K1 - Histotechnic
K1 - Histotechnic
K1 - Histotechnic
Lokot Donna Lubis Department of Histology, Medicine Faculty University of Sumatera Utara Medan 2010
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Describes methods to study cells with tissue processing and staining, and the benefits of cell and tissue staining
Describes the various types of microscopes, how microscope works, and the benefits of them
Cell culture
method of making histological preparations of a particular specimen through a series of processes to become the preparations were ready for analysis.
Fiksasi (Fixation);
Dehidrasi (Dehydration)
Pembeningan (Clearing)
Pengecoran (Blocking/Casting)
Pewarnaan (Staining)
Perekatan (Mounting)
Pelabelan (Labelling)
To preserve tissue architecture, tissue must be first be fixed Chemical reagents are used to hold tissue components in their normal places during the subsequent processing They also prevent tissue from rotting and auto-digestion by leaked lysosomes Protective from microbial attack Fixative only preserve protein
Fixation solution
3 x 20 menit.
wax and resin arent miscible with alcohol either, the alcohol is replaced with an organic substances called xylene and the tissue goes transparent
Methyl benzoat
Embedding tissue provides them with physical supports so they can be sectioned thinly.
The process involves hardening the tissues by replacing the water with resin or wax.
Neither resin nor wax miscible with water however, so water is gradually replaced with alcohol in process called dehydration.
L shaped piece of metal (Leuckhart) Arrange 2 pieces of the iron pieces of sheet metal to form a
Spatula for attaching paraffin blocks. Label this tissue identity when blocking.
cuboid space; Pour a little liquid paraffin at the edges to prevent leaking; Put the tissue; Pour paraffin enough to cover the whole tissue; Avoid air bubble formation.
optimum viewing, the embedded wax block must be sectioned as finely as possible The ideal thickness of the section would be no wider than the diameter of the cells (57) for light microscopy. Sectioning done by microtome
thinly cut sections of ribbon are placed onto warm water to flatten them out A glass slide is placed towards the thinly ribbon which picks it up from the water
Spesific stains : identify spesific cellular, chemical or enzyme components such as carbohydrate.
Most conventional stain are water based and cant mix with wax the wax must be removed from the tissue in order for the stain to penetrate into the tissue
The process is the reverse of before :
Section dipped into xylene to remove the wax Dipped into alcohol Dipped into water
a fluorescent red dye resulting from the action of bromine on fluorescein. It can be used to stain cytoplasm, collagen and muscle fiber for examination under the microscope. Structures that stain readily with eosin are termed eosinophilic.
a basic dye which binds to nucleic acid (binds to ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum due to DNA/RNA content) it stains them a purple-blue.
Collagen fiber
Light microscope Fluorescent microscope Phase contrast microscope Dark field microscope Electron microscope
be viewed under a microscope cells must be within the microscopes limit or resolution. The rsolving power of an electron microscope (EM) is around 400x of a light microscope (LM).
Asidofilik, Basofilik
Similarities to other forms the position of something on the polarity of the cells
Cuboidal, Columnar, spindle, squamous, reticular Star-shaped appearance, Umbrella sign, Ladder like, Signet ring cell Apical, Basal, Centric, Eccentric, Adluminal, Fairy nuclear
Tissue Processing. Download from www.jameswatts.co.uk Zulham. Bahan kuliah : Dasar-dasar memahami sel dan jaringan. Alberts B et al. 2002. Molecular Biology of the Cell 4th Ed. New York. Garland Science. Young B, Heath JW. Histology A Text and Atlas. 4th Ed. H&E Staining. ABNOVA, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D0rj0m6 dVs
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