Utlevel II
Utlevel II
Utlevel II
Surface NDT
Voluminar NDT
Visual MPI
Sound waves are used as a mode of communication to locate flaws on a medium such as solid, liquid and gases through mechanical vibrations To generate a sound waves a transducer is used to convert electrical to mechanical vibrations & vice versa
Wave Generation
Let us see on the left how the tuning fork is struck by a mallet , it vibrates & produces sound waves by compressing the air.These waves travel through air to the ear of the listener. Soon the tuning fork vibrations die and no longer produce waves.
Wave Generation
In the same manner a short pulse of electrical current hits and excites a transducer (crystal) which vibrates and the sound beam from the transducer then travels through a couplant which may be water,oil etc to the front piece of the test piece. See the figure in the left.
Wave Generation
In actual work a high frequency transmitter applies electrical pulse to a piezoelectric crystal. Piezo in greek is to press. This crystal transform electrical energy into mechanical vibrations & in reverse when it vibrates produces a electric current.
Wave Motion
Longitudinal waves or compression waves Transverse or shear waves Surface or Raleigh waves Lamb or plate waves Rod or love waves
Nature of Sound
Wavelength =V/F. Where v=velocity of sound & F is the frequency in CPS or hertz. What is sound? Sound can be defined as vibrations with a pitch in the audible range whose F is less than 20khz.
Terms To Know
Reflection Refraction(bending) Diffraction(direction changes) Acoustic impedanceresistance to flow between 2 media of different acoustic velocity..Z= x v Reflection% = (Z1-Z2/Z1+Z2) 2 x100
Terms To Know
Attenuation- loss of ultrasonic energy = absorption + scattering. Mode conversion: The transformation of ultrasonic energy to another waveform & velocity due to refraction or reflection.
Through transmission testing Reflection or pulse echo Tandem & delta techniques Resonance or stationary waves
The generation of ultrasound is dependent on the special properties possessed by a crystal either naturally occurring or artificially manufactured. A natural crystal is quartz, which can be cut at different axis to produce vibrations in different modes. Due to poor efficiency quartz is used for inspection. X cut crystals are cut perpendicular to X axis and produce longitudinal sound waves - Y cut crystal produce shear waves. Quartz are replaced by polarized ceramic crystals.
Piezoelectric Crystals
Quartz Lithium sulphate Barium titanate Lead Metanobiate Lead Zirconate titanate Frequency of a crystal depends on the thickness. T = v/2f.
X-cut crystal produce L waves Y-cut crystal produces T waves Good qualities Resistant to wear Insoluble in water Resistant to ageing Demerits High voltage required to give low frequency Inefficient generator
Lithium Sulphate
Efficient receiver Low electrical impedance Does not age Good resolution Dissolves in water Broken easily Decompose at temp exceed 130C
Barium Titanate
Efficient generator of sound Good sensitivity Needs low voltage It deteriorates over a period of time. Curie point at which crystal depolarizes at 120C so heating ruins it.
Types of Probes
Compressional single crystal probes Angle probes Twin crystal probes
Twin Crystal
Pulse Width
Different pulses
Refraction Law
When a incident energy travel from Perspex strikes an air interface at 90 all the energy is reflected When it strikes at an angle, energy is reflected in two modes longitudinal & shear
Refraction Law
When a incident energy travel from Perspex reaches a medium in steel, some energy refracted in steel either long. Or shear. Snells law express: SinA/sin B = velocity in medium1/velocity in medium 2
Ultrasonic Beam
Dead zone, near zone or fressnel zone Far zone or fraunhofer zone
Ultrasonic Beam
Near zone: thickness measurements. Detection of defects. Sizing of large defects only. N=d2/4. Where d=diameter. = Wavelength.
Ultrasonic Beam
Far zone: the sound waves follow an exponential decay curve. Large reflectors. Ampl. 1/distance. Small reflectors. Ampl. 1/distance2.
Gain= 20 Log10H1/H2
The ability to find a smallest reflector at the maximum testing range by a Ultrasonic flaw detection system is called Sensitivity Sensitivity depends on
a. Probe and flaw detector b. frequency of probe c. material properties d. Signal to noise ratio
DGS Diagram
DAC Curve
Transfer Correction
Why Transfer correction is required? Reference blocks have smooth surface. whereas Test objects have rough or uneven surface. Absorption in test object is different from Reference block. Artificial defects from Reference block is different from Actual.