Vol Stability Slides
Vol Stability Slides
Vol Stability Slides
maintain steady acceptable voltages at all buses in the system a system enters a state of voltage instability when a disturbance, increase in load demand inability of a power system to meet the demand for reactive power a criterion for voltage stability stability is that,
bus voltage magnitude increase as reactive power injection at the same bus increase a system is voltage unstable if, V-Q sensitivity
voltage instability is essentially a local phenomenon voltage collapse is more complex than simple voltage instability
Limit of satisfactory operation For higher load demand , control of power by varying load would be unstable if load is supplied by transformers with ULTC, the tapchanger action try to raise the load voltage. This has lower effective ZLD and due to that VR goes low still further and It may call pure form of voltage instability.
It is concerned with systems ability to control voltages following large disturbances such as system faults, loss of generator or circuit contingency. Load characteristics and the interaction of both continuous and discrete controls and protections. Determination of LDVS requires the examination of the non-linear dynamic performance of a system over a period of time (ULTC and generator field current limiter)
For analysis long-term dynamic simulations are required. A criterion of large disturbance voltage stability, is that, following a given disturbance and system control actions, voltage at all buses reach acceptable steady state levels.
control voltages following small perturbations load characteristics, continuous control and discrete control Basic process a steady state nature Stability margin, identifying factors influencing stability, examine wide range of system conditions and large number of post contingency scenarios. A criterion for SDVS, V-Q sensitivity
0 to 10 seconds, transient rotor angle stability voltage voltage collapse is caused by unfavorable fast acting load components (IM and DC converters) For severe voltage dips the reactive power demand of IM increases, contributing to V.C Electrical islanding and under frequency load shedding resulting V.C. when imbalance is greater than about 50%.
Voltage decays faster than frequency under frequency relays may not operate There are incidents where the voltage collapses before frequency decays to the under frequency load shedding set points
2-3 minutes involves high loads, high power inputs from remote generation and a sudden large disturbance (lass of generator or loss of major transmission line) the disturbance causes high reactive power losses and voltage sags in load areas the tap changer sense low voltages and act to restore disturbance voltages thereby restoring load power levels
further sags of transmission voltages. generator farther away must then provide reactive power this is inefficient and ineffective no longer support by generation and transmission system. partial and complete voltage collapse.
transient voltage stability reactive power control concerned with load area and load characteristics load stability voltage collapse in load area without loss of synchronism of any generators generator current limiting is very detrimental to both form of stability
transient RAS reactive power control integrating remote power plant to a large system over a long transmission line
series reactive P.L. = I2 x take loading is I = 1000 amp, one line outage. other lines peak up 25%
losses = (5 lines x 3 phase x 10002 x 80 ohms ) = 1200 MVA 25% peak up so losses = 1500 MVA. after several years load growth assume loading is 1500 Amp. losses = 2700 MVAr 25% increase 3375 MVAr because of these non linear process, V.S. problem develop only in few years.
voltage security is closely related to reactive power and a v-q curves gives reactive power margin at the test bus.
V-Q curve sketches showing effect of voltage sensitive loads and tap changers on limit
the slope of the V-Q curves indicated the stiffness of the test bus reactive power of the generators can be plotted on same graph
the effect of voltage sensitivity loads ( i.e. prior to tap changing ) will have much greater reactive power margins and much lower critical voltages when tap changer hit limits, the curves tend to flatten out rather then turn up on the left side
for detailed studies of specific voltage control situations. co-ordination of protection and controls and testing of remedial measures. dynamic simulations also examine whether and how the steady-state equilibrium point will be reached.
allow examination of a wide range of system conditions nature of the problem and identify the key condition factors
increase load from Po,Qo in some direction until an eigen value of a Jacobian is practically zero. surface S represents the locus of all combinations of P and Q which results in a zero eigen value of Jacobian. P1,Q1 corrosponding to this point is the stability limit which lies on or extremely near to S.
the load on the transmission lines is too high. the voltage sources are too far from the load centres. the source voltages are too low. large distances between generation and load. ULTC action during low voltage conditions. poor co-ordination between various control and protective systems. insufficient load reactive compensation.
application of reactive power compensating devices control of network voltage and generator reactive o/p co-ordination of protection / controls control of transformer tap changers undervoltage load shedding stability margin spinning reserve operators' action
Pt = V or Pv = c2V2 + c1V + c0 Ps = P0V or Ps = P0(d2V2 + d1V + d0) where V is the per-unit magnitude of the voltage imposed on the load It can be seen that, at steady-state, state variable x of the model is constant
e = Ps P, must be zero The transient output is then determined by the transient characteristics P = xPt The mismatch between the model output and the steadystate load demand is the error signal e This signal is fed back to the integration block that gradually changes the state variable x This process is continues until a new steady-state (e=0) is reached Pt(V) = V, Ps(V) = P0Va; Qt(V) = V, Qs(V) = Q0Vb
ix3 = ixE = ixM + ixC ; iy3 = iyE + iyN + iyC Exponential load Polynomial load
P(V3) = Po (V3/V3o) Q(V3) = Qo (V3/V3o) P = Po [aP(V/Vo)2 + bP(V/Vo) + CP] Q = Qo [aQ(V/Vo)2 + bQ(V/Vo) + CQ]
, depends on load ; aP + bP + cP = aQ = bQ = cQ = 1 Po,Qo is consumed power at reference voltage complex current injected in to the network IE = - (S/V3) = -[ P(V3) jQ(V3)/Vx3 j Vy3 ] = ixE + j VyE
Three key concepts of voltage stability are the load characteristics as seen from the bulk power network the available means for voltage control at generators and in the network the ability of network to transfer power particularly reactive power from the point of production to the point of consumption The network steady state loadability limit is not necessarily the voltage instability limit Static power flow based analyses of the post disturbance steady state is the useful method of analyzing longer term voltage stability The fundamental cause of voltage instability is identified as incapability of combined transmission and generation system to meet excessive load demand in either real power or reactive power form
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