WElfare Investment Scheme of IBBL
WElfare Investment Scheme of IBBL
WElfare Investment Scheme of IBBL
Prepared By:
Muhammed Akhter Jamil Roll No. : 326 EMBA Program for Engineers Semester: 3rd Semester
Modes of Investment
Bai Mode (Trading): Bai Murabaha Bai Muazzal Bai Salam Bai Istishnaa
Ijarah Mode (Leasing): Hire purchase (Ijarah) Hire purchase under Shirkatul Melk Share Mode: Mudaraba Musharakah
The prohibition of Riba (fixed interest) makes Islamic banking different from Traditional banking. Of course, the investments of an Islamic bank must be channeled to the Islamic Shariah approved sectors. IBBL should more diversify its investment portfolio by size of investment, by sector of investment, viz. industrial, commercial, agricultural and by geographical area. This diversification will ensure mutual benefit both for the bank and the investment-client. IBBL, since its inception, has been working for the upliftment and emancipation of the underprivileged, downtrodden and neglected sections of the populace and has taken up various schemes for their well-being. Islami bank Bangladesh limited, being welfare oriented banking institution has by now designed and implemented thirteen investment schemes keeping in view the needs of different sectors and various sections of people for their socio-economic upliftment and to improve their quality of life.