How To Guide Workflow BCS
How To Guide Workflow BCS
How To Guide Workflow BCS
Lars Lobe
Way of working Automatic Workflow Customizing Type Linkage Activation of Workflow for BCS Role Definition Trouble-shooting
The user has to belong to user group for authorization check SUPER (to maintain in transaction User Maintenance; tcode SU01)
Transaction SWU3
Type Linkage I
Transaction Workflow Builder Transaction code: SWDD Workflow template WS12300025 Workflow template WS1230026
Type Linkage II
Task is active
Maintain Tasks I
Assigning agents to the tasks
TS12300025 FMBCS: Decision about Budget TS12300027 FMBCS: Create a pre-posted document TS12300029 Decision to create a new doc with ref Use Transaction PFTC to add the correct agents.
Maintain Task I
Maintain Tasks II
Choose Additional Data->Agent assignment->Maintain
Maintain Agents
Choose Create agent assignment and assign all responsible users, org-units to this task
Result I
After doing all these settings and creating preposted documents, items should appear in the workflow inbox. Transaction Business Workflow; tcode SBWP
Trouble Shooting I
Check, whether events are created correctly and an receiver was maintained correctly in the type linkage
Switch the event trace on/off: tcode SWELS Display the event trace: tcode SWEL
Trouble Shooting II
Workflow Log
Displaying the workflow log to analyse other workflow errors: Transaction Work Item Selection; tcode SWI1