JMeter Training Material

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A Performance Testing Tool


Definition JMeter is an Apache Jakarta project that can be used as a load testing tool for analysing and measuring the performance of a variety of services, with a focus on web applications. Why JMeter JMeter can be used as a unit test tool for JDBC database connection, FTP,

LDAP, WebServices, JMS, HTTP and generic TCP connections. JMeter can also
be configured as a monitor, although this is typically considered an ad-hoc solution in lieu of advanced monitoring solutions.

May 13, 2009

Introduction - Features
100% pure Java Open Source Desktop application. Designed for performance/functional/load/stress testing. Extensible- write your own tests.

Pluggable sampler allows unlimited testing capabilities.

Simulate heavy load (application, server and network). Gives instant visual feedback. Distributed testing.

Various protocols- HTTP, JDBC, LDAP, SOAP, JMS, FTP.

Multi-platform. Full multi-threading framework. Test plans can be stored in XML and can be version controlled. Caching and offline analysis/ replaying of test results

May 13, 2009

JMeter License
JMeter comes under Apache Software License Version 2.0 The Apache License is a free-software license authored by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). The Apache License (versions 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0) requires preservation of the

copyright notice and disclaimer, but it is not a copyleft license.

This means it allows use of the source code for the development of proprietary software as well as free and open source software. The complete license details for JMeter can be found here:

May 13, 2009

Elements of Test Plan

Thread Group Logic Controllers Samplers Configuration elements

Pre-processor elements
Post-processor elements Timers Listeners Assertions

May 13, 2009

Execution Order
Timers Preprocessors Samplers

Assertions Listeners

May 13, 2009

Functions and Variables

JMeter functions are special values that can populate fields of any Sampler or other element in a test tree. A function looks like ${__functionName(var1,var2,var3)}. A function with no parameter looks like ${__functionName}. If a function parameter contains a comma, then be sure to escape this with "\",

otherwise JMeter will treat it as a parameter delimiter. Example ${__time(EEE\, d

MMM yyyy)}. Variables are referenced as ${VARIABLE}. Variable and functions are all case-sensitive.

May 13, 2009

What can functions do ?

Two kinds of functions:

user-defined static values (or variables). built-in functions.

User-defined static values allow the user to define variables to be replaced with their
static value when a test tree is compiled and submitted to be run.

This replacement happens once at the beginning of the test run. Variables cannot be nested. With built-in functions users can compute new values at run-time based on previous response data.

These new values are generated fresh for every request throughout the course of the


May 13, 2009

Where can functions and variables be used?

Functions and variables can be written into any field of any test component (apart from the TestPlan). Some fields do not allow random strings because they are expecting numbers, and thus will not accept a function. However, most fields will allow functions. Functions which are used on the Test Plan have some restrictions.

JMeter thread variables will have not been fully set up when the functions are
processed, so variable names passed as parameters will not be set up, and variable references will not work, so split() and regex() and the variable evaluation functions won't work.

The following functions should work OK on the test plan - intSum, longSum,
machineName, BeanShell, javaScript, jexl, random, time, property functions, log functions.

May 13, 2009

__functionless __counter __threadNum

__longSum __StringFromFile __machineName __javaScript __Random __CSVRead



May 13, 2009

Functions condt...
_P _log __logn __BeanShell __split

__setProperty __time __jexl __V


May 13, 2009

Functions condt...
__evalVar __eval __char __unescape __unescapeHtml



May 13, 2009

Pre-defined Variables
Most variables are set by calling functions or by test elements such as User Defined Variables. In user define variable the user has full control over the variable name

Some variables are defined internally by JMeter.

These are listed below.

Cookiename - contains the cookie value JMeterThread.last_sample_ok - whether or not the last sample was OK true/false

START variable


May 13, 2009

Building a Web test plan

Adding Users Adding Default HTTP Request Properties Add HTTP Request

Add listener to view store the Test Result


May 13, 2009

Building a Web test plan Adding Users


May 13, 2009

Building a Web test plan Adding Default HTTP

Request Properties


May 13, 2009

Building a Web test plan Adding HTTP Request


May 13, 2009

Building a Web test plan - Add listener to view store the

Test Result


May 13, 2009

Building a Advanced Web test plan

Handling User Sessions With URL Rewriting Using a Header Manager


May 13, 2009

Building a Advanced Web test plan - Handling User

Sessions With URL Rewriting
Web application uses URL rewriting rather than cookies to save session information. JMeter needs to parse the HTML received from the server and retrieve the unique session ID. Use the appropriate HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier to accomplish this. Simply enter the name of your session ID parameter into the modifier, and it will find and add it to each request.

If the request already has a value, it will be replaced. If "Cache Session Id?" is
checked, then the last found session id will be saved, and will be used if the previous HTTP sample does not contain a session id.


May 13, 2009

Building a Advanced Web test plan - Handling User

Sessions With URL Rewriting condt
A test plan is shown using URL rewriting.

The URL Re-writing modifier is added

to the SimpleController, thus assuring that it will only affect requests under that SimpleController.


May 13, 2009

Building a Advanced Web test plan - Handling User

Sessions With URL Rewriting condt
Request Parameters


May 13, 2009

Building a Advanced Web test plan - Using a Header

The HTTP Header Manager customizes information JMeter sends in the HTTP request header . This header includes properties like "User-Agent", "Pragma", "Referer" etc. The HTTP Header Manager ( like the HTTP Cookie Manager) should probably be added at the Thread Group level, unless different headers for the different HTTP Request objects in test is specified.


May 13, 2009

Building a Database Test Plan

Adding Users Adding JDBC Requests Adding a Listener to View/Store the Test Results


May 13, 2009

Building a Database Test Plan Adding User

A Thread Group with Default Value


May 13, 2009

Building a Database Test Plan Adding User condt

JDBC User Thread Group


May 13, 2009

Building a Database Test Plan Adding JDBC Requests

JDBC Configuration JMeter creates a database connection pool with the configuration settings as specified in the Control Panel. The pool is referred to in JDBC Requests in the 'Variable Name' field. Several different JDBC Configuration elements can be used, but they must have unique names. Every JDBC Request must refer to a JDBC Configuration pool. More than one JDBC Request can refer to the same pool.


May 13, 2009

Building a Database Test Plan Adding JDBC Requests


JDBC Request


May 13, 2009

Building a Database Test Plan Adding JDBC Requests


JDBC Request for Kodak stock


May 13, 2009

Building a Database Test Plan Adding JDBC Requests


JDBC Request for Pfizer stock


May 13, 2009

Building a Database Test Plan Adding a Listener to

View/Store the Test Results
Graph results Listener


May 13, 2009

Building an FTP Test Plan

Adding Users Adding Default FTP Request Properties Adding FTP Requests Adding a Listener to View/Store the Test Results


May 13, 2009

Building an FTP Test Plan - Adding Users

O'Reilly Users Thread Group


May 13, 2009

Building an FTP Test Plan - Adding Default FTP Request

FTP Request Defaults


May 13, 2009

Building an FTP Test Plan - Adding Default FTP Request

Properties condt
FTP Defaults for our Test Plan


May 13, 2009

Building an FTP Test Plan - Adding FTP Requests

FTP Request for O'Reilly mSQL Java README file


May 13, 2009

Building an FTP Test Plan - Adding FTP Requests condt

FTP Request for O'Reilly mSQL Java tutorial file


May 13, 2009

Building an FTP Test Plan - Adding a Listener to

View/Store the Test Results
Spline Visualizer Listener


May 13, 2009

Building an LDAP Test Plan

Adding Users Adding Login Config Element Adding LDAP Request Defaults Adding LDAP Requests Inbuilt Add Test Inbuilt Modify Test Inbuilt Delete Test Inbuilt Search Test Adding a Listener to View/Store the Test Results


May 13, 2009

Building an LDAP Test Plan - Adding Users

Thread Group with Default Values


May 13, 2009

Building an LDAP Test Plan - Adding Login Config

Login Config Element for our Test Plan


May 13, 2009

Building an LDAP Test Plan Adding LDAP Request

LDAP Defaults for our Test Plan


May 13, 2009

Building an LDAP Test Plan Adding LDAP Requests

Four LDAP request can be added.

Inbuilt Add Test Inbuil Modify Test Inbuilt Delete Test Inbuilt Search Test

JMeter sends requests in the order that you add them to the tree


May 13, 2009

Building an LDAP Test Plan Adding LDAP Requests


LDAP Request for Inbuilt Add test LDAP Request for Inbuilt Modify test


May 13, 2009

Building an LDAP Test Plan Adding LDAP Requests


LDAP Request for Inbuilt Delete test LDAP Request for Inbuilt Search test


May 13, 2009

Building an LDAP Test Plan Adding a Listener to

View/Store the Test Results
View result in Table Listener


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan

Adding Users Adding LDAP Extended Request Defaults Adding LDAP Requests Adding a Thread bind Request Adding a search Request Adding a Compare Request Adding a Single bind/unbind Adding an Add Request Adding a Modify Request Adding a Delete Request Adding a Rename Request (moddn) Adding an unbind Request Adding a Listener to View/Store the Test Results


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding Users

Thread Group with Default Values


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding LDAP

Extended Request Defaults
LDAP Defaults for our Test Plan


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding LDAP


Nine LDAP request can be added.

Adding a Thread bind Request Adding a search Request Adding a Compare Request Adding a Single bind/unbind Adding an Add Request Adding a Modify Request Adding a Delete Request Adding a Rename Request (moddn) Adding an unbind Request

JMeter sends requests in the order that you add them to the tree.


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding LDAP

Request condt
Adding a Thread bind Request


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding LDAP

Request condt
Adding a Search Request


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding LDAP

Request condt
Adding a Compare Request


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding LDAP

Request condt
Adding a Single bind/unbind


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding LDAP

Request condt
Adding an Add Request


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding LDAP

Request condt
Adding a Modify Request


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding LDAP

Request condt
Adding a Delete Request


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding LDAP

Request condt
Adding a Rename Request (moddn)


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding LDAP

Request condt
Adding an unbind Request


May 13, 2009

Building an Extended LDAP Test Plan - Adding a

Listener to View/Store the Test Results
View result Tree Listener


May 13, 2009

Building a WebService Test Plan

Adding Users Adding WebService Requests Adding a Listener to View Store the Test Results


May 13, 2009

Building a WebService Test Plan - Adding Users

Jakarta Users Thread Group


May 13, 2009

Building a WebService Test Plan - WebService



May 13, 2009

Building a WebService Test Plan - Building a

WebService Test Plan
Graph Results Listener


May 13, 2009

Case Study
Create and run a Database test plan to test Mysql database server. OR Create and run a FTP test plan to test a FTP site.


May 13, 2009

It is free Easy to install and use Compared to other load and performance testing tools, it is not only for web

application, but also for other servers or objects

Test results can be shown in different formats Highly extensible


May 13, 2009

Use timers to avoid hammering the server Limit the Number of Threads

Hardware will limit the number of threads you can effectively run. A faster machine makes JMeter work harder since it returns request quicker.

User variables

Create a text file containing the user names and passwords. Add a CSV DataSet configuration element. Name the variables USER and PASS. Use ${USER} and ${PASS} within samplers.

Reducing resource requirements

Use non-GUI mode. Use as few Listeners as possible. Reduce samplers by looping (by thread and by controller), and use variables (CSV Data Set) to vary the sample. Use CSV output rather than XML.


May 13, 2009

JMeter has 2 types of mailing list

The JMeter User List The JMeter Developer List

To subscribe to any mailing list


May 13, 2009

Thank You !

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