reply
There was no stoppage in the payment of EC benefits except that pay-outs were based on an order of priorities, e.g. those with disability pensions, grave illnesses, etc. In fact, total benefits paid on EC-related claims amounted to P105.25 million from January to September 2011.

In relation to this, the GSIS is supporting the proposed bill to establish a Workers Compensation Program (HB 245), which aims to unify the offices handling the State Insurance Fund (SIF), namely, the GSIS (for government employees) and SSS (for private employees). The said agencies are in the agreement that the creation of a Phil. Workers Compensation Authority (PWCA) will address the efficiencies present in the current system, particularly the delays in the processing and payment of claims.

Issue # 16
Disadvantageous purchases of three paintings worth more than P53.5 million.

GSIS Reply
The fund used for the purchase was charged against the General Insurance Fund (GIF), without jeopardizing the pension fund, since the GSIS has a very stable and fortified portfolio fund. The acquisition of the paintings was not disadvantageous, because the paintings have appreciated in value to P200 million as declared in the latest Certificate of Appraisal issued by 1980 TOYM Awardee for Art History Santiago Albano Pilar. This means that GSIS investments on the painting posted a return of 400 % over a period of 8 years from 2002.

Issue # 17
Alleged GSIS eCard and GW@PS anomalies (glitches).

GSIS Reply
Technical difficulties experienced by members in the use of kiosks are immediately attended to by GSIS computer technicians because GSIS is committed to ensure the continued operation of the kiosks through regular maintenance. As of December 5, 2011, there are 546 kiosks and desktops powered with the GW@PS system that have been deployed by the GSIS nationwide.

Of the 546, 118 or 22% of the kiosks/desktops have been deployed in DepEd Central Office, Regional and Division Offices

Issue # 18
Questionable management of the GSIS Insurance Fund.

GSIS Reply
Despite the challenges faced by GSIS over the past few years, the GSIS financials has consistently shown improvements throughout the years. Below are the financial highlights of the GSIS performance as of October 2011 (in billion pesos):
Particulars Gross Revenues Expenditures Net Income Net Assets Liabilities Reserves Oct 2011 101.39 45.33 56.06 632.71 10.90 530.78 Oct 2010 80.65 36.14 44.51 553.84 7.89 539.95 Inc/Dec 20.74 9.19 11.55 78.87 3.01 (9.17)

Issue # 19
Stoppage of Edu-Child, Genesis Program.

GSIS Reply
To resolve the complaints among policy holders, the new GSIS Board recently approved the payment of Edu-Child Plans of all planholders with Certificate of Full Payment even if it would appear that some still have arrears.
GSIS was among the victims of the preneed industrys collapse due to the unregulated increases in tuition fees. There were 123,000 Edu-Child policies issued with expected losses to GSIS conservatively estimated at P8.5 B over the years.

Despite the stoppage of issuance of new policies for both the Edu-Child and Genesis Program, GSIS continues to service its contractual obligations to fully-paid policies.

Issue # 20
Oppression of GSIS members and retirees with disdainful attitude of GSIS personnel.

GSIS Reply
Under the new management, GSIS will be more retiree- and member- friendly. Service-focused Reach out to members thru more dialogues as avenues for feedback Improve pensioners lounges nationwide with amenities

Issue # 21
Boards refusal to consider a loan restructuring and penalty condonation program.

GSIS Reply
For first time applicants for the consolidated loan (Consoloan) Program, penalties and surcharges on existing service loans (Salary Loan, Restructured Salary Loan, Enhanced Salary Loan, Summer-One-Month Loan, Emergency Loan Assistance ) are already automatically condoned.

Issue # 22
GSIS requirement for Certification of Payments and copies of remittance lists for purposes of reconciling records.

GSIS Reply
Once the tripartite agreement between GSIS, DepED and DBM is signed, all premium payments of DepED teaching and non-teacher personnel shall be considered paid. Consequently, the burden of proof for remittance of premium payments has been removed from the member.

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