SSL Architecture
SSL Architecture
SSL Architecture
Web Security
now widely used by business, government, individuals but Internet & Web are vulnerable have a variety of threats
layer security service originally developed by Netscape version 3 designed with public input subsequently became Internet standard known as TLS (Transport Layer Security) uses TCP to provide a reliable end-to-end service SSL has two layers of protocols
SSL Architecture
SSL Architecture
an association between client & server created by the Handshake Protocol define a set of cryptographic parameters may be shared by multiple SSL connections
using a MAC with shared secret key similar to HMAC but with different padding using symmetric encryption with a shared secret key defined by Handshake Protocol AES, IDEA, RC2-40, DES-40, DES, 3DES, Fortezza, RC4-40, RC4-128 message is compressed before encryption
of 3 SSL specific protocols which use the SSL Record protocol a single message causes pending state to become current hence updating the cipher suite in use
specific alert
fatal: unexpected message, bad record mac, decompression failure, handshake failure, illegal parameter warning: close notify, no certificate, bad certificate, unsupported certificate, certificate revoked, certificate expired, certificate unknown
1. 2. 3. 4.
encryption & security specification to protect Internet credit card transactions developed in 1996 by Mastercard, Visa etc not a payment system rather a set of security protocols & formats
secure communications amongst parties trust from use of X.509v3 certificates privacy by restricted info to those who need it
SET Components
SET Transaction
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
customer opens account customer receives a certificate merchants have their own certificates customer places an order merchant is verified order and payment are sent merchant requests payment authorization merchant confirms order merchant provides goods or service merchant requests payment
Dual Signature
order information (OI) for merchant payment information (PI) for bank
party needs details of other but must know they are linked use a dual signature for this
Initiate Request - get certificates Initiate Response - signed response Purchase Request - of OI & PI Purchase Response - ack order
Payment Capture
sends payment gateway a payment capture request gateway checks request then causes funds to be transferred to merchants account notifies merchant using capture response
need for web security SSL/TLS transport layer security protocols SET secure credit card payment protocols