Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour
Definition: The study of human behavior, attitudes, and performance in organizations. Value of OB: Helps people attain the competencies needed to become effective employees, team leaders/members, or managers Competency = an interrelated set of abilities, behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge needed by an individual to be effective in most professional and managerial positions
Trends: Globalization
New organizational structures Different forms of communication Increases competition, change, mergers, downsizing, stress Need to be more sensitive to cultural differences
Primary and secondary diversity More women in workforce and professions Different needs of Generation-X and baby-boomers Diversity has advantages, but firms need to adjust
teams Telecommuting
structures issues
Potentially more effective than employees working alone Concern is when to assign tasks to teams rather than to individuals
The study of moral principles or values that determine whether actions are right or wrong and outcomes are good or bad What is unethical is not always obvious
Elements of Organizational Behavior : The organization's base rests on management's philosophy, values, vision and goals. This in turn drives the organizational culture which is composed of the formal organization, informal organization, and the social environment. The culture determines the type of leadership, communication, and group dynamics within the organization. The workers perceive this as the quality of work life which directs their degree of motivation. The final outcome are performance, individual satisfaction, and personal growth and development. All
Models of Organizational Behavior There are four major models or frameworks that organizations operate out of: Autocratic - The basis of this model is power with a managerial orientation of authority. The employees in turn are oriented towards obedience and dependence on the boss. The employee need that is met is subsistence. The performance result is minimal. Custodial - The basis of this model is economic resources with a managerial orientation of money. The employees in turn are oriented towards security and benefits and dependence on the organization. The employee need that is met is security. The performance result is passive cooperation.
Supportive - The basis of this model is leadership with a managerial orientation of support. The employees in turn are oriented towards job performance and participation. The employee need that is met is status and recognition. The performance result is awakened drives.
Collegial - The basis of this model is partnership with a managerial orientation of teamwork. The employees in turn are oriented towards responsible behavior and selfdiscipline. The employee need that is met is selfactualization. The performance result is moderate enthusiasm.
Although there are four separate models, almost no organization operates exclusively in one.
There will usually be a predominate one, with one or more areas over-lapping in the other models. The first model, autocratic, has its roots in the industrial revolution.
The managers of this type of organization operate out of McGregor's Theory X. The next three models begin to build on McGregor's Theory Y. They have each evolved over a period of time and there is no one "best" model.
The collegial model should not be thought as the last or best model, but the beginning of a new model or paradigm
Culture is the conventional behavior of a society that encompasses beliefs, customs, knowledge, and practices. It influences human behavior, even though it seldom enters into their conscious thought. People depend on culture as it gives them stability, security, understanding, and the ability
They fear the system will become unstable, their security will be lost, they will not understand the new process, and they will not know how to respond to the new situations.
Individualization is when employees successfully exert influence on the social system by challenging the culture.
Creative Individualism
The chart above (Schein, 1968) shows how individualization affects different organizations:
Organization Development: Organization Development (OD) is the systematic application of behavioral science knowledge at various levels, such as group, inter-group, organization, etc., to bring about planned change. Its objectives is a higher quality of work-life, productivity, adaptability, and effectiveness. It accomplishes this by changing attitudes, behaviors, values, strategies, procedures, and structures so that the organization can adapt to competitive actions, technological advances, and the fast pace of change within the environment. There are seven characteristics of OD:
Humanistic Values: Positive beliefs about the potential of employees (McGregor's Theory Y). Systems Orientation: All parts of the organization, to include structure, technology, and people, must work together. Experiential Learning: The learners' experiences in the training environment should be the kind of human problems they encounter at work. The training should NOT be all theory and lecture. Problem Solving: Problems are identified, data is gathered, corrective action is taken, progress is assessed, and adjustments in the problem solving process are made as needed. This process is known as Action Research. Contingency Orientation: Actions are selected and adapted to
Quality of Work Life : Quality of Work Life (QWL) is the favorableness or unfavorableness of the job environment. Its purpose is to develop jobs and working conditions that are excellent for both the employees and the organization. One of the ways of accomplishing
Job Enrichment
Routine Job
Job Enlargement
Man y
Variety of task
The benefits of enriching jobs include : Growth of the individual Individuals have better job satisfaction Self-actualization of the individual Better employee performance for the organization Organization gets intrinsically motivated employees Less absenteeism, turnover, and grievances for organization Full use of human resources for society Society gains more effective organizations There are a variety of methods for improving job enrichment: Skill Variety: Perform different tasks that require different skill. This differs from job enlargement which might require the employee to perform more tasks, but require the same set of
Task Identity: Create or perform a complete piece of work. This gives a sense of completion and responsibility for the product. Task Significant: This is the amount of impact that the work has on other people as the employee perceives. Autonomy: This gives employees discretion and control over job related decisions. Feedback: Information that tells workers how well they are performing. It can come directly from the job (task feedback) or verbally form someone else.
Change :
In its simplest form, discontinuity in the work place is "change." Our prefrontal cortex is similar to the RAM memory in a PC -- it is fast and agile computational device that is able to hold multiple threads of logic at once so that we can perform fast calculations. However it has its limits in that it can only hold a handful of concepts at once. In addition, it burns lots of high energy glucose (blood sugar), which is expensive for the body to produce. Thus when given lots of information, such as when a change is required, it has a tendency to overload and being directly linked to the amygdala (the emotional center of the brain) that controls our fight-orflight response, it can cause severe physical and psychological discomfort. Our prefrontal cortex is marvelous for insight when not overloaded. But for normal everyday use, our brain prefers to run off its "harddrive" -- the basal ganglia, which has a much larger storage area and
Contingency anchor
Managing Self Managing Communication Managing Diversity Managing Ethics Managing Across Cultures Managing Teams Managing Change
Involves the ability to assess your own strengths and weaknesses, set and pursue professional and personal goals, balance work and personal life, and engage in new learning (including new or modified skills, behaviors, and attitudes)
Understand the personality and attitudes of yourself and others Perceive, appraise, and interpret accurately yourself, others, and the immediate environment Understand and act on your own and others work-related motivations and emotions Assess and establish developmental, personal/life-related, and work-related goals Take responsibility for managing yourself and your career 29
Career Development*
A career is a sequence of work-related positions occupied by a person during a lifetime. Career development involves making decisions about an occupation and engaging in activities to attain career goals. A career plan is an individuals choice of occupation, organization, and career path.
Career success or failure is best determined by the individual, in terms of his/her personal goal achievement No absolute career evaluation standards exist Examine a career subjectively (e.g., values and personality fit) and objectively (e.g., job choices, competencies needed) Make decisions about occupation and pursue activities to attain career goals throughout your lifetime Consider cultural factors as they impact performance and career opportunities 31
Involves the ability to use all the modes of transmitting, understanding, and receiving ideas, thoughts, and feelings, (verbal, listening, nonverbal, written, electronic, etc.) for accurately transferring and exchanging information and emotions
Convey information, ideas, and emotions so they are received as intended Provide constructive feedback Engage in active listening
Involves the ability to value unique individual and group characteristics, embrace such characteristics as potential sources of organizational strength, and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual
Foster an environment of inclusion for all Learn from others with different characteristics, experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds Embrace and support diversity Work with others because of their talents and contributions, rather than personal attributes Provide leadership in addressing diversity-based conflicts Apply diversity laws, regulations, and organizational policies related to your position 35
Primary Categories:
Genetic characteristics that affect a persons self-image and socialization, appear to be unlearned and are difficult to modify
Age, race, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities and qualities, and sexual and affectional orientation
Secondary categories:
Education, work experience, income, marital status, religious beliefs, geographic location, parental status, behavioral style 36
Involves the ability to incorporate values and principles that distinguish right from wrong in making decisions and choosing behaviors
Definition: Values and principles that distinguish right from wrong. NOT IN TEXT: Ethics are often based upon laws, organizational policies, social norms, family, religion, and/or personal needs, and may be subject to differing interpretations with problems in proving truth Ethical Dilemma*: A situation in which an individual or team must make a decision that involves multiple values.
Identify and describe the principles of ethical decision making and behavior Assess the importance of ethical issues in actions Apply laws, regulations, and organizational rules in making decisions and taking action Demonstrate dignity and respect for others Demonstrate honest and open communication limited only by legal, privacy, and competitive considerations 39
Involves the ability to recognize and embrace similarities and differences among nations and cultures and then approach key organizational and strategic issues with an open and curious mind
Culture = the dominant pattern of living, thinking, and believing that is developed and transmitted by people, consciously or unconsciously, to subsequent generations Cultural values = those consciously and subconsciously deeply held beliefs that specify general preferences, behaviors, and define what is right and wrong.
Understand, appreciate, and use cultural factors that can affect behavior Appreciate the influence of work-related values on decisions, preferences, and practices Understand and motivate employees with different values and attitudes Communicate in the local language Deal effectively with extreme conditions in foreign countries Utilize a global mindset (use a worldwide perspective to constantly assess threats or opportunities) 41
Individualism = the tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate family, which implies a loosely integrated society In cultures that emphasize individualism, people view themselves as independent, unique, and special; value individual goals over group goals; value personal identity, personal achievement, pleasure, and competition; accept interpersonal confrontation; and are less likely to conform to others expectations Such cultures include the United States, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom Example: Stand on your own two feet! 42
Collectivism = the tendency of people to emphasize their belonging to groups and to look after each other in exchange for loyalty Cultures that emphasize collectivism are characterized by a tight social framework, concern for the common welfare, emotional dependence of individuals on larger social units, a sense of belonging, a desire for harmony, with group goals being viewed as more important than individual goals, and a concern for face-saving Such cultures include Japan, China, Venezuela, and Indonesia Example: The nail that sticks up gets hammered down! 43
Involves the ability to develop, support, facilitate, and lead groups to achieve organizational goals
Determine when and how to use teams Set clear performance goals directly or participatively Define responsibilities and tasks directly or participatively
Involves the ability to recognize and implement needed adaptations or entirely new transformations in the people, tasks, strategies, structures, or technologies in a persons area of responsibility
Apply the other six competencies in pursuit of needed changes Provide leadership in planned change Diagnose pressures for and resistance to change Use the systems model and relevant processes to facilitate change Seek out, learn, share, and apply new knowledge in the pursuit of constant improvement 47
Subsystem Subsystem
Note that organizations are open systems, such that their long term effectiveness is determined by their ability to anticipate, manage, and respond to changes in their environment, with such changes resulting from external forces and/or stakeholders External forces include the labor force, the natural environment, the economy, and different cultures, while stakeholders include shareholders, customers, competitors, suppliers, creditors, governmental agencies and their regulations
Note the impact of these environmental influences on individual, interpersonal, team, and organizational processes; organizations that do not effectively adapt to environmental change will fail