Structuralism, Post Structuralism N Post Modernism
Structuralism, Post Structuralism N Post Modernism
Structuralism, Post Structuralism N Post Modernism
Post Structuralism
Ferdinand De Sassure Swiss Linguist Course de Linguistic Generale (1916) Translated into English - 1959 Diachronic / Synchronic study Sign - signifier and signified A sign is not a link between a thing and a name, but between a concept and a sound pattern - Sassure
No inherent connection between a word and what it designatesmeanings to words arbitrary maintained by convention Meanings of words are relational Meaning attributed to the object or idea by the human mind (terrorist /freedom fighter) Langue and parole - Study of Semiotics
Meaning is produced through the syntagmatic and paradigmatic axis Syntagmatic linear combination of signs to form sentences Paradigmatic field of signs (i.e. synonyms) from which a given sign is selected
Language is the means and medium through which we form knowledge about ourselves and the social world.
Cultural Texts
Anything that generates meaning through certain forms of representation is a text Cultural representations- books, music videos, television programs, sports, politicians speeches, our identities become texts constructed in language through the process of relationality and difference A wedding or a sport becomes a text grammar, difference and relations Like language culture works through a system of relations and differences.
Claude Levi Strauss and Roland Barthes-study of myth (message) Literature, media, fashion, any social event - becomes a Text Culture made up of structural networks carries significance shown to operate in a systematic way Any cultural act placed within a wider structure of values, beliefs key for understanding that particular
Post Structuralism
Emerged in the late 1960s Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida The Death of the author The Birth of the reader - readerly /writerly 1966- Derrida Structure, Sign and play in the Discourse of Human Sciences
World is constructed through language Reality accessible only through the linguistic medium Derrida - reality itself is textual - open to varied interpretations. No ultimate meaning to a word. Meaning of a word is not only based on difference, but also on deference (respect) Verbal sign floats meanings- fluid slippage and spillage Dictionary stabilizes meanings ?
Binary oppositions one item privileged over the other man /woman , master /servant, light/dark , teacher /student This hierarchy can be reversed Cultural act structure - structure itself is not fixed subject to constant interpretations Intellectual event rupture read against the grain
Signifier at war with the signified Text - looks out for gaps ,inconsistencies varied interpretations
A text will always have some elements which will work against it
Deconstruction -Oppositional readings multiple meanings Structuralism constructs a structure - Post Structuralism deconstructs and reconstructs that structure
Universal Suffrage
Socialism trade unions
Modernity associated with the emancipatory project enlightenment reason lead to universal truths foundation for humanitys forward path of progress Enlightenment philosophy and the theoretical discourses of modernity championed reason source of progress in knowledge and society.
Industrialism - the transformation of nature ; development of created environment simple familycentered labor to strict impersonal division of labor alterations in working habits- time organization family life leisure activity- women workers change in gender rolesshift from rural to urban living
Characteristics of Modernism
The promise of technological and social progress Replacement of old traditions with new ones Urban development The unfolding of the self- no specific identity
Aesthetics of Modernism
Prose written like a poem novel written like a poem poem free verse - haiku poems Sentences plucked from newspapers Rejection of chronological plots, closed endings War literature ravages of war Existentialism introspection of self Nihilism-sense of nothingness and extreme despair All these were expressed in art & literature Absurd theatre Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter , - Waiting for Godot meaningless dialogues, no linearity of plot, cyclic plot
Literary Criticism
Russian Formalism- Practical Criticism (England) New criticism (America) 1920s I.A.Richards, William Empson, Concentrate on the words of the page Close reading of the text Clinical isolation from historical processes, social or economic condition
The idea of universal truth impossible Nietzsche reason and truth only interpretations consequence of power whose interpretation count as truth Foucault exploration of historical conditions in which knowledge of a certain field is constructed discourse discontinuous ruptures in the historical understanding of madness, sexuality examines prisons, schools, hospitals operations of power and discipline
Modernism faded in the 1930s In the 1960s resurgence Post modernism Innovation in arts , architecture, literature Modernism tone of lament, pessimism despair Post modernist liberating phenomenon, escape from fixed systems of belief Habermas, Lyotard,Baudrillard
Habermas- public sphere, supported intellectuals, project enlightenment Lyotard-in 1982-wrote fiercely against Habermas Enlightenment Project Jean Baudrillard- distinction btw real and unreal is diminished on-screen with the advent of TV, internet, etc. This is called hyper-reality Book-Simulacra-Simulations
Against traditional authority- power /culture/education/morals/religion No absolute truth- truth is provisional facts/falsehood No grand narrative pluralistic society
A pluralistic society is one which thrives on the theory that reality consists of two or more elements. Pluralists believe that various religious, cultural, social and racial groups should be allowed to thrive in a single society together.
Against social constructivism. eg. Men cant cry, women cant be aggressive, etc Against national borders - globalization
Meaning within a literary work unstable, multi-faceted ,ambiguous Distrust Power- centered notions What is literature? Meaning of text
Politics is pervasive Language is constitutive Truth is provisional Meaning is contingent Human nature is a myth