History of Tourism

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A History of Tourism

A History of Tourism
Why is the title A History? Why not The History? There are many histories Tourisms past has been too diverse to be described and analysed in a single account.

Chapter 1 in Tourism Management (Leiper 2004)
Recommended items to read, listed at the end of that Chapter References cited in that Chapter Other sources see libraries

Why study history?

1. Knowing something of the past is interesting. 2. Only by knowing the relevant past can we possibly understand the present and deal rationally with possible futures. 3. History has many examples of success, which we can learn from and then, possibly, succeed in future.

4. History has many examples of failure, which we can learn to avoid, so increasing the likelihood of future success.

Henry Fords (1916) advice regarding history

History is bunk often quoted ever since 1916

What he really said was History is more or less bunk Therefore, be careful about interpreting what is said or written about the past.

This presentation on a history of tourism

Does not emphasise a single theme, but touches on many. Aims to give an overview of some historical facts and trends Aims to inspire you to read history and develop your own interest and education

In fact, there are themes running through this history of tourism

These will be identified at the conclusion

Travel and Tourism

Travel comes from travail which, 800 years ago in Europe, meant an instrument of torture in prison
We were travailed by the long journey, on rough roads in bad weather

Tourism comes from tour = tower of a castle, a leisurely round trip

Antecedents of modern tourism

Nomadism Pilgrimage Travel for trade and business Resort vacations Travel for research and education Migration Multi-destination tourism, Grand Tourism

Nomads are travellers without permanent homes, for whom travelling in search of satisfaction and pleasure is a way of life, the dominant character of their culture.

For most of human history (300,000 years?) most people were nomads. Nomadic travel became an instinctive Is this why travelling to seek pleasure now seems pleasurable for many people?

Travelling to visit places that have spiritual and/ or religious importance.

Pre-historic pilgrimage (see Jaynes 1982) Hindu pilgrimage, to Kumbla Mel etc Buddhist pilgrimage, to many sites in India etc Christian pilgrimage, to Rome, Jerusalem etc Muslim (Islamic) pilgrimage, to Mecca, Medina etc. Secular tourists now seek spiritual insights at pilgrimage sites

Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca

F.E. Peters (1994) book The Muslim Pilgrimages to Mecca has descriptions of and a history of how they have evolved.
Leipers (1999) two page review of Peters book is a summary. See Readings.

Canterbury (in England), a pilgrims site since 1170 Geoffrey Chaucers pilgrimage in 1388 from London to Canterbury

inspired him to write The Canterbury Tales

Upper class persons in front row of a pilgrim group tour to Canterbury in 1388

Middle class people in middle and rear of the line of pilgrims

Peasants & other low class persons (the mass of the population) in the 14th century

did not go on pilgrimages, and never travelled further than a days walk from home. This remained so until the late 1800s

How many poor persons travel, as tourists, in the 21st century?

? ?

Tour operator (Henry Fairlee) London to Canterbury in 14th century

Antecedents of modern tourism

Nomadism Pilgrimage Travel for trade and business Resort vacations Travel for research and education Migration Multi-destination tourism

Eccentric pioneers of multi-destination tourism

Ibn Battuta ... from Morocco to Mecca & 40 + countries in 1300s Matsuo Basho around Japan 1690 (pioneer backpacker) Celia Fiennes around England 1690 (pioneer VFR tourist) Daniel Defoe around Britain 1700 (pioneer cultural study tourist)

English upper classes in the 1700s

The first society where multi-destination tourism (travelling and visiting a series of places for leisure) became a popular, fashionable activity, rather than an activity of a few eccentrics.
Why did this occur then and there, in the 1700s?

Why did tourism become fashionable among English upper class in 1740s?

Was it the influence of certain books in a society where reading became popular? Richardsons novel Pamela (psychology of escapist travel) Defoes book about his own trips, A Tour Through Great Britain

The Grand Tour

Around Western Europe in the 1700s Upper classes, mostly young men Education the stated aim Long duration trips 1 year or more

Cities were the main destination regions e.g. Paris, Naples etc

The Grand Tour of Europe in the 1700s

It became the model for long distance, multi-destination, cultural tourism

Itineraries and rituals of the classic Grand Tour in the 1700s have been copied by millions of tourists from many countries, from then until now

Great moments in tourisms history

1840s steam powered railways began in England 1842 Thomas Cook invents modern packaged, group tourism, based on railway transport 1860s Steam powered ships : larger and safer and faster and cheaper than sailing ships

Invention of bicycle in late 1800s led to popularity of bicycle touring

Great moments in tourisms history

The end of World War I (1918) and into the 1920s War surplus buses used for mass road transport War surplus aircraft used to launch airline industry (Qantas one of the first airlines) Ordinary people wanted better life than before war Large numbers of Americans travel to France

Disneyland circa 1960

Great moments in tourisms history

1936 Annual Leave with pay becomes a right for full-time paid workers in many countries, at first, just one week per year.

Great moments in tourisms history

World War II (1939 to 1945) ends War surplus aircraft used to form first packaged tour operators using aircraft Invention of jet aircraft in war adapted for commercial airlines in the 1950s Radar and other technologies make air travel safer Masses of people want better life than before the war 150+ colonies become independent nations and begin promoting inbound tourism

Great moments in tourisms history

1964 Japanese Government lifts restrictions on Japanese travelling internationally triggering huge increase in outbound tourism from Japan

1970, the first wide-bodied jets Boeing 747

Great moments in tourism

Great moments in tourisms history

In 1974 in Australia, 4 weeks paid annual leave for all full-time paid workers Triggers huge increase in holiday tourism by Australians Also in 1974 Qantas launches packaged tourism from Australia to Asian destinations

Changing fashions in tourism

1790 in England the start of beach tourism 1815 in Europe, natural scenery becomes a tourist attraction

1929 summer replaces winter as the fashionable season on the French Riviera
and a suntan become a fashion statement In 1990s, shopping emerges as a major factor in international tourism

Shopping became, in the late 20th C, a major activity for many tourists and an increasingly important item in the economics and business of tourism

Great events in world tourism

1985-90, the value of Japanese currency, yen, rises greatly. Nobody predicted it. The rise led to a huge increase in the number of Japanese going overseas and in the amount of money they spent

Great moments in tourisms history

11 September 2001, terrorist attacks in USA. Short-term decrease in worldwide international tourism (widespread fear) Sharp increase in domestic tourism, when many persons visit perceived safer destinations close to home So-called War on Terror and USAs imperial expansion wars, creating tension and fear in many persons.

Trends in the real costs of air travel

Real costs are different from money costs as they factor in inflation, so are useful for understanding trends in costs over a series of years. One way of measuring real costs is in terms of how many weeks an average person works to pay for a given item An interesting application is in air fares. What have been trends in real costs of air fares in the past 60 years?

Real costs (time worked by average man in Australia to earn price) of air fare from Australia to England
Year 1947 1954 1959 1971 2000 Aircraft Hours in air Lockhd 55 Super C 51 B707 B747 B747+ 26 22 22 Trip time 4 days 4 days 34 hours 25 hours 24 hours Return fare $ Time worked

1,170 1,346 1,180 1,304 2,649

85 wks 43 wks 27 wks 21 wks 4 wks

Tourism recently, since 2000

More tourists than ever in history
But world-wide growth of tourism is lower now than 20 years ago (4% p.a. versus 9%) More diversity in tourism More businesses in tourism industries High growth in tourism by residents of Asian countries, especially India, China, Indonesia

7 themes in this history of tourism

1. Humans have always travelled, since before the beginnings of recorded history
The numbers of travellers, and the proportions of populations who travel, have varied hugely overtime. Economic and cultural factors shape this


3. Probably, seeking pleasure or, at least, satisfaction from travelling and visiting places is instinctive in humans, because of the long history of nomadism

7 themes in this history of tourism

4. Tourism has always involved travelling + visiting places 5. Tourism is normally social, not solo

6. Changing human cultures have shaped the forms of tourism, and also changed preferences for particular activities 7. Upper class tourism has been copied by many persons in middle and lower classes, and there has always been snobbery in tourism

Not the End

The past, present and future of tourism are, in a sense, continuous. We can predict aspects of the future with confidence, but unpredicted trends and events will occur and will shape tourism in ways we might not even imagine today

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