INS 22 Chapter 07
INS 22 Chapter 07
INS 22 Chapter 07
Why Variations in Homeowners are required if HO-3 is available? ISO forms HO-2, HO-4, HO-5, HO-6, HO-8
Contains both Section I and Section II Section II Liability Coverages is same in all forms and variation exists in Section I- Property Coverages Named Perils, Open Perils or All-Risks( Special-forms coverage) Burden of Proof
HO Variants HO-2
o Designed for owner occupant of house o Named Peril Policy (Coverage A, B, C) o Burden of proof lies with insured o Lesser premium when compared to HO-3 HO-5 o Special-form coverage not only for Coverage A, B but also to to Coverage C o Coverage for Water Damage including Flood Damage o Coverage to personal property damaged by rain through an open window. Door, or roof opening even if the building is not damaged o Special Limits of $1500 for Jewellery, Furs and $ 2500 for firearms and silverware also apply not only to theft but also for misplacing and No Dollar Limit applies but subject to Deductible
EVENT/CLIENT NAME or Confidentiality statement
6/23/2013 9:11 AM New Brand FMT-P2 3
HO-Variant HO-4
HO-Variant HO-6
o Covers the exposures of Condominium Units or Cooperative Unit
HO-Variant HO-8
o For Houses with Obsolete Construction
o Replacement Cost exceeds the Market Value o Designed to address Moral Hazard and Law of Indemnity problems inherent in HO-3
o The HO-8 policy solves this problem by paying what it would cost
to repair or replace damaged property, using common construction materials and methods. HO-8 provides Functional Replacement which is cheaper
Other Endorsements
Other Endorsements
Losses that are more than $500, the insured must repair or replace the lost or damaged items before the insurer will pay the replacement cost
Other Endorsements
It cannot have gross annual value receipts exceeding $250,000 6/23/2013 9:11 AM EVENT/CLIENT NAME or Confidentiality statement
Other Endorsements