Gyanesh Strategic Management II - Session 2
Gyanesh Strategic Management II - Session 2
Gyanesh Strategic Management II - Session 2
Collection of businesses and products that make up a company Guided by companys mission and vision Best fits companys strengths and weaknesses Firms must a) Analyse Current business portfolio 1) Identify SBUs( Separate mission and objectives, independent)
2) Assess attractiveness and support required( Judgemental, product & business based
b) Develop growth strategies to add new products & businesses to portfolio
BCG Approach
To build share => invest more in business unit To hold => invest just enough To harvest => Milk short term cash flows
Market growth
Cash Cows
Die Off
GE Approach
Market/Industry Attractiveness a) Market Size b) Market Growth rate c) industry profit margin d) amount of competition e) seasonality and cyclicality of demand f) industry cost structure Business position/strength
a) companys relative market share b) price competitiveness c) product quality d) customer and market knowledge e) sales effectiveness f) geographic advantages
1) 2)
Pie slices within the circles represent each SBUs market share Management plot projected positions of SBUs with and without changes and compares them to identify major strategic issues and opportunities.
Difficult to define SBUs and measure market share and growth Time consuming and costly to implement Focuses on current business and little advice for future planning Mgmt have to rely on its judgement to set business objectives, resource allocation and new business ventures Too much emphasis on market share growth or growth through entry into attractive new markets leads to entry into unrelated high growth market with little ability to manage Leads to often quick abandonment, sell or milk to death of healthy mature businesses Firms now focusing and getting back to basics of serving one or few industries they know better with planning efforts moving out of headquarters into the hands of cross functional teams of line managers and staff managers who are close to markets