2 Robotic Systems Configurations

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Robotic Systems(2)

Dr Richard Crowder
School of Electronics and Computer Science

An industrial robot is a reprogrammable device designed to both manipulate and transport parts, tools, or specialised manufacturing implements through programmed motions for the performance of specific manufacturing tasks. but as we noted is far too specific An intelligent robot is a machine able to extract information from its environment and use knowledge about its world to move safely in a meaningful and purposeful manner. For convenience we can broadly class robotics into two:

Conventional robotics for static industrial and similar systems.

Behaviour based, more biologically inspired and currently restricted to the research field.

Configuration: a complete specification of the location of every point on the manipulator A configuration can be represented by a set of joint variables

q [q1......... qn ]T

Degrees of freedom (DOF): minimum number of parameters needed to specify its configuration
# of DOF = the dimension of the configuration space A rigid object in 3D has 6 DOF: 3 for positioning and three for orientation. A manipulator having more than 6 DOF is referred to as a kinematically redundant manipulator

Basic Structure (Fixed Robot)

Sensors Power Supply and Drives

Input Device


Mechanical Arm

Network/ Program

End of Arm tooling


Robot Structure
Depending on the type of robot and the application, the mechanical structure of a robot can normally be divided into two parts, the main manipulator and wrist assembly. The manipulator will position the end effector while the wrist will control its orientation.

A manipulator is a system with a number of joints and links that can be controlled within three-dimensional space.
All interaction between the robot, and other machines, parts and processes must take place within the workspace

Reachable: the entire set of points reachable by the manipulator Dexterous: the set of points reachable by the end effector with an arbitrary orientation

Robot Configurations
The structure of the robot consists of a number of Joints and Links.
To achieve complete control of the end effectors position and orientation a minimum of six joints are required. Even though there are a large number of possible robot configurations, only five configurations are commonly used in industrial robotics:

Symbolic representation of robots

Robot manipulator: a kinematic chain formed by links connected by joints

Rotary: revolute joint (R) joint variable

Linear: prismatic joint (P) joint variable d



Work volume or work space

All tasks must be undertaken in this volume, which is defined by the robots configuration and size.
Formal mathematical definition will be discussed later, but is limited by: Joint type Limits to motion of travel

Relative lengths of joints.

Polar Arm Configuration

Joint 1 Joint 3


Joint 2

RRP configuration (RevoluteRevolutePrismatic config) Consists of telescopic link (Prismatic joint), that can extend backwards and forwards, about a horizontal revolute joint. These two links are mounted on a rotating base. A linear extending arm is capable of being rotated around the horizontal and vertical axes. Used for spraying painting

Cylindrical Arm Configuration

Joint 1 Joint 2

Joint 3

RPP Configuration A linear extending arm (Prismatic Joint) can be moved vertically up and down (Prismatic Joint) around a rotating column (Revolute Joint)

Joint 3

Joint 2

Joint 1

PPP Configuration Comprises of three orthogonal (perpendicular) sliding or prismatic joints

Jointed Arm
Joint 1

Joint 2 Joint 3

RRR Configuration Three joints arranged in an anthropomorphic (ascribing human form or attributes) configuration

Joint 1 Joint 2

Joint 3

RRP Configuration Selective Compliance Assembly Robotic Arm

Joint 1 Joint 2 Tool Interface

Joint 3

To orientate the tools, three additional joints are required, these are normally mounted at the end of the arm as the wrist, it is conventional to define the joints of a wrist roll, pitch and yaw.

Comments on configurations
A rotary motion is normally quicker that the equivalent linear motion. However to achieve linear motion using rotary joints, a co-ordinated move is required.

Not all robots require 6 axes, for example paint spraying that is symmetrical about the roll axis.

Parallel Manipulators
A Stewart platform is a parallel manipulator using an octahedral assembly of struts. A Stewart platform has six degrees of freedom
Passive rotary joint

Linear Actuator
Devices placed on the top plate can be moved in the six degrees of freedom. These are the three linear movements x, y, z (lateral, longitudinal and vertical), and the three rotations pitch, roll, & yaw

Mobile Robots
Gives the robot the flexibility to move within the workspace an explore the environment in detail or undertake specific tasks. Automated Guided Vehicles Typically used in factories for material handling Predetermined paths Visible line Inductive wires buried in the floor Structured environment

Mobility - Wheels
Four wheels at the corners:
Normally 2 or 4 wheel drive with 2 or 4 wheel steer, but skid steer is possible Cannot turn on the spot. Suspension system and differential wheel speeds required.

Three wheeled:
Suspension system not needed to keep all wheels on the ground. Can have front steering and back 2 driving; or front steering and driving; or back 2 driving independently. Problem with combining steer and drive in the front wheel is that it's complex and has been shown to lead to significant steering errors over short distances. Having the back wheels drive independently allows steering to be controlled by changing the speed of the back wheels.

Mobility - Wheels
Six wheeled 6 interpedently driven wheels, with the 2 front and 2 back wheels steering. The 4 steering wheels allow it to turn on the spot. high degree of redundancy

Mobility - Legs
Advantages Step over obstacles Walk up and down steps Walk on very uneven ground

Give a smooth ride over rough ground;

Are less likely to sink into soft ground. Disadvantages Mechanically complex with various joints; usually custom built

Are more difficult to control - have to be co-ordinated

Relatively slow and energy inefficient.

Mobility- Others
Tracks Wheel based hence easy to control. Difficult to control a turn - skids by slowing one track down, the tank then turns in that direction.

Can go fast and are relatively efficient (not as efficient as wheels)

Good at rough terrain. Aircraft or balloons

True biological systems

Fish, snakes, cockroaches, ants..

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