Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia 2009
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia 2009
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia 2009
Robert D. McBane II Division of Cardiology Gonda Vascular Center Mayo Clinic Rochester
Disclosure Information
Treatment and Prevention of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines American College of Chest Physicians
Background Recognition Diagnosis Management
Pathophysiology of H.I.T.
GAG Endothelium
Pathophysiology of H.I.T.
Heparin PF4:Heparin Complexes
GAG Endothelium
Pathophysiology of H.I.T.
HIT antibodies
Pathophysiology of H.I.T.
FC Receptor
a granule
Pathophysiology of H.I.T.
HIT Antibodies
Endothelial Injury
GAG Endothelium
Case 1
76 year old male 3 month history of progressive chest pain 3 day history of angina at rest Admitted to Cardiology service No prior medical assessment
Case 1
Platelet Count (x109/L) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Case 1
The next most appropriate step in this patients management would be: 1. Stop all heparin products 2. Obtain Heparin-platelet factor 4 ELISA 3. Begin direct thrombin inhibitor 4. No change in anticoagulants is necessary
Case 1
The next most appropriate step in this patients management would be: 1. Stop all heparin products 2. Obtain Heparin-platelet factor 4 ELISA 3. Begin direct thrombin inhibitor 4. No change in anticoagulants is necessary
Not symptomatic
Platelet agglutination
HIT Terminology
Isolated HIT: Type II, Immune thrombocytopenia
Case 2
62 y/o woman
Right ovarian mass Preoperative workup: Severe mitral valve stenosis MVR: metallic prosthesis Chronic warfarin One month later admitted for TAH-BSO
Case 2
Admitted to Gynecology service for transitioning warfarin to UFH
Case 3
Platelet Count (x109/L) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Thrombotic Stroke
HIT Terminology
Rapid Onset HIT (25 30%)
Occurs < 24 hours after exposure History of prior heparin exposure within past 100 days Results from circulating HIT antibodies Not amnestic response Check baseline CBC and repeat within 24 hours if prior
heparin exposure (within 100 days)
Case 3
74 yr Male
3/21 Right Total Knee Arthroplasty
(DVT prophylaxis: Unfractionate Heparin, SCDs, Teds)
Case 3
4/3 Develops cough and slight dyspnea
Case 3
Management options in the ED include:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Initiate outpatient LMW-heparin Admit for inpatient Unfractionated heparin Admit for argatroban therapy Obtain Heparin PF 4 antibodies Need more clinical information
Case 3
Management options in the ED include:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Initiate outpatient LMW-heparin Admit for inpatient Unfractionated heparin Admit for argatroban therapy Obtain Heparin PF 4 antibodies Need more clinical information
Case 3
Laboratory Assessment: CBC: Hgb 11.0 WBC 8.1 Platelet 132
Creatinine: 1.2
Case 3
Platelet Count (x109/L) 425 375 300 225 150 75 0
HIT Terminology
Delayed Onset HIT (3-5%)
Occurs several days after heparin discontinued Always obtain platelet count prior to starting heparin Review history for heparin exposure (past 100 days)
and recent platelet data
Background Recognition Diagnosis Management
Is there
> 50% fall Nadir 20-100
Background Recognition Diagnosis Management
Case 5
75 year old woman Admitted with community acquired pneumonia Received subcutaneous UFH prophylaxis
Case 5
Platelet Count (x109/L) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Case 5
The heparin PF-4 ELISA was strongly positive, consistent with the diagnosis of isolated HIT. After stopping all heparin, which of the following is the most acceptable next step?
1. Start enoxaparin now 2. Start argatroban now 3. Start argatroban and warfarin now 4. Search for thrombosis and if present start lepirudin
Case 5
The heparin PF-4 ELISA was strongly positive, consistent with the diagnosis of isolated HIT. After stopping all heparin, which of the following is the most acceptable next step?
1. Start enoxaparin now 2. Start argatroban now 3. Start argatroban and warfarin now 4. Search for thrombosis and if present start lepirudin
HIT Treatment
Hepatic excretion
Renal excretion
Do not start until platelet count >100 Do not load (max dose 5 mg) Overlap with DTI for 5 days
Case 6
74 year old male with recent outside diagnosis of HIT. He is transferred to your cardiovascular service with progressive angina. Coronary angiography discloses severe three vessel disease with EF 35%. Which of the following is the most acceptable next step?
1. Proceed with CABG now using argatroban 2. Proceed with CABG now using bivalirudin 3. Proceed with CABG now using lepirudin 4. Postpone for 3 months and repeat ELISA 5. Repeat ELISA now
Case 6
74 year old male with recent outside diagnosis of HIT. He is transferred to your cardiovascular service with progressive angina. Coronary angiography discloses severe three vessel disease with EF 35%. Which of the following is the most acceptable next step?
1. Proceed with CABG now using argatroban 2. Proceed with CABG now using bivalirudin 3. Proceed with CABG now using lepirudin 4. Postpone for 3 months and repeat ELISA 5. Repeat ELISA now
Bivalirudin (Angiomax)
Direct thrombin inhibitor Short T: 25 min Proteolytic inactivation
minor renal excretion (20%)
Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass With Bivalirudin for patients with HIT: CHOOSE-OFF trial Open-label, multicenter 51 patients Off pump
Primary endpoints (day 7/discharge) Death 0 Q-wave MI 3 (6%) Revascularization 0 Stroke 1 (2.0%)
Intra op blood loss 24 hr blood loss Transfusion RBC Plts FFP 404420 ml 936525 ml 5.63.8 U 8.67.2 U 6.04.7 U
Immune mediated Common