Intro-Concept of Road Safety For Childrens
Intro-Concept of Road Safety For Childrens
Intro-Concept of Road Safety For Childrens
Commitment We will Save ourselves & other's lives by spreading message of road safety We will make the difference by preaching and practicing road safety
We will make a difference by creating a safe road culture across the country
India records highest road accidents in the world. - About 1,00,000 deaths and 1 million plus road accident injuries annually in India. - The social cost of road accidents is computed at 1.5 -3% 3GDP**.
Safety of my Family
Have we ever paused to consider how much time we spend on the road in our lives ... and how safely do we do it?
On 17August 1896,Bridget Driscoll 44 year old became the first person ever killed by a motor vehicle in London. She was stuck by a car which was going "at a tremendous speed. (12.8 km/h), and the speed limit was 6.4 Km/h only.
At the inquest the coroner said "this must never happen again
An estimated 1.2 million people die every year in road crashes 20-50 million are seriously injured or disabled each year Nearly 85 % of these deaths take place in the developing nations and Asia constitutes about 44 % of those deaths EU countries have reported a 50 % reduction in road deaths in the past 30 years
At the present levels of road safety activity in India, accident rates will increase till 2045 !
At 2 % of GDP, the social cost of road deaths in India is over Rs.55T000 crore each year!
Road crash injury is largely preventable and predictable . It is a human made problem amenable to rational analysis and counter measure"
World Bank
Be a Defensive Driver
Defensive Driving
Are you sure you will not become a part of these statistics ?