Definition of Marketing Research: - Green and Tull
Definition of Marketing Research: - Green and Tull
Definition of Marketing Research: - Green and Tull
Research undertaken to help identify problems %hich are not necessarily apparent on the surface and yet e&ist or are likely to arise in the future. '&les$ market potential, market share, image, market characteristics, sales analysis, forecasting, and trends research.
Research undertaken to help solve specific marketing problems. '&les$ segmentation, product, pricing, promotion, and distribution research.
Marketing Research
"roblem #dentification Research Market "otential Research Market (hare Research Market !haracteristics Research (ales *nalysis Research +orecasting Research ,usiness -rends Research
&$#D(C $ESE!$C%
est concept Determine optimal product design &ackage tests &roduct modification 'rand positioning and repositioning est marketing Control score tests
#ptimal promotional budget Sales promotion relationship #ptimal promotional mi* Copy decisions Media decisions Creative advertising testing Evaluation of advertising effectiveness Claim substantiation
&$"C"NG $ESE!$C%
&ricing policies
"mportance of price in brand selection &roduct line pricing &rice elasticity of demand "nitiating and responding to price changes
Determine1 -ypes of distribution *ttitudes of channel members #ntensity of %holesale & resale coverage !hannel margins 2ocation of retail and %holesale outlets
(ncontrollable Environmental -actors 5'conomy 5-echnology 52a%s & Regulations 5(ocial & !ultural +actors 5"olitical +actors
Marketing $esearch
Marketing Managers 5 Market Segmentation 5 arget Market Selection 5 Marketing &rograms 5 &erformance , Control
-he task of marketing research7MR8 is to provide management %ith relevant, accurate, reliable, valid, and current information. !ompetitive marketing environment and the ever-increasing costs attributed to poor decision making re9uire that marketing research provide sound information. (ound decisions are not based on gut feeling, intuition, or even pure judgment. Marketing managers make numerous strategic and tactical decisions in the process of identifying and satisfying customer needs.
-hey make decisions about potential opportunities, target market selection, market segmentation, planning and implementing marketing programs, marketing performance, and control. -hese decisions are complicated by interactions bet%een the controllable marketing variables of product, pricing, promotion, and distribution. +urther complications are added by uncontrollable environmental factors such as general economic conditions, technology, public policies and la%s, political environment, competition, and social and cultural changes. *nother factor in this mi& is the comple&ity of consumers Marketing research helps the marketing manager link the marketing variables %ith the environment and the consumers. #t helps remove some of the uncertainty by providing relevant information about the marketing variables, environment, and consumers
#n the absence of relevant information, consumers; response to marketing programs cannot be predicted reliably or accurately. <ngoing marketing research programs provide information on controllable and non-controllable factors and consumers= this information enhances the effectiveness of decisions made by marketing managers. -raditionally, marketing researchers %ere responsible for providing the relevant information and marketing decisions %ere made by the managers. >o%ever, the roles are changing and marketing researchers are becoming more involved in decision making, %hereas marketing managers are becoming more involved %ith research.
-he role of marketing research in managerial decision making is e&plained further using the frame%ork of the ?D'!#D'? model. -he D'!#D' model conceptuali@es managerial decision making as a series of si& steps. -he decision process begins by precisely defining the problem or opportunity, along %ith the objectives and constraints. Ae&t, the possible decision factors that make up the alternative courses of action 7controllable factors8 and uncertainties 7uncontrollable factors8 are enumerated -hen, relevant information on the alternatives and possible outcomes is collected. -he ne&t step is to select the best alternative based on chosen criteria or measures of success. -hen a detailed plan to implement the alternative selected is developed and put into effect. 2ast, the outcome of the decision and the decision process itself are evaluated.
D- Decide the topicBproblem '- '&plore the alternatives !- !heck the alternatives #- #dentify possible solutions D- Decide and take action '- 'valuate and revise
M#(- * formali@ed set of procedures for generating, analy@ing, storing and distributing pertinent information to marketing decision makers on an ongoing basic set of procedures. D((- #nformation systems that enable decision makers to interact directly %ith both databases and analysis models. -he important components include hard%are, communications net%ork, database, model base, soft%are base and the D(( user
Structured &roblems (se of $eports $igid Structure "nformation Displaying $estricted Can "mprove Decision Making by Clarifying Data
(nstructured &roblems (se of Models (ser -riendly "nteraction !daptability Can "mprove Decision Making by (sing 01hat if2 !nalysis
A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project. It details the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure or solve marketing research problems.
Define the information needed. Design the e ploratory! descriptive! and"or causal phases of the research. #pecify the measurement and scaling procedures. $onstruct and pretest a %uestionnaire &interviewing form' or an appropriate form for data collection. #pecify the sampling process and sample si(e. Develop a plan of data analysis.
Descriptive $esearch
Causal $esearch
Cross3Sectional Design
)ongitudinal Design
To test specific hypotheses and examine relationships.
Information needed is defined only Information needed is clearly defined. loosely. Research process is Research process is formal and flexible and unstructured. Sample structured. Sample is large and is small and non representative. representative. $ata analysis is Analysis of primary data is !uantitative. !ualitative. Tentative. "enerally follo#ed by further exploratory or conclusive research.
1- :
Describe market characteristics or functions Marked by the prior formulation of specific hypotheses Preplanned and structured design
Determine cause and effect relationships Manipulation of one or more independent variables Control of other mediating variables Experiments
Flexible, versatile
Often the front end of total research design Expert surveys Pilot surveys Secondary data Qualitative research
1- 1
)ormulate a problem or define a problem more precisely. Identify alternative courses of action. Develop hypotheses. Isolate key variables and relationships for further e amination. Gain insights for developing an approach to the problem. *stablish priorities for further research.
#urvey of e perts. +ilot surveys. #econdary data analy(ed in a %ualitative way. ,ualitative research.
1- )
To describe the characteristics of relevant groups! such as consumers! salespeople! organi(ations! or market areas. To estimate the percentage of units in a specified population e hibiting a certain behavior. To determine the perceptions of product characteristics. To determine the degree to which marketing variables are associated. To make specific predictions
1- .
#econdary data analy(ed in a %uantitative as opposed to a %ualitative manner. #urveys. +anels. -bservational and other data.
1- /
!ross-sectional Designs
Involve the collection of information from any given sample of population elements only once. In single cross sectional designs( there is only one sample of respondents and information is obtained from this sample only once. In multiple cross sectional designs! there are two or more samples of respondents! and information from each sample is obtained only once. -ften! information from different samples is obtained at different times. %ohort analysis consists of a series of surveys conducted at appropriate time intervals! where the cohort serves as the basic unit of analysis. A cohort is a group of respondents who e perience the same event within the same time interval.
1- 0
2ongitudinal Designs
A fi ed sample &or samples' of population elements is measured repeatedly on the same variables. A longitudinal design differs from a cross-sectional design in that the sample or samples remain the same over time.
1- 3
2ongitudinal Design D D D -
Aote$ * EDF indicates a relative advantage over the other design, %hereas a E-F indicates a relative disadvantage.
1- 4
To understand which variables are the cause &independent variables' and which variables are the effect &dependent variables' of a phenomenon. To determine the nature of the relationship between the causal variables and the effect to be predicted. .*T/-D0 * periments.
1- 6
Non3sampling Error
$esponse Error
Non3response Error
$esearcher Error
Surrogate "nformation Error Measurement Error &opulation Definition Error Sampling -rame Error Data !nalysis Error
"ntervie5er Error
$espondent Selection Error 4uestioning Error $ecording Error Cheating Error
$espondent Error
"nability Error (n5illingness Error
The total error is the variation between the true mean value in the population of the variable of interest and the observed mean value obtained in the marketing research project. Random sampling error is the variation between the true mean value for the population and the true mean value for the original sample. )on sampling errors can be attributed to sources other than sampling! and they may be random or nonrandom0 including errors in problem definition! approach! scales! %uestionnaire design! interviewing methods! and data preparation and analysis. 1on-sampling errors consist of non-response errors and response errors. )on response error arises when some of the respondents included in the sample do not respond. Response error arises when respondents give inaccurate answers or their answers are misrecorded or misanaly(ed.
(econdary Data
"rimary Data
-o gain a 9ualitative -o 9uantify the data and understanding of the generali@e the results from underlying reasons and the sample to the population motivations of interest (mall number of nonrepresentative cases Cnstructured Aon-statistical Develop an initial understanding 2arge number of representative cases (tructured (tatistical Recommend a final course of action
+ocus Hroups
Depth #ntervie%s
*ssociation -echni9ues
!ompletion -echni9ues
!onstruction -echni9ues
'&pressive -echni9ues
Hroup (i@e Hroup !omposition "hysical (etting -ime Duration Recording Moderator
Cse of audiocassettes and videotapes <bservational, interpersonal, and communication skills of the moderator
1. 6indness 5ith firmness$ -he moderator must combine a disciplined detachment %ith understanding empathy so as to generate the necessary interaction. . &ermissiveness$ -he moderator must be permissive yet alert to signs that the groupJs cordiality or purpose is disintegrating. ). "nvolvement$ -he moderator must encourage and stimulate intense personal involvement. .. "ncomplete understanding$ -he moderator must encourage respondents to be more specific about generali@ed comments by e&hibiting incomplete understanding.
/. Encouragement$ -he moderator must encourage unresponsive members to participate. 0. -le*ibility$ -he moderator must be able to improvise and alter the planned outline amid the distractions of the group process. 3. Sensitivity$ -he moderator must be sensitive enough to guide the group discussion at an intellectual as %ell as emotional level.
Two-way focus group. This allows one target group to listen to and learn from a related group. )or e ample! a focus group of physicians viewed a focus group of arthritis patients discussing the treatment they desired. Dual-moderator group. A focus group conducted by two moderators0 -ne moderator is responsible for the smooth flow of the session! and the other ensures that specific issues are discussed. Dueling-moderator group. There are two moderators! but they deliberately take opposite positions on the issues to be discussed.
Respondent-moderator group. The moderator asks selected participants to play the role of moderator temporarily to improve group dynamics. Client-participant groups. $lient personnel are identified and made part of the discussion group. Mini groups. These groups consist of a moderator and only 2 or 3 respondents. Tele-session groups. )ocus group sessions by phone using the conference call techni%ue. Online Focus groups. )ocus groups conducted online over the Internet.
#ynergism #nowballing #timulation #ecurity #pontaneity #erendipity #peciali(ation #cientific scrutiny #tructure #peed
I can get more work done I accomplish more I feel good about myself &user characteristic'
Advertising theme0 >ou will feel good about yourself when flying our airline. ?>ou<re The @oss.A
?=ithout planes! I would have to rely on letters and long distance calls.A
Airlines sell to the managers face-to-face communication. Advertising theme0 The airline will do the same thing for a manager as )ederal * press does for a package.
An unstructured! indirect form of %uestioning that encourages respondents to project their underlying motivations! beliefs! attitudes or feelings regarding the issues of concern. In projective techni%ues! respondents are asked to interpret the behavior of others. In interpreting the behavior of others! respondents indirectly project their own motivations! beliefs! attitudes! or feelings into the situation.
Lord *ssociation
In #ord association! respondents are presented with a list of words! one at a time and asked to respond to each with the first word that comes to mind. The words of interest! called test words! are interspersed throughout the list which also contains some neutral! or filler words to disguise the purpose of the study. Desponses are analy(ed by calculating0
&4' the fre%uency with which any word is given as a responseB &5' the amount of time that elapses before a response is givenB and &6' the number of respondents who do not respond at all to a test word within a reasonable period of time.
Lord *ssociation
(-#MC2C( MR(. M MR(. ! %ashday everyday ironing fresh and s%eet clean pure air soiled scrub don;t= husband does clean filth this neighborhood dirt bubbles bath soap and %ater family s9uabbles children to%els dirty %ash
!ompletion -echni9ues
#n Sentence completion, respondents are given incomplete sentences and asked to complete them. Henerally, they are asked to use the first %ord or phrase that comes to mind. * person %ho shops at (ears is NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN * person %ho receives a gift certificate good for (ak;s +ifth *venue %ould be NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN O. !. "enney is most liked by NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Lhen # think of shopping in a department store, # NNNNNNNN * variation of sentence completion is paragraph completion, in %hich the respondent completes a paragraph beginning %ith the stimulus phrase.
!ompletion -echni9ues
#n story completion, respondents are given part of a story P enough to direct attention to a particular topic but not to hint at the ending. -hey are re9uired to give the conclusion in their o%n %ords.
!onstruction -echni9ues
=ith a picture response( the respondents are asked to describe a series of pictures of ordinary as well as unusual events. The respondent<s interpretation of the pictures gives indications of that individual<s personality. In cartoon tests! cartoon characters are shown in a specific situation related to the problem. The respondents are asked to indicate what one cartoon character might say in response to the comments of another character. $artoon tests are simpler to administer and analy(e than picture response techni%ues.
* !artoon -est
+igure /..
'&pressive -echni9ues
In expressive techni!ues! respondents are presented with a verbal or visual situation and asked to relate the feelings and attitudes of other people to the situation. Role playing Despondents are asked to play the role or assume the behavior of someone else. Third person techni!ue The respondent is presented with a verbal or visual situation and the respondent is asked to relate the beliefs and attitudes of a third person rather than directly e pressing personal beliefs and attitudes. This third person may be a friend! neighbor! colleague! or a ?typicalA person.
They may elicit responses that subjects would be unwilling or unable to give if they knew the purpose of the study. /elpful when the issues to be addressed are personal! sensitive! or subject to strong social norms. /elpful when underlying motivations! beliefs! and attitudes are operating at a subconscious level.
#uffer from many of the disadvantages of unstructured direct techni%ues! but to a greater e tent. De%uire highly trained interviewers. #killed interpreters are also re%uired to analy(e the responses. There is a serious risk of interpretation bias. They tend to be e pensive. .ay re%uire respondents to engage in unusual behavior.
+rojective techni%ues should be used because the re%uired information cannot be accurately obtained by direct methods. +rojective techni%ues should be used for e ploratory research to gain initial insights and understanding. Given their comple ity! projective techni%ues should not be used naively.
-ocus Groups
Depth "ntervie5s
&ro7ective echniDues
;< Degree of Structure $elatively high $elatively medium $elatively lo5 =< &robing of individual )o5 %igh Medium respondents >< Moderator bias $elatively medium $elatively high )o5 to high ?< "nterpretation bias $elatively lo5 $elatively high @< (ncovering )o5 $elatively medium %igh subconscious Medium to high information A< Discovering innovative %igh )o5 information Medium B< #btaining sensitive )o5 %igh information Medium C< "nvolve unusual behavior No Fes or Duestioning o a limited e*tent E< #verall usefulness %ighly useful (seful Some5hat useful
Geographical constraints are removed and time constraints are lessened. Eni%ue opportunity to re-contact group participants at a later date. $an recruit people not interested in traditional focus groups0 doctors! lawyers! etc. .oderators can carry on side conversations with individual respondents. There is no travel! video taping! or facilities to arrangeB so the cost is much lower.
-nly people that have access to the Internet can participate. Ferifying that a respondent is a member of a target group is difficult. There is lack of general control over the respondent<s environment. -nly audio and visual stimuli can be tested. +roducts can not be touched &e.g.! clothing' or smelled &e.g.! perfumes'.
-elephone #ntervie%ing
Mall #ntercept
-raditional -elephone
Mail "anel
*dding a !onstant to the 2ast Digit *n integer bet%een 1 and 6 is added to the telephone number selected from the directory. #n plus-one sampling, the number added to the last digit is 1. Aumber selected from directory$ .:.-6/)-)::. 7e&changeblock8. *dd one to the last digit to form .:.-6/)-)::/. -his is the number to be included in the sample. Randomi@ing the r 2ast Digits Replace the r 7r T , ), or .8 last digits %ith an e9ual number of randomly selected digits. Aumber selected from directory$ .:.-441-11 .. Replace the last four digits of the block %ith randomly selected numbers /, , 4, and 0 to form .:.-441-/ 40.
-%o-(tage "rocedure -he first stage consists of selecting an e&change and telephone number from the directory. #n the second stage, the last three digits of the selected number are replaced %ith a three-digit random number bet%een ::: and 666. !luster 1 (elected e&change$ 0)0 (elected number$ .:.-0)0-) ): Replace the last three digits 7 ):8 %ith randomly selected )46 to form .:.-0)0-))46. Repeat this process until the desired number of telephone numbers from this cluster is obtained.
*hone+ %ATI
Moderate to high Low Low Moderate to high Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Moderate High Moderate High Moderate
-ail Surveys
Low Moderate Moderate Low Low High Moderate Low High Low High None Low Low
-ail *anels
Low Moderate Moderate Moderate to high Low High High Moderate High Low Moderate to High None Low to moderate Low to moderate
E -ail Internet
Low Moderate Low Low Low High Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Moderate None High Low Moderate to high Moderate to high Moderate Low to moderate Low High Moderate Very Low High Low High None Very high Low
)or structured observation! the researcher specifies in detail what is to be observed and how the measurements are to be recorded! e.g.! an auditor performing inventory analysis in a store. In unstructured observation! the observer monitors all aspects of the phenomenon that seem relevant to the problem at hand! e.g.! observing children playing with new toys.
In disguised observation! the respondents are unaware that they are being observed. Disguise may be accomplished by using one-way mirrors! hidden cameras! or inconspicuous mechanical devices. -bservers may be disguised as shoppers or sales clerks. In undisguised observation! the respondents are aware that they are under observation.
)atural observation involves observing behavior as it takes places in the environment. )or e ample! one could observe the behavior of respondents eating fast food in @urger Ging. In contrived observation! respondents< behavior is observed in an artificial environment! such as a test kitchen.
#bservation Methods
&ersonal #bservation
Mechanical #bservation
Content !nalysis
race !nalysis
A researcher observes actual behavior as it occurs. The observer does not attempt to manipulate the phenomenon being observed but merely records what takes place. )or e ample! a researcher might record traffic counts and observe traffic flows in a department store.
The researcher collects data by e amining physical records or performing inventory analysis. Data are collected personally by the researcher. The data are based upon counts! usually of physical objects. Detail and wholesale audits conducted by marketing research suppliers were discussed in the conte t of syndicated data in $hapter 2
The objective! systematic! and %uantitative description of the manifest content of a communication. The unit of analysis may be words! characters &individuals or objects'! themes &propositions'! space and time measures &length or duration of the message'! or topics &subject of the message'. Analytical categories for classifying the units are developed and the communication is broken down according to prescribed rules.
The selective erosion of tiles in a museum inde ed by the replacement rate was used to determine the relative popularity of e hibits. The number of different fingerprints on a page was used to gauge the readership of various advertisements in a maga(ine. The position of the radio dials in cars brought in for service was used to estimate share of listening audience of various radio stations. The age and condition of cars in a parking lot were used to assess the affluence of customers. The maga(ines people donated to charity were used to determine people<s favorite maga(ines. Internet visitors leave traces which can be analy(ed to e amine browsing and usage behavior by using cookies.
2o% Medium Medium 2o% 2o% Medium Medium '&pensive 2imited to Method of commulast resort nications
They permit measurement of actual behavior rather than reports of intended or preferred behavior. There is no reporting bias! and potential bias caused by the interviewer and the interviewing process is eliminated or reduced. $ertain types of data can be collected only by observation. If the observed phenomenon occurs fre%uently or is of short duration! observational methods may be cheaper and faster than survey methods.
The reasons for the observed behavior may not be determined since little is known about the underlying motives! beliefs! attitudes! and preferences. #elective perception &bias in the researcher<s perception' can bias the data. -bservational data are often time-consuming and e pensive! and it is difficult to observe certain forms of behavior. In some cases! the use of observational methods may be unethical! as in observing people without their knowledge or consent. It is best to view observation as a complement to survey methods! rather than as being in competition with them.
Telephone *ersonal -ail Electronic H H H H H respondents at home Inaccessibility of homes H H H Enavailability of a large H H H pool of trained interviewers Iarge population in rural areas H Enavailability of maps H H H Enavailability of current H H telephone directory Enavailability of mailing lists H H H Iow penetration of telephones H H Iack of an efficient postal system H H H Iow level of literacy H )ace-to-face communication culture H +oor access to computers J Internet C H C 1ote0 A &H' denotes an advantage! and a &K' denotes a disadvantage.