Thyphoid Fever
Thyphoid Fever
Thyphoid Fever
Guoli Lin Department of Infectious Diseases The Third Affiliated Hospital of SYSU
Definition Etiology
Clinical manifestations
The laboratory and other examinations
Preventions Paratyphoid Fever
Acute enteric infectious disease caused by Salmonella typhi (S.Typhi). prolonged fever, Relative bradycardia, apathetic facial expressions, roseola, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, leukopenia.
Serotype: D group of Salmonella Gram-negative non-spore flagella aerob/fakultatif anaerob
Vi (polysaccharide virulence)
S.Typhi, S. Paratyphi C
A schematic diagram of a single Salmonella typhi cell showing the locations of the H (flagellar), 0 (somatic), and Vi (K envelope) antigens.
areas with a high incidence include Asia, Africa and Latin America
affects about 6000000 people with more than 600000 deaths a year. 80% in Asia . sporadic occur usually, sometimes have epidemic outbreaks.
Minggu I
Gejala Prodromal
fecal-oral route
all people equally susceptible to infection acquired immunity can keep longer, reinfection are rare immunity is not associated with antibody level of H, Oand VI. No cross immunity between typhoid and paratyphoid.
All seasons, usually in summer and autumn. Most cases in school-age children and young adults. both sexes equally susceptible.
ingested orally
Penetrate the mucus layer enter mononuclear phagocytes of ileal peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes
enter spleen, liver and bone marrow (reticulo-endothelial system) further proliferation occurs
2nd bacteremia
Bac. In gall
Bac. In feces
S.Typhi eliminated convalvescence stage (4-5w) 1st bacteremia (Incubation stage) 10-14d
thoracic duct
essential lesion:
proliferation of RES (reticuloendothelial system ) specific changes in lymphoid tissues and mesenteric lymph nodes. "typhoid nodules Most characteristic lesion: ulceration of mucous in the region of the Peyers patches of the small intestine
stage(1st week): swelling lymphoid tissue and proliferation of macrophages. Necrosis stage(2nd week): necrosis of swelling lymph nodes or solitary follicles.
Ulceration stage(3rd week): shedding of necrosis tissue and formation of ulcer ----- intestinal hemorrhage, perforation . Stage of healing (from 4th week): healing of ulcer, no cicatrices and no contraction
Clinical manifestations Incubation period: 360 days(714). The initial period (early stage) First week. Insidious onset. Fever up to 39~400C in 5~7 days chillsailmenttiredsore throat cough ,abdominal discomfort and constipation et al.
second and third weeks. Sustained high feverpartly remittent fever or irregular fever. Last 1014 days. Gastro-intestinal symptoms: anorexia abdominal distension or paindiarrhea or constipation Neuropsychiatric manifestations: confusionblunt respond even delirium and coma or meningism
Circulation system:
relative bradycardia or dicrotic pulse.
toxic hepatitis. roseola :30%, maculopapular rash a faint pale color, slightly raised round or lenticular, fade on pressure
2-4 mm in diameter, less than 10 in number on the trunk, disappear in 2-3 days.
defervescence stage
fever and most symptoms resolve by the forth week of infection. Fever come down, gradual improvement in all symptoms and signs, but still danger.
the fifth week. disappearance of all symptoms, but can relapse
convalescence stage
Clinical forms:
Mild infection: very common seen recently symptom and signs mild good general condition temperature is 380C short period of diseases recovery expected in 1~3 weeks seen in early antibiotics users young children mild more easy to misdiagnose
Fulminate infection: rapid onset, severe toxemia and septicemia. High fever,chill,circulation failure, shock, delirium, coma, myocarditis, bleeding and other complications, DIC et all.
Special manifestations
In children
the aged
clinical manifestations reappear less severe than initial episode Its temperature recrudesce when temperature start to step down but abnormal in the period of
serum positive of S.typhi after 13 weeks of temperature down to normal. Symptom and signs reappear the bacilli have not been completely removed Some cases relapse more than once
Laboratory findings
Routine examinations:
white blood cell count is normal or decreased. Leukocytopenia(specially eosinophilic leukocytopenia). recovery with improvement of diseases decreased in relapse
Bacteriological examinations:
Blood culture: the most common use 80~90% positive during the first 2 weeks of illness 50% in 3rd week
Urine and stool cultures increase the diagnostic yield positive less frequently stool culture better in 3~4 weeks The duodenal string test to culture bile useful for the diagnosis of carriers. Rose spots: Not use routinely
Antibody reaction appear during first week 70% positive in 3~4 weeks and can prolong to
several months
in some cases, antibodies appear slowly, or remain at a low level, some(10~30%) not appear at all.
"O" agglutinin antibody titer 1:80 and "H" 1:160 or "O" 4 times higher supports a diagnosis of typhoid fever
"O" rises alone, not "H", early of the disease.Only "H" positive, but "O" negative, often nonspecifically elevated by immunization or previous infections or anamnestic reaction.
Intestinal hemorrhage
Commonly appear during the second-third week of
illness difference between mild and greater bleeding
Intestinal perforation:
The more serious .Incidence,1-4% Commonly appear during 2-3 weeks. Take place at the lower end of ileum. Before perforation,abdominal pain or diarrhea,intestinal bleeding . When perforation, abdominal pain, sweating, drop in temperature, and increase in pulse rate, then, rebound tenderness when press abdomen, abdomen muscle entasia, reduce or disappear in the sonant extent of liver, leukocytosis .
Toxic hepatitis: common,1-3 weeks hepatomegaly, ALT elevated get better with improvement of diseases in 2~3 weeks
Toxic myocarditis.
seen in 2-3 weeks, usually severe toxemia.
Other complications:
toxic encephalopathy.
nephritis et al.
Leukopenia Trombositopenia ringan SGOT/SGPT meningkat Widal Test + (dapat + pada 6 bulan-1 tahun post typhoid)
Differential diagnosis
history of exposure to malaria. Paroxysms(often periodic) of sequential chill,high fever and sweating. Headache, anorexia, splenomegaly, anemia,
Characteristic parasites in erythrocytes,identified in thick or thin blood smears.
Endemic area,contacted with urine of mice. Abrupt fever,chills,severe headache,and myalgias, especially of the calf muscles. Leptospires can be isolated from blood,cerebrospinal fluid. Special agglutination titers develop after 7 days and may persist at high levels for many years.
Mild cough
pulmonary infiltration on chest radiograph
Positive of gram-negative bacilli from blood culture.
Symptomatic treatment:
Norfloxacin (0.10.2 tidqid/1014 days). Ofloxacin (0.2 tid 1014days). ciprofloxacin (0.25 tid)
Only third generation effective Cefoperazone and Ceftazidime.
4.Treatment of complication.
Intestinal bleeding:
bed rest, stop diet,close observation T,P,R,BP. intravenous saline and blood transfusion,and attention to acid-base balances. sometimes,operative.
stop diet.
decrease down the stomach pressure. intravenous injection to maintain electrolyte and acid-base balances. use of antibiotics. sometimes operative.
Toxic myocarditis:
Isolation and treatment of patients stool culture one time per 5 days. if negative continued two times ,without isolation.
Control of carriers.
observation of 25 days(15 days in paratyphoid) when close contact
Caused by Salmonella paratyphoid A,B,C.respectively. in no way different from typhoid fever in epidemiology, pathogenesis, pathology,clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and Prophylaxis
Paratyphoid A,B:
Paratyphoid C: