SAP CRM Overview - Architecture: IBM Global Business Services
SAP CRM Overview - Architecture: IBM Global Business Services
SAP CRM Overview - Architecture: IBM Global Business Services
Customer Centric E-Business with mySAP CRM Todays complex customer problems require a deployable customer relationship management (CRM) application that can directly address specific challenges regardless of where or A Complete Application when they occur in the cycle of interacting Comprehensive and Supporting Functions with, selling to and servicing an organizations customers.
mySAP CRM combines extensive functional capabilities in the core areas of marketing, sales and service with award-winning analytics that are directly built in to the primary interaction channels used by organizations when interacting with their customers. All this functionality enables the closed-loop interaction cycle underlying mySAP CRMs unique value propositions. mySAP CRM is built on an open, reliable, secure, and scalable technology platform.
The comprehensive range of services offered by SAP help to ensure quick implementation of mySAP CRM and support the ongoing optimization of the application environment.
SAP AG 2004
| 22-Aug-13
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Header details
Item list
Item details
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Module Objectives
At the completion of this module you should be able to: Explain CRM Master and Transaction Data Organizational Data Objects and Features Explain Org Model, scenarios and attributes Organizational Data Determination Category Relationship Roles Extension Type Hierarchies Relationship Extension Exchange of Product between R3 and CRM
Business Partner
| 22-Aug-13
Transaction Data
Transactional Data
Activities Marketing Leads Opportunities Sales Contract Sales Order Service Process Service Confirmation Service Contract Complaints Billing Document Sales and Service Quotation / Contract / Order/ Service Confirmation
10 Presentation Title | IBM Internal Use | Document ID | 22-Aug-13
CRMD_BUS2000126 CRM_MKTPL CRMD_BUS2000108 CRMD_BUS2000111 CRMD_BUS2000121 CRMD_BUS2000115 CRMD_BUS2000116 CRMD_BUS2000117 CRMD_BUS2000112 CRMD_BUS2000120 BEA_BD_01 CRMD_ORDER/CIC0
Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
Organizational Data
Time dependent: This enables you to plan organizational changes in the future you can maintain different organizational structures for different time periods in parallel; that means you can plan changes in future.
Adaptable and extendable: you can maintain and change the organizational plan at any time without making changes in Customizing One structure for sales and service: This can be changed just by activation An organizational unit can be a sales organization and service organization at the same time. Scenario-specific data in the structure is assigned to the organizational units with attributes Organizational units can take the role of a business partner
12 Presentation Title | IBM Internal Use | Document ID | 22-Aug-13
Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
Master Data |
Organizational scenarios
Sales Org Service Marketing
Scenarios are applications where the org unit is valid. In each scenario you can control which attributes are available and which properties the attributes have. You can assign one or more scenarios to an organizational unit. Hence one organizational unit can be used for different areas The same organizational unit can be a sales organization in the Sales scenario and a service organization in the Service scenario or marketing organizational unit in the marketing scenario. You can maintain different attributes depending on the assigned scenario.
Master Data |
Organizational Attributes
Attributes are always maintained for a specific scenario, which means you can maintain different attributes for each scenario. Attributes are generally passed onto the subordinate organizational unit. However, you can overwrite the attribute value of a subordinate organizational unit with another attribute value (inheritance type: overwrite inherited local values). There are two kinds of attributes: organizational and general. Organizational attributes indicate the type of an organizational unit. General attributes define the responsibilities of an organizational unit.
Organizational Attributes
They are used to define the type of an organizational unit For example: Sales Organization Sales Office Sales Group Service Organization
15 Master Data |
General Attributes
Distribution Channel Postal Code
Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
| 22-Aug-13
Organizational data at Item level Without header division: The organizational data is copied from the document header. The division is derived from the product. With header division: The organizational data is copied from the document header. The division is derived from the document header. There is no organizational data at item level (no organizational data screen)
Settings in customizing Assign an organizational data profile without a determination rule to the item category.
Assign an organizational data profile without a determination rule to the item category. Do not assign the organizational data profile to the item category.
| 22-Aug-13
Business Partner
BP Category
Person Group Organization
A business partner can be a person, a group of people, or an organization, representing a business interest. This categorization is known as the business partner category. A group is the depiction of a married couple, or an executive board, that share common interests. Business partners are grouped according to user defined criteria The organization represents units such as a company, a division of a company, a club, or an association.
Master Data |
BP Roles
A role offers a particular view of the Business partner data Depending on which business processes the business partner is involved in, completely different information about the business partner may be needed. You can create more than one business partner role for one business partner; general information, such as name, address, and bank details, must be entered only once.
E.g.. Of roles could be Sold-to-party, payer, contact person etc.
Master Data |
BP Relationship
Can be time dependent Has contact person Organization Person
Is contact person of
A business partner relationship represents the business connection between two business partners.
21 Master Data |
Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
BP Relationship Category
The business partner relationship category determines the business-related characteristics of a relationship between business partners. Relationship is the term used if a relationship category contains information on concrete business partners. The business partner relationship categories that can be selected depend on the business partner category and on the BP role. A distinction is made between one-way (unidirectional) and two-way (bidirectional) relationship categories. In the case of a one-way relationship category, a relationship exists from a business partner (1) to a business partner (2), but not the other way round.
In the case of a two-way relationship category, a relationship exists from a business partner (1) to a business partner (2), and the other way round.
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BP Relationship Category
One way BP relationship Category
Eg. Is employee of Eg. Has employer
Extend and define relationship categories SAP IMG -> Cross application components ->SAP Business Partner ->Business Partner -> Extensibility.
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BP Extensibility
Extension of the Business Partner by adding attributes Extension by adding BP roles (to be done by ABAP developers) Extension to include a check on SAP fields eg, check for a certain lastname Extension of the relationships by adding attributes
Again here like BP roles ABAP development is required to create new relationship categories
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Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
BP 010
Level 3
Level 3
BP 020
BP 030 BP 040
Master Data |
BP Extension
Easy Enhancement Workbench (EEWB) New fields and tables can be added Easy and effiecient. Wizard for user guidance Retains results in case of SAP upgrades. Business Data Toolset Additional tab and changes to data set can be done using BDT . Transaction to access BDT is BUSP. Visual Configuration Tool (VCT) VCT is used to change the screen and sequence of screen by simple drag and drop. Changes made are not affected by release updates.
| 22-Aug-13
Product Master
Product Types
CRM Product master has the following product types
Material Service Warranty Financing Financial Service Intellectual Property (IP)
Configurable products are given attributes and attribute values when sold Warranty information is created with respect to product. IP is available for media industry.
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Other views New views can be defined at IMG -> Cross Application Components -> SAP Products -> Settings for product maintenance -> Define Views
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Maintaining Products
Temporary or inconsistent products can be marked inactive Relationships or dependencies between products can be modeled (eg accessories) Products can be copied, created and changed. Inactive product data can be deleted.
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Inactive Products
Inconsistent products are made inactive. Collective processing can be done to make products active. Inactive products can be deleted. Inactive products can be created by allowing inactive products. This can be done at IMG -> Cross application components ->SAP Products -> Basic Settings -> Allow inactive products.
| 22-Aug-13
Has accessories
Indemnity payment
Vendors Components Warranty
Competitor Product
Lean product master Exchanged with mobile clients in both directions Derived relationships
Competitor -> Competitor product Customer -> competitor product Own Product -> Competitor product
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Material Type
Master Data |
Product categories used to group products together according to various criteria. Hierarchies and are Categories(2) Hierarchy nodes Software
Hardware Desktop Laptop Printers Categories are arranged in hierarchies. All lower-level categories inherit the product type and the set types of the higher-level category. Additional set types can be assigned to lower-level categories. The assignment of a product can be changed or deleted. An employee responsible at category level can be stored. A hierarchy can consist of many sub-categories and responsibilities can be mapped through these categories.
36 Master Data |
Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
Product Category
If a product type is assigned to a category, only products/individual objects of this product type can be assigned to the category. Assigning a product type to a category makes it possible to assign set types to the category. In product or individual object maintenance, these set types appear within the views (that is, on the tab pages) that can be maintained for a product or individual object. To prevent a set type from being assigned to a product or individual object more than once (via different categories), the following rules apply when working with categories and hierarchies:
A set type may be assigned to several categories in a hierarchy. However, a set type may be assigned only in one hierarchy per product type. A product or individual object can be assigned to several product categories, as long as they belong to different hierarchies. A product or individual object can therefore only be assigned to one category per hierarchy.
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Create hierarchies and categories Create attributes Create set types Assign attributes to set types Assign set types to categories (within the category and hierarchy maintenance)
Master Data |
Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
| 22-Aug-13
Installed Base
The technical equipment (installation) at the customers site which needs to be Serviced / Supported
External ID Description Status ( System / User) Authorization group
Products Text Installed Base Individual Object Customer-specific types
Qualification Warranty
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Individual Objects
Individual Objects enable you:
Specifies data valid for only one uniquely identified, single object. For ex:
ID number Location Address
Object families
Individual Object
Individual Individual ObjectObject
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Channel Integration
E-Service Integration
Product Self-registration
Field Applications
Mobile Service
Interaction Centre
Sales, service & marketing processes Search, display & detailed display of Ibase in the CIC navigation area; Ease-of-use transfer of selected installed base components into service Copyright IBM Corporation 2009 Presentation Title | IBM Internal Use | Document ID | 22-Aug-13 process as reference object or spare part items.
Customer Relationship Management Master Data Installed Base Basic Setting Change Status Profile for User Status
Permitted component types Customer Relationship Management Master Data Installed Base Define Component Types
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PPR contd..
Header data
Item data
Item details
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Maintaining Attributes
You maintain important data like address, validity period. You define attributes for each organizational unit of each scenario, for example, currency, region, product group By assigning attributes, you maintain sales areas by assigning the attributes distribution channel and division to a sales organization or its subordinate organization
| 22-Aug-13
Create an organizational model in Customizing for CRM under Master Data Organizational Management Organizational Model Create Organizational Model, and define sales organizations, sales offices and sales groups in it. Enter the corresponding organizational units in the R/3 System (mapping).
Define the sales areas by assigning the sales organization, distribution channels and divisions as attributes.
You can also assign distribution channels and divisions to organizational units below a sales organization (for example, a sales office). The system then reads the sales area with the higher-level sales organization.
| 22-Aug-13
Hierarchy Maintenance
Creating Hierarchies In the user menu, choose Maintain Categories and Hierarchies. The Maintain Categories and Hierarchies screen appears with either the locator or work area, depending on your user settings. Choose Create Hierarchy. The dialog box Create Hierarchy appears.
Enter a hierarchy ID and description, and choose Continue. The hierarchy maintenance screen is then displayed.
If you want to assign category IDs using a numbering scheme, specify the numbering scheme required.
| 22-Aug-13
Category Maintenance
Creating Product Categories In the user menu, choose Maintain Categories and Hierarchies. The Maintain Categories and Hierarchies screen appears. Double-click the required hierarchy from either the Worklist or Search tab page in the locator. The hierarchy data is displayed in the work area. Choose Create Category if the hierarchy is new and does not yet have any categories. This creates a root in the hierarchy. Otherwise, double-click the category below which the new category is to be created and choose Create Category. Enter a category ID and description. If necessary, specify a product type for the category so that you can assign set types and relationship types to the category. Enter data as required. Choose the Set Types tab. For each set type, you can specify the view in which it appears in product/object maintenance and its position in the view, for example, above or below another set type . If you do not assign a view, the set type will appear in the Basic Data view. Choose the Relationship Types tab and, if necessary, assign the relevant relationship types.
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