Risk Probability of Event X Cost of Event
Risk Probability of Event X Cost of Event
Risk Probability of Event X Cost of Event
■ Once you have identified the threats you face, the next step is to
work out the likelihood of the threat being realized and to assess
its impact.
■ One approach to this is to make your best estimate of the
probability of the event occurring, and to multiply this by the
amount it will cost you to set things right if it happens. This gives
you a value for the risk.
3. Managing Risk
Once you have worked out the value of risks you face, you can
start to look at ways of managing them. When you are doing
this, it is important to choose cost effective approaches - in most
cases, there is no point in spending more to eliminating a risk
than the cost of the event if it occurs. Often, it may be better to
accept the risk than to use excessive resources to eliminate it.
Risk may be managed in a number of ways
• By using existing assets:
Here existing resources can be used to counter risk. This
may involve improvements to existing methods and systems,
changes in responsibilities, improvements to accountability
and internal controls, etc.
• By contingency planning:
You may decide to accept a risk, but choose to develop a
plan to minimize its effects. A good contingency plan will
allow you to take action immediately, with the minimum of
project control.
• By investing in new resources:
Your risk analysis should give you the basis for deciding
whether to bring in additional resources to counter the risk.