Drg. Reza Fajarsyah Putra, SP - BM Prodi Ikg FK Univ Yarsi
Drg. Reza Fajarsyah Putra, SP - BM Prodi Ikg FK Univ Yarsi
Drg. Reza Fajarsyah Putra, SP - BM Prodi Ikg FK Univ Yarsi
Developmental Disorders
Include : Agenesis Aplasia Hypoplasia Hyperplasia
Acquired Disorders
Include : Benign
artikularis tanpa nyeri sendi, kebisingan sendi atau disfungsi sendi Peregangan atau robeknya ligament diskus sebagai penyebab diskus berpindah / displaced Diskus artikularis dapat displaced ke:
Anterior dan medial (lebih sering)
(kembali ke posisinya) Disk tereduksi saat condyle bergerak ke posisi yg lebih normal saat TRANSLASI menghasilkan suara clicking/ popping Saat menutup, condyle bergerak ke posterior dari diskus menghasilkan closing click 50-55% adult population jaw clicking as biologic variation Simtomatik (painful)/ asimtomatik (non-painful)
condylar translation Chronic less painful, with normal near normal range of condylar translation Tissue adapt pain free range of motion increase articular changes on imaging
Classification of with and without reduction. Arrows indicate the disc. (A,B) The with reduction case; (A) closed mouth, (B) mouth open to maximum extent. (C,D) The without reduction case; (C) closed mouth, (D) mouth open to maximum extent
Disc Adhesion
Disc adhering to temporal component of fossa
static disc position altered joint mechanics Condyle translate on posterior band of disc 1st clicking continues to move beyond anterior band 2nd clicking During jaw closure clicking occurs at the same two places as opening
Closed mouth
Inflammatory Disorders
Inflammation of the articular surfaces of the joint
Synovitis Capsulitis
Etiologi : Trauma Infection Cartilage degeneration Sequelae systemic polyarthritic/ collagen disease (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Reiters syndrome)
Inflammatory Disorders
Common clinical manifestation: Localized joint pain Limited jaw movements
Polyarthritides :
type of arthritis which involves 5 or more joints simultaneously. usually associated with autoimmune conditions.
Synovitis follows a typical course of events
a) the posterior attachment becomes edematous; b) intracapsular pressure increases; c) the condyle becomes displaced anteriorly in the rest position causing a barely perceptible midline shift to the opposite side; d) ipsilateral disocclusion; and e) joint pain that is aggravated when the patient attempts to fully occlude the ipsilateral teeth and, thus, forcing the condyle backward against the inflamed posterior attachment.
Capsular pain is provoked when the inflamed capsule
is stretched (e.g., by translatory movement of the capsule). The pain exacerbated by protrusion or lateral excursion of the mandible, contralateral chewing, and wide mouth opening. Capsulitis is further characterized by palpable tenderness or pain directly over the condyle and minor swelling over the joint may be detected.
OA aktif : Active change/degeneration in articular tissues OA stabil: Recortication of articular osseus structure without
Osteophytes in OA
bony projections that form along joint margins
form because of the increase in a damaged joint's
surface area. most common from the onset of arthritis. limit joint movement and typically cause pain.[
Classification of with and without osteoarthritis. Arrows indicate the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). (A) Normal mandibular condyle, (B) Osteophyte mandibular condyle, (C) Osteophyte mandibular condyle with erosion, (D) Osteophyte mandibular condyle with flattening. The mandibular condyle in panel A was normal. The condyles in panels BD are examples of osteoarthritis
TMJ Dislocation
Hypermobility condition of the jaw
Condyle tiba-tiba berpindah lebih ke anterior dan
superior daripada eminensia artikularis saat membuka rahang atau gerak PROTRUSI dan tidak dapat mengembalikannya ke posisi menutup rahang Etiology:
TMJ Dislocation
Dislocation or open lock if need to reduce manually
the anteriorly positioned condyle Subluxation if patient able to self manipulate the jaw back to closed position
TMJ Ankylosis
Ankylosis stiffness of a joint due to abnormal adhesion and rigidity of the bones of the joint
Relationship between bone and condyle
Etiology : Post trauma or post surgery Systemic infection (tuberculosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis) Local infection (otitis media, mastoiditis) Neoplastic (osteochondroma)
Classification of Ankylosis
1. True(intraarticular):- fibrous or bony adhesion between the articular surfaces of TMJ. 2. False(extraarticular):- results from pathologic condition outside the joint, that results in limited mandibular mobility.
Another classification
According to relationship type
Ankylosis complications: Difficulty in mastication, speech, appearance, oral hygiene affected TMJ as growth center of mandible Disturbance of mandibular growth (trauma in childhood) Compromise airway Facial asymetry
Fracture of Condyle
Condylar and subcondylar fractures constitute 26-40% of
Clinical manifestation marked pain, dysfunction, and deformity Malocclusion, posterior premature contact, anterior open bite Asymmetry of the lower 1/3 of the face
orientation about the fracture location. With a unilateral condylar process fracture and subsequent reduction of height in the ramus region, the clinician will see an ipsilateral premature occlusion and contralateral open bite. The dental midline will shift toward the side of fracture. The occlusion shows premature contact on the right with the deviation of the jaw to the affected side that is commonly seen with a right mandibular condyle fracture.